Week #1 of CFB (8/28-9/1)


CTG Partner
Getting a late start on the new season...but it's better late than never. :tiphat:

10-5, +6.35 units (end of week one)

Thurs. 8/28

S. Carolina (-12) over NC State (-110) for 1.5 units W

Wake Forest (-12) over Baylor (-110) for 1.5 unit W

Oregon St/Stanford under 49 (-110) for 1 unit L

Sat. 8/30

USC (-19) over Virginia (-110) for 2 units W

Utah/Michigan under 42 (-110) for 1 unit L

Boston College/Kent St under 49.5 (-110) for 1 unit W

Alabama/Clemson under 48.5 (-110) for 1 unit W

Wyoming (-11) over Ohio (-110) for 1.5 units L

Kansas 1H (-20.5) over FIU (-110) for 1.5 units L

Missouri (-8.5) over Illinois (-110) for 1.5 units W

Mississippi (-7) over Memphis (-120) for 1.5 unit W

E. Carolina (+10) over Virginia Tech (-120) for 1 unit W

Sun. 8/31

Kentucky (+3.5) over Louisville (-110) for 1.5 unit W

Mon. 9/1

Tennessee (-7) over UCLA (-110) for 1.5 units L

Fresno St (+4.5) over Rutgers (-110) for 1 unit W

More plays to come, of course...which i'll add here later. And since it's 3am, i'll be back with more on these games another day...as well as some start-of-season formalities, etc. But for now, some very brief thoughts on my 1st 3 plays of the new season...

Regardless of who the Gamecock qb will be/is, South Carolina simply outclasses this NCST team on both sides of the ball...especially on defense. The Wolfpack just have too many uncertainties, and too little depth, to be able to truly compete & hang with a very good SEC team.

They say Sanchez will be ready for Virginia...and Mustain is now #3 on the trojan QB depth chart, fwiw. But as long as whoever's there can hand the ball off, and maybe even toss in a screen every so often...i don't care if it's Mitch's sister playing QB for USC in this one. (Being sarcastic, obviously.)
More on this game later...but i honestly can't see how Virginia puts up more than a fortunate FG or two on this outstanding Trojan defense. And maybe last year's Cavalier defense could merit a line under 3 tds (in a similar spot)...maybe...but this year's defense has lost way too much for that kind of early respect. Bottom line...the Trojans can play things close to the vest, they can start whoever can stand up at QB, and they can use this as a pre-bye week scrimmage for Ohio St...and still win this one going away (in the 31-3 range) on talent, depth, and athleticism alone.

It's gonna be a long rebuilding year for my Bruins. With this schedule, 5 wins is realistic...and 6 would be an incredible start for Neuheisel.
Craft is the QB...unproven, and (at this level) an unknown. The other skill positions on the offensive side of the ball should be ok, relatively speaking...but it's the o-line that'll be the problem, and that's what could/will keep Rick's and Chow's new offense down/challenged/possibly inept/etc.
On the defensive side...despite not returning many starters, the front 7 will be pretty good. It's the secondary that'll be causing most of the problems.
Anyways, i hate to do it...but i couldn't resist taking the vastly superior team in this one...even if they're coming to the Rose Bowl. This isn't like going to Cal last year...before Cal had their mid-season meltdown, btw. The Vols return their entire starting offensive line, which will counter what i called a pretty good front 7 for ucla. And if their new QB has any accuracy at all...these talented WRs should torch what'll be a weak Bruin secondary. Also a speedy, experienced SEC defense definitely IS NOT what this new Bruin offense needs to see...with an o-line that everyone knows is their achille's heel heading into the season, not to mention a green qb trying to make quick decisions under duress. When the Bruins do throw the ball...that excellent VOL secondary will have a field day, and possibly outscore the Bruins by themselves.

Anyhow, off to bed. Still got lots more reading up to do. 'an_horse'
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Alright, Yanks. Nice to see CFB bring you out of the woodwork.

Will be with you on Tenn, I think, and maybe USC.
When i read your posts is when i tend to make money. when you disappear so do my profits. Atleast that is how baseball worked. hope to read more from you on football.

good luck bud.
i think the under might be the safest bet in the rose bowl, as long as its at a reasonable number (guessing itll be in the low to mid 40's, around 44)

obviously the oline and qb are going to be question marks so chows gonna go with a ball control strategy and ride the running game, Neu admitted as much on the radio but its not like it was some big revelation. and as long as harwell and price are healthy, the D is going to pretty sick. Two beasts this dominant at DT will cover a lot of defensive holes. Lockett being out is huge, but im actually optimistic about the back 4/5. ware, love, lockett and moore are much better in coverage than horton and keyes were last season. ATV is as close to lock down as it gets at this level. the other DB is the biggest question mark. I guess its going to be Norris or Aaron Hester (devins cousin)

also worth mentioning, the lbs will be much faster with carter taking over for taylor in the middle, so that factored with the increased depth and quality at safety means Walker and the D should shore up their issues vs. spread offenses that have given them so much trouble the past 2 years.

gl this season yanks
sry, guys. just back from a mini vacation...but i'll make it around to all the threads very soon. besides...i desperately need the help catching up on info, etc.

anyhow...just back for a couple minutes tonight to add two more plays...to the original 3 of USC, the other uSC, and Tenn. both the additions are for thursday...

Wake Forest (-12) for 1 unit
Oregon St/Stanford under 49 for 1 unit

i'll add them to the top post...and, like with the others, get back with some reasoning in the near future.
and wow...blowing my mind we're already just one short week away from kickoff. feel so unprepared, it's unreal.

RJ...good deal, sir.

BAR...ain't that the sad truth, lol.

DMoney...good to hear. GL this season, bro.

VK...thx, man. It's been a weird year for me, so haven't been around at all. Hopefully it'll change soon though. but thx for the note...and btw, can't wait to dig into your thread soon.

ETG...muchas gracias. glad you don't disagree on uSC.

Fondu...that's what penguin said.

Steed...back at ya.

Pags...nice to see ya again. must be football season.

Junky...maybe so, with the under i mean...but i'm sticking w/ the side here. tennessee's WRs and their secondary scare me too much...that o-line will keep their new qb protected, as well as give space for Foster to run...and we can almost bank on some type of special teams points coming into play, one way or the other, as well.
unfortunately, i'm not optimistic about the secondary...though we know they'll be coached extremely well. absolutely gotta love the LBs...which, along with the DTs u mention, is why i'm so high on the front 7.
anyways, just think an SEC-level defense is the last thing on earth that the bruins needed to see outta the gate

BOL, guys. :cheers:
thx, troy :shake:

i'll be back online tonight, to finally talk some football...but jumped on now to add some more additions...especially now that the rest of the totals came out this morning.

Utah/Michigan under 42 for 1 unit
BC/Kent St under 49.5 for 1 unit
Bama/Clemson under 48.5 for 1 unit

Kentucky (+3.5) for 1 unit

wish the # would've been set a tad higher w/ utah-michigan...but it is what it is. there are also a couple overs i like...but with those i want to wait & see if the # will drop any.
anyhow, those are this morning's additions. and i'll be online most of the night, and finally getting into all these threads.
added another 1/2 unit to both the WF and UK plays tonight, at the same lines...bringing both up to "normal" plays for me when it comes to sides. (totals are almost always just a unit a piece, fwiw.)

think i may be pretty close to being done with the 1st week, barring any favorable line movements.

added another 1/2 unit to both the WF and UK plays tonight, at the same lines...bringing both up to "normal" plays for me when it comes to sides. (totals are almost always just a unit a piece, fwiw.)

think i may be pretty close to being done with the 1st week, barring any favorable line movements.


Your boy Bob did no favors really..LOL..lost the touch...

jealous of that 12 you have with Scary as I am starting to stare that play down but hope it comes back to the hook on 13 at least...
GL Big yanks, I'm on two of those sides...

Cant disagree with the week 1 unders.... I think a couple of those totals are definitely inflated, and we should take advantage of some early soft lines- and played a couple myself....

BOL on this week and the season:cheers:
Your boy Bob did no favors really..LOL..lost the touch...

jealous of that 12 you have with Scary as I am starting to stare that play down but hope it comes back to the hook on 13 at least...

ain't that the truth. should've been expected, i guess...but bob was very anti-clamatic this first week.

but overall, i'm happy with the lines i got...

south carolina - got 2 pts better than the current line
wake forest - actually sitting at a 1/2 pt worse than the current line
oregon st/stanford under - loving the fact that i'm 3.5 pts better than the current #. shit like that doesn't happen often enough.
usc - shocked that it's at 18.5 now, but that 1/2 pt shouldnt matter. after all, this isn't last year's virginia defense.
utah/michigan under - surprised the total dropped 2 pts from where i got it, but i'm of course happy to see that happen.
bc/kent st under - has basically held at where i played it
bama/clemson under - sitting at a point better than the current #
kentucky - also has held at the line i played it at
tennessee - kind of surprised the line's only rose a 1/2 pt since i got 7.

anyways, i got a 1/2 pt worse on 2 games...wake and usc...though i don't think either one will matter in the end. the line held on 2 games...kentucky and the bc/kent under. and i got the better of the line on the remaining 5 plays...especially so on that oregst/stan under, the utah/um under, and the gamecocks. not bad for the opening week...
GL Big yanks, I'm on two of those sides...

Cant disagree with the week 1 unders.... I think a couple of those totals are definitely inflated, and we should take advantage of some early soft lines- and played a couple myself....

BOL on this week and the season:cheers:

Lol...j/k alex (i mean, steed.) ;)

And thx, Cap. BOL this season, brotha. :cheers:
ok...prolly my last 2 additions for the week.

Wyoming (-11) for 1.5
Kansas (-20.5) 1H for 1.5

i'll add them to the top post soon.
but with almost the entire forum on wyoming...and steele to boot, with his 4* play...i couldnt' resist hopping on-board the wagon, even at 11.
been wanting to play kansas all week as well, but i couldnt' bring myself to lay all those pts...even in what should be a complete annihilation of fiu...so i played the 1st half instead, since it was conveniently sitting there below 3 tds.

Anyways, BOL this weekend. Sry if i didn't make it into everyone's threads. Just ran outta time. But i hope everyone gets the season off to a great start with week one.

GL this year yanks. I'm gonna take it easy for CFB till next week... been having too much profit in mlb to quit just yet.. Hope you hit them plays:shake:
Thx, BAR/Trueblue/LJC :shake:

Well, 2-1 on opening night (thursday). The under that lost looked beautiful when just looking at the 1st and 3rd Qs...it's the 2nd and 4th Qs that kicked it's ass, lol. But overall, a good start.
Played nada on Friday. Just didnt' have any interest in these two.

Other than that...got 4 more additions for the rest of the weekend. 3 more for saturday, and 1 more for monday. I'll add them in up top soon...but wanted to get these posted, while i had a short break.

Mizzou (-8.5) for 1.5
Ole Miss (-7) @ (-120) for 1.5
ECU (+10) @ (-120) for only 1
Fresno (+4.5) for only 1

Now that should truly do me for week one. 15 plays is quite enough, lol.

BOL, boys. :cheers:
withoout juice..up 6 units...so 5.4 overall from my skimming..nicely done brah

thanks again for BC kent Under...capped to a tee
withoout juice..up 6 units...so 5.4 overall from my skimming..nicely done brah

thanks again for BC kent Under...capped to a tee

de nada/you're welcome, bro. though the unders only went 2-2 this week. lots of pts being scored in a lot of the games to date...somewhat surprisingly.

yeah, 8-4 so far...5.5 units to the good. but i still haven't shaken that Kansas 1H. that fuckin 1/2 pt is still stuck in my craw, not to mention how it even came to that. but time to let go, lol...

let's get thew Vols on monday, and close the weekend strong. :shake:

(though kentucky and fresno wins would be pretty freakin nice too.)
9-4, +7.00 units heading into Monday's games.

Sry for the bump...but at 1st glance, week two blows...well, at least the lines do. So as the forum moves on, imma gonna hang back a bit...finish up the 1st week...then come back to week two, and see if she's lookin any better after a few more drinks.


Go Vols!
thx, VK :shake:
thx, Aztec :shake:

don't want to be premature...but congrats to all the fresno st backers this afternoon. for all intents & purposes, it looks to be wrapped up.

just need Tenny to show up, and complete the opening week. :shake:


anyways, just jumped on to add a couple (small) week 2 plays. i'll move them to my week two thread whenever i make one, but wanted to post them now...as i played them. whether that's good or bad is to be determined...as both the (small) week 2 plays have me kind of feeling like a sucker.

Texas Tech (-9) @ (-110) for 1 unit
Texas A&M (-2.5) @ (-110) for 1 unit

obviously i'm not all that excited, especially about A&M...but someone i trust should be posting a big play later tonight on TT, and imma following for a bit.
yanks, im gonna have to bet ucla... for no logical reason. If they dont keep it close, i hope they get blown out and you cash:shake:
yanks, im gonna have to bet ucla... for no logical reason. If they dont keep it close, i hope they get blown out and you cash:shake:


no doubt. if i'm gonna lose the wager, i sincerely hope the bruins win the game outright.
strange playing against your fav team...just think we're 2 years away from being real good.
thx, VK :shake:
thx, Aztec :shake:

don't want to be premature...but congrats to all the fresno st backers this afternoon. for all intents & purposes, it looks to be wrapped up.

just need Tenny to show up, and complete the opening week. :shake:


anyways, just jumped on to add a couple (small) week 2 plays. i'll move them to my week two thread whenever i make one, but wanted to post them now...as i played them. whether that's good or bad is to be determined...as both the (small) week 2 plays have me kind of feeling like a sucker.

Texas Tech (-9) @ (-110) for 1 unit
Texas A&M (-2.5) @ (-110) for 1 unit

obviously i'm not all that excited, especially about A&M...but someone i trust should be posting a big play later tonight on TT, and imma following for a bit.

I like Tech too, Yanks. Look at the drive charts and the penalties. The penalties will get trimmed down in Week 2 and Tech should cover this short number against an inferior opponent.

I may double up on my bet and add another unit at -9.
I like Tech too, Yanks. Look at the drive charts and the penalties. The penalties will get trimmed down in Week 2 and Tech should cover this short number against an inferior opponent.

I may double up on my bet and add another unit at -9.

i know, and i might add more later as well. just gun-shy for some reason.
but fwiw, my reasoning behind A&M is fairly similar...except it was a lot more than jsut bad penalties in their case.