
Can you do me a favor and change nygiants rams u44 bet to a win. Thanks

Manuk 2-3
1.Jacksonville +10.5
2.Dallas +4.5
3.Minnesota +3.5
4.Houston -2.5

5.Chicago -7

Giants@Lions Total 37

Eggman 1-4
Saints -3
Bears/Bills O47
Bengals +1.5
Patriots -5
49ers/Cowboys O51

Tiebreaker: 47

GLB: 2-3
Pittsburgh Steelers -7
Bills/Bears Under 47
Jaguars/Eagles Over 53
Browns/Steelers Under 40.5

Colts/Broncos Over 55

MNF Total: 48

GSRO 1-4
Chicago Bears -7
New England Patriots -5

Carolina Panthers +1
Baltimore Ravens -1.5
San Francisco Over 51

TieBreaker: Detroit/NY:42

Minnesota +3.5
Detroit -5
Houston Under 45.5
Chicago -7
Minnesota Under 44

Tiebreaker: 42

Atlanta +3
Jacksonville +10.5
Chicago -7

Tenny +3.5
Carolina +1

Tiebraker: 46

Bears -7
Titans +3.5
Pats/Fins OVER 46.5

Tampa Bay -1
Chargers +3

Tiebreaker 49

skoalmint 3-2
Saints -3
Browns +7
Jaguars +10.5
Raiders +5.5
Dolphins +5

Tiebreaker 45

Detroit -5
St Louis -3.5
Skins/Texans under 45.5
Bears/Bills over 47
SF/Dal over 51

Tiebreaker 51

Bucs -1
Chargers +3
Titans/Chiefs UNDER 43.5
Texans -2.5

Bears -7

Tiebreak - 44

rams u44
boys +4.5
charg +3
giants +5
colts +7.5

mnf - 44

Oakland +5.5
Chicago o47
Kansas City o43.5

SF -4.5
NYG +5

Tiebreaker: 38

McAvoy8 0-5
Buccaneers -1
Ravens -1.5
Cowboys +4.5
Cowboys/49ers over 51

Bears -7

Tiebreker 45

Schrute 3-2
Vikings +3.5
Raiders +5.5

Ravens -1.5
Dolphins +5
Cowboys +4.5

Tiebreaker 48

takeit 2-3
vikings +3.5
pitt -7
jets -5.5

san fran over 51
denver over 55

tiebreaker 44

Atlanta +3
Houston -2.5
Miami +5

Tampa Bay -1
Detroit -5

Tiebreaker 55

Teed 3-2
Atlanta +3
Oakland +5.5
Houston -2.5

TB -1
Dallas +4.5

Tiebreaker: 47

Browns +7
Bills +7
Dolphins +5

Colts +7.5
Giants +5

MNF: 50

Atlanta +3
Cincy +1.5

Dallas +4.5
Detroit -5
Arizona -3


gambole 2-3
Oakland +5.5
Baltimore -1.5
TB -1
Pitt -7
Atlanta +3

MNF: 47

mogo 0-5
NO -3
PIT -7
CHI -7
NYJ -5.5
NE -5

Tiebreaker - 49 pts


Lions -5
Bengals +1.5
Houston -2.5
Titans +3.5

Cowboys +4.5

Tiebreaker - 52

Vikings +3.5
Cowboys +4.5
KC -3.5
Cardinals -3
Saints -3

Tiebreaker -51

CrazyBetter 3-2
Browns/Steelers Over 40.5
Jaguars/Eagles Under 53
Raiders/Jets Over 39.5
Panthers/Bucs Under 39.5
Steelers -7

Tiebreaker - 53 Points

Jgalt 3-2
Houston -2.5
Tampa Bay -1
Atlanta +3
St. Louis -3.5
Tennessee +3.5

MNF Tiebreaker: 48

AzKid 0-5

No picks

Wizard 0-5
No picks

Jimmymo 0-5
No picks

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Manuk 2-3
1.Jacksonville +10.5
2.Dallas +4.5
3.Minnesota +3.5
4.Houston -2.5

5.Chicago -7

Giants@Lions Total 37

Eggman 1-4
Saints -3
Bears/Bills O47
Bengals +1.5
Patriots -5
49ers/Cowboys O51

Tiebreaker: 47

GLB: 1-3-1
Pittsburgh Steelers -7
Bills/Bears Under 47
Jaguars/Eagles Over 53
Browns/Steelers Under 40.5

Colts/Broncos Over 55

MNF Total: 48

GSRO 1-4
Chicago Bears -7
New England Patriots -5

Carolina Panthers +1
Baltimore Ravens -1.5
San Francisco Over 51

TieBreaker: Detroit/NY:42

Addicted2fantac 4-1
Minnesota +3.5
Detroit -5
Houston Under 45.5
Chicago -7
Minnesota Under 44

Tiebreaker: 42

Atlanta +3
Jacksonville +10.5
Chicago -7

Tenny +3.5
Carolina +1

Tiebraker: 46

bones 3-2
Bears -7
Titans +3.5
Pats/Fins OVER 46.5

Tampa Bay -1
Chargers +3

Tiebreaker 49

skoalmint 3-2
Saints -3
Browns +7
Jaguars +10.5
Raiders +5.5
Dolphins +5

Tiebreaker 45

scdoggy 2-3
Detroit -5
St Louis -3.5
Skins/Texans under 45.5
Bears/Bills over 47
SF/Dal over 51

Tiebreaker 51

TITO 3-2
Bucs -1
Chargers +3
Titans/Chiefs UNDER 43.5
Texans -2.5

Bears -7

Tiebreak - 44

rams u44
boys +4.5
charg +3
giants +5
colts +7.5

mnf - 44

Jump 2-3
Oakland +5.5
Chicago o47
Kansas City o43.5

SF -4.5
NYG +5

Tiebreaker: 38

McAvoy8 0-5
Buccaneers -1
Ravens -1.5
Cowboys +4.5
Cowboys/49ers over 51

Bears -7

Tiebreker 45

Schrute 3-2
Vikings +3.5
Raiders +5.5

Ravens -1.5
Dolphins +5
Cowboys +4.5

Tiebreaker 48

takeit 1-3-1
vikings +3.5
pitt -7
jets -5.5

san fran over 51
denver over 55

tiebreaker 44

Braves 4-1
Atlanta +3
Houston -2.5
Miami +5

Tampa Bay -1
Detroit -5

Tiebreaker 55

Teed 3-2
Atlanta +3
Oakland +5.5
Houston -2.5

TB -1
Dallas +4.5

Tiebreaker: 47

Tip 4-1
Browns +7
Bills +7
Dolphins +5

Colts +7.5
Giants +5

MNF: 50

BAR 3-2
Atlanta +3
Cincy +1.5

Dallas +4.5
Detroit -5
Arizona -3


gambole 2-3
Oakland +5.5
Baltimore -1.5
TB -1
Pitt -7
Atlanta +3

MNF: 47

mogo 0-5
NO -3
PIT -7
CHI -7
NYJ -5.5
NE -5

Tiebreaker - 49 pts

scopey 4-1

Lions -5
Bengals +1.5
Houston -2.5
Titans +3.5

Cowboys +4.5

Tiebreaker - 52

Alex 1-4
Vikings +3.5
Cowboys +4.5
KC -3.5
Cardinals -3
Saints -3

Tiebreaker -51

CrazyBetter 3-2
Browns/Steelers Over 40.5
Jaguars/Eagles Under 53
Raiders/Jets Over 39.5
Panthers/Bucs Under 39.5
Steelers -7

Tiebreaker - 53 Points

Jgalt 3-2
Houston -2.5
Tampa Bay -1
Atlanta +3
St. Louis -3.5
Tennessee +3.5

MNF Tiebreaker: 48

AzKid 0-5

No picks

Wizard 0-5
No picks

Jimmymo 0-5
No picks

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I put my pants on in the morning same way you guys (and takeit) do, but after I do, I pick winners.
Thanks, looks good .

Just let us know if we made any mistakes guys and girls

Since Im out west I should be up after the chargers win so I will grade and rank everyone 1-28 based on this weeks results. The number you are at will be your number throughout the competition and will be the number to assign the random draw.

Right now there will be at least 4 byes to week 3, but with AK Mia there is a chance there could be 5 or even more( if other people forget to post picks).

Also, there is potential that we may have to use the total from Thursday game to resolve ties.I'll let you know if that needs to be done and how it will work. To be safe we may need to make sure there is a solid top 10 to cover us in case we have a group of people who dont post picks week 2.
Tiebreaker= 49 total points

1. Tip 4-1 ( 50)
2. Scopey 4-1 (52)
3. Braves 4-1 (55)
4. Addicted2fantac 4-1 (42)

5. Bones 3-2 (49)
6. BAR 3-2 (48)
6. JGALT 3-2 (48)
6. Schrute 3-2 (48)
9. Teed 3-2 (47)
10. Shark 3-2 (46)
11. CrazyBetter 3-2 (53)
12. Skoalmint 3-2 (45)
13. NY GIANTS 25 3-2 (44)
14. TITO 3-2 (44)
15. Gamble 2-3 (47)
16. ScDoggy 2-3 (51)
17. Jump 2-3 (38)
18. Manuk 2-3 (37)
19. GLB 1-3-1 (48)
20. Takeit 1-3-1 (44)
21. Alex 1-4 (51)
22. Eggman 1-4 (47)
23. Gsro 1-4 (42)
24. Mogo 0-5 (49)
25. McAvoy 0-5 (45)
26. Wizard 0-5
27. Jimmymo 0-5
28. AzKid 0-5
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I had 50, braves, and I think BAR's alive for 4-1 and 48 tiebreaker, isn't he? … I only know this because I checked this morning before I shot my mouth off.
just fyi: im just doing the grading now , so I can just plug in the remaining pending the late one.
Please let me know if I made any mistakes...

Congrats to the 4 who get a bye to week3.

Right now we have 4 bye slots, but it is possible that will increase if there are people who don't post picks and have to be DQ'd. With that in mind, I want to break up the tie between BAR, GALT, and Schrute in case we have to have more bye slots. Please PM me a total number of points on the Thursday ( before the start) game using the line below. I'll post them in the week 2 thread once I have all three numbers.

[TABLE="class: lines"]
<tbody>[TR="class: linesRowBot"]
[TR="class: linesRow"]
[TD]u 9/11[/TD]
[TD]101 Pittsburgh Steelers[/TD]
[TD]<input id="editx" name="S1_0" size="4" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"> <select id="altS1_0" name="altS1_0" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"><option value="0" selected="">+2½ -110</option><option value="1">+3 -135</option></select>[/TD]
[TD]<input id="editx" name="M1_0" size="4" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"> +115[/TD]
[TD]<input id="editx" name="L1_0" size="4" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"> o44 -110[/TD]
[TR="class: linesRowBot"]
[TD]102 Baltimore Ravens[/TD]
[TD]<input id="editx" name="S2_0" size="4" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"> <select id="altS2_0" name="altS2_0" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"><option value="0" selected="">-2½ -110</option><option value="1">-3 +115</option></select>[/TD]
[TD]<input id="editx" name="M2_0" size="4" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"> -135[/TD]
[TD]<input id="editx" name="L2_0" size="4" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"> u44 -110[/TD]
Please let me know if I made any mistakes...

Congrats to the 4 who get a bye to week3.

Right now we have 4 bye slots, but it is possible that will increase if there are people who don't post picks and have to be DQ'd. With that in mind, I want to break up the tie between BAR, GALT, and Schrute in case we have to have more bye slots. Please PM me a total number of points on the Thursday ( before the start) game using the line below. I'll post them in the week 2 thread once I have all three numbers.

[TABLE="class: lines"]
<tbody>[TR="class: linesRowBot"]
[TR="class: linesRow"]
[TD]u 9/11[/TD]
[TD]101 Pittsburgh Steelers[/TD]
[TD]<input id="editx" name="S1_0" size="4" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"> <select id="altS1_0" name="altS1_0" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"><option value="0" selected="">+2½ -110</option><option value="1">+3 -135</option></select>[/TD]
[TD]<input id="editx" name="M1_0" size="4" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"> +115[/TD]
[TD]<input id="editx" name="L1_0" size="4" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"> o44 -110[/TD]
[TR="class: linesRowBot"]
[TD]102 Baltimore Ravens[/TD]
[TD]<input id="editx" name="S2_0" size="4" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"> <select id="altS2_0" name="altS2_0" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"><option value="0" selected="">-2½ -110</option><option value="1">-3 +115</option></select>[/TD]
[TD]<input id="editx" name="M2_0" size="4" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"> -135[/TD]
[TD]<input id="editx" name="L2_0" size="4" style="font-size: 1em; color: rgb(68, 68, 68);"> u44 -110[/TD]

why would the number of byes change? If they don't pick in week 2, they lose and whoever they are matched up with wins ??? ... maybe I'm missing something here ...
why would the number of byes change? If they don't pick in week 2, they lose and whoever they are matched up with wins ??? ... maybe I'm missing something here ...

That doesn't seem fair that someone would automatically move on because someone doesn't make picks. Much fairer to just add another bye if someone is dq"d
Unless I am doing the math wrong, there are 4 people who went 4-1 and should be the top 4 with a bye. Braves, Scopey, Tip and myself.
You are right...those 4 have a bye

I just ranked everyone in case we have to add additional byes this week if someone doesn't post( 3 people didn't in time last week). Bones would be next in line for a bye if someone gets dq"d
You are right...those 4 have a bye

I just ranked everyone in case we have to add additional byes this week if someone doesn't post( 3 people didn't in time last week). Bones would be next in line for a bye if someone gets dq"d
Perfect....hope someone goes out and has a few too many Saturday night.