Wednesday Picks


Flying Frenchman
A lot of my situational spots are not working good so far this year. Ive noticed the scheduling has done well in pitting teams in bad spots against each other, perhaps negating the edge. Of course the spots wont hit 100%, so I hope its just a bad wave but man, Vancouver last night, tough pill to swallow, no way they should lose that.violin. Anyways onto tonight.

Toronto Maple Leafs ML 2.850 :prayer
Dallas Stars -0.5 2.150 :prayer
Vancouver was brutal last night man, and four huge misses they've had...just insane.

GL tonight
Like them both cat - Definitely on Dal and waiting but will probably pull the trigger on Tor
hell yeah cat you cleaned up tonight!

nice rebound from that nucks loss yesterday, and yes it was sick. couldnt believe some of those scoring chances they missed.... was frustrating. had em as well.....

looks like you made that back and ALOT more! nice work