Wednesday Nite CFB...


Brady licks Marino's knob
The Conference USA weekly tour continues tonite; I really like the fact that a lot of the C-USA games are played during the week, because it allows (forces?) me to look at these teams a little more deeply than if all the games were on the weekend. What I really mean by that is that at first glance, all Conference USA teams look almost the same.

Last nite it was S Miss and Tulsa and tonite we have:

Central Florida @ Marshall - Looking at these 4 teams, Tulsa is clearly the best of the four. They won @ UCF in the C-USA Championship game LY and just beat S Miss last nite. If you've seen these 4 teams play, Tulsa clearly looks the most polished offensively. Not sure there is a ton of differnece btw the 4 defensively. S Miss went into UCF last week and somehow got the cover as RF's...UCF was definitely the right side in that game though, telling me those two teams are close...and I think Marshall is right there as well...making these 3 teams almost the same.

That being said...UCF ended their long losing streak LY vs Marshall and proceeded with a large fireworks celebration that kind of tweaked the Marshall players. For further motivation angles, please see CollegeKingRex's thread for details on Marshall QB Morris and his ties to Florida. Also, for even more analysis on the game...see the same thread as I agree with CKR's take that UCF is a little better team, esp now that they have a 2nd WR emerging opposite of Walker. Like I said...all these defenses seem close, so I got to go with what I think is a little more of a dynamic offense and the points in this matchup, despite the motiviational angles that might support the Herd. Unlike CKR though...I will make this play lighter than my full whack since I don't trust either of these teams on offense and their mistake prone QB's.
Play on: UCF +3' over Marshall (lighter than usual)

GL to everyone.
GL Horses!

Only disagree with the comparision in defenses...Marshall held its own vs Tenny and KState(not a great offense) while UCF was torched by UCF. think Marshall has teh better defense of the two......

Who knows great point about the fact its a weekday game we spend so much more time looking at it! Should be helpful come Bowl time and USA Champ!
Sportsnut, I may have to concede that point; I see that they gave up about 450 vs Tennessee, and while I haven't seen a second of that game, I understand a large chunk was in the 4th Q after they were worn down. Meanwhile, Central gave up about the same amount of yards to Southern. (We're talking Florida's here).

This is a rather degenerative bet, considering the teams and my opinion isn't real strong on this (hence the smaller wager). Not thrilled about being on the other side of you or Flava.

Aztec probably has the best play tonite.

Good to hear from you Hile; g/l if you play.
One more loss and I'm going to have to get another Avatar; can't believe they had two guys thrown out at the plate on the same fuckin' play!
Best of luck , Horses.
I've decided to stay away from these midweek games - and I am a slow decision maker and usually put things together on Friday.
I'll be watching and rooting for you.:cheers:
Got Marshall tonight for two units.

Partly on a hunch and partly because UCF is horrible.

That botched PAT could kill the spread.
Thx Bull...not a bad way to go at all.

'Horrible' is a relative term RB; if UCF is horrible...Temple would be...?
I don't think their horrible anyway; just one of many teams that is prone to wild swings like going from 7-0 up to 0-6 down in a heartbeat. Back down in the redzone at the 5...not holding my breath.
GL tonight Horses, I couldn't pull the trigger on this one. Watching the 1h and see if I can pick up any thoughts for a 2nd half wager.