Wednesday line/discussion

After losing a good 700 or 800 in profits because NO cant kick the ball off probably just letting Utah ride ......
Under lean for me and would play Portland . No rallies in flat spots if my original thought process is correct....See Utah pulling away and Port has the B2B tmrw
Reason I like the Under and Utah is the glue holding this together IMO , was that PORT hit 3 consecutive 3's near the end of the 1st Q . Take that away and teh Quarters are near identical .....
momma always said...don't go to bed angry or wager angry.....;)

I have a few options here and the only way to calm down is hope Utah pounds the living crap out of Portland. Otherwise I wont be going to sleep tonight (seriously), I may very be working out till 4 AM 9Seriously), I might decide to punch a few holes in about anything I can possible destroy , or I just stay in the piss mood till Sunday .....

Voting for hoping UTAH pounds the shit of Portalnd.....By no means am I on tilt . Played NO +3.5 . I just fucking hate having it correct down to the last detail and getting essentially a wash for my time and effort ...Solid day in the NBA ....

Can only say again I am fucking pissed . Mostly because CHI backers had 1 reason to play the Bears okay two : Saints road record and cold weather and IMO were two terrible reasons . It's the equivalent of being 21 and believing in teh existence of Santa Claus . I knew it and the Bears played like shit but got a bunch of breaks.....

I am just disgusted because I wish I could be totally misguided and win/push .....It just never happens . Worst case scenario I thought NO lost by 4 and it was in doubt for 3 quarters but not at all in the end....

Trying to let it go but cant....Sorry for the ramble:cheers::shake:

I am okay just need alot of venting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :36_11_6:
You won and you're upset?

GL on your wagers.

Thanks bro. I won some of my plays . I lost 2nd H under , Saints ML and Bears TT under 24 pts ........basically down juice ...

I am pissed because the Bears did exactly what I thought they would and I washed out basically . 230 yards of total offense and they get 27 pts ? This shit happens every week for them . The offense sucks and they manage to find ways to score which is a credit to them . Still they beat NO 2 seasons in a row because of timely safties and here because they had field position everytime. Two 40 yd 3rd down and long PI penalties . Hard to explain I guess. Aggravated because of why people thought CHI was a good bet and while they couldnt have been wrong they still didnt lose . Ultimately they werent wrong then in my eyes...Not that I want anyone to lose but I dont want faulty reasoning rewarded either . To me the squarest bet of the season was taking the Bears because of the temp and NO road record .....

I'll shut up because I dont want to rub anyone the wrong way over my out of control anger . :shake:

Close the door Utah ........:cheers:
Looks like a win and a push--in addition to the Utah game win and cover. Hope that means you can sleep tonight. :cheers: