Wednesday Discussion Thread

you can’t rate snakes rotation over Seattle with Montgomery in it! The worst lefty hitting team in baseball blowing him up
Was on f5 under for a bit. Sucks.

Ouch sorry, I’m on over 8.5 I was getting annoyed but you could tell one those pitchers if not both was gonna get hit. Both them had to throw 60 pitches to get thru 3 innings.
Omg the cardinals are so fucking bad. Pretty sure these losers have all just packed it in. Can’t blame them I guess, the front office a clown show, they guy who should be managing the team in San Diego.
Holy shit the cards actually scored 2! I’m the greatest of all time! Who else would take these losers to score?? lol
Well scratch that, Nola punk ass got to 5 k’s somehow but got ran from game instead of getting the cash. They seriously just gave this pussy a 4 year deal or some shit? He already past his prime!
He is in no way there number 2 guy. Smh

When I was looking at this game I couldn’t believe how much he has nose dived far as swing and miss stuff, movement, velo it has all dropped drastically last few years, tonight was more bout thinking I could punch out 6 Braves, lol. He damn near got there and thru 4 innings he had only got Laurrano 2x and nobody else, thought he had no chance then next thing I know he has 5 and I’m like “no shit, might have this”, then he getting ran from game. Lol. -105 against Braves I’ve cashed with shittier pitchers this year!! I actually think have to look a little differently, losing Riley obviously hurts them but it also takes a k a night out the lineup!
I was coming on to say live bet Milw cause no way cards will score off their pen but it to late I’m sure odds just went to shit or off board milw got leadoff man on 3rd
Guess ya could still take them when ya get the chance. I say 75% chance cards lose this game, maybe higher. So the line is def short! lol
And now cards are finished. Why you throw a guy 3 balls on purpose then hang a curve 3-0? That the cardinals for ya
I don’t think cards retard manager understands the rules, he doesn’t know you just simply say “intentional walk” then you don’t even gotta throw the pitches! Instead try to pitch around him and hand a curve, that managing baby!