Wednesday Discussion Thread

Imagine getting a decent team at oaklamd -110! It doesn’t happen, I remember back when we were getting avg teams -140/-150 and playing them. Yet reds been -110 or less all series in kc and royals are actually worse than a’s based off records now! Dunno bout ya’ll but reds for me once again!
How that manager still has his job is beyond me. Considering the NL Central might be won by a team under .500 the longer they wait to fire him the worse they look.

Oh he not going anywhere, he is Mo’s hand picked boy, using him as scape goat would just make Mo look bad. They fired Schildt cause he wouldn’t do what the computer printout sent down from front office said. This guy is “yes’em mr Mosalock”, “anything else I can do for ya boss? You wanna bang my wife, it’s ok, you the man Mr Mo!”, “Thanks again for the job sir”, “I know your stupid printouts will start working any day now!”.
How that manager still has his job is beyond me. Considering the NL Central might be won by a team under .500 the longer they wait to fire him the worse they look.

They need to clean out the front office. The team needs to be overhauled but if they let the retards running things now do it they will just get ripped off in bunch more trades. Bring someone in with a clue and start moving guys! This about the most poorly constructed lineup in baseball.
All I ask from this season as a Brewers fan is get a good return in a Burnes trade and more importantly the cheapskate fuck of an owner to sell the team.

What they gonna do with Williams? Seems crazy to trade those guys when this Div be so easy to win. Then again both gonna command a bunch of money after the season, it would suck getting nothing but also be foolish to sell when in the drivers seat for central.
Why don’t we have Wacha anymore lol

Beats me, he had some injury plagued years where he bounced around and didn’t do much. At the time they let him go I think they still had pitching options., I thought dude was bout out the league at one point, can’t really blame them for him.
Kinda odd he got so many k’s, he threw a super high percentage of fastballs. Looks like he got ahead on most batters then expanded the zone, im assuming lot of high heat fish swung at or his sinker was moving a ton? They chased over 50% the pitches out the zone and had damn near 20% swinging strike, pretty unusual when a guy throwing 75% fb, guessing that was a mix of 4 seam and sinker, fangraphs doesn’t say which fb.
fastball is all he's got, why he's pretty average when it's not a good fastball day for him
fastball is all he's got, why he's pretty average when it's not a good fastball day for him

I dunno bout that. He has a slider and curve that both grade out little better than average. Neither really the hammer you would want but they ok.
Freaking odd game going on in balty, neither pitcher has given up a hit or walk or struck anyone out after 3 innings. Almost never see that kind of line these days, let alone by 2 different guys in same game!
Cmon you pricks, give berrios a run to work with. He only at 33 pitches thru 4 innings, you don’t see that kind of efficiency very often. Still no k’s, walks, or hits for him.
Fucking keirmeyer hit into dp. 2 hits in inning, coulda had chance to get a run if not for that clown chasing a low pitch
Pitching Match-Up Is A Wash, Like Miami +155.
I don't think it's a wash at all. Fish don't let Perez go deep at all and I feel comfy about Castillo going 7 or even 8. Now if you say the rest of the lineup is a wash, I can buy that.
I'll Take My Chances With Perez And Their Starting 9. Castillo Is No Felix Hernandez.
Also Took Angels +130
Reds -110

Like It Or Not...TB Bats Are Cold. A's +1.5 +145 7 Game Win Streak Ain't Nothing To Sneeze At
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I dunno bout that. He has a slider and curve that both grade out little better than average. Neither really the hammer you would want but they ok.
all he goes to when he's in trouble is the fastball, throws it a really high % of the time
I don't think it's a wash at all. Fish don't let Perez go deep at all and I feel comfy about Castillo going 7 or even 8. Now if you say the rest of the lineup is a wash, I can buy that.
MIA is inferior in all categories, but the odds do make a case
Pitching Match-Up Is A Wash, Like Miami +155.

Cmon now. I have banged the drum plenty for Eury perez but he has a ways to go before he should be called a wash with Castillo, that just wrong. Could he pitch with him? Sure, but Castillo has a track record in this league, perez has like 5 starts. lol
Seattle better starter, better pen, they havnt hit like it but I still think they have way more potential in their lineup. Certainly don’t mean fish can’t win this game but I think the price is justified.
Eury needs to work on a put away pitch, he gets a lot of 0-2, 1-2 counts but isn’t able to put guys away. I really like him but he 20, he still has some things to learn and needs work on his secondary pitches.
Hopefully dodgers score some runs off this gas can. I have the Ff ov 2.5 and game ov 4.5 each to close parlays.
What they gonna do with Williams? Seems crazy to trade those guys when this Div be so easy to win. Then again both gonna command a bunch of money after the season, it would suck getting nothing but also be foolish to sell when in the drivers seat for central.
I would move Devin too if the return is high enough but I think he is controlled through the 25 season where Burnes is gone after next year. Honesty I don't care if this team wins this division where each team sucks and the Brewers would get destroyed in a playoff series with their AAA lineup.
they started slowly last year, too.

TEX been owning a really soft schedule so far
The division is too tough for Seattle to make up so much ground. If they were in one of the central divisions they could come back from being this far down but with three teams ahead of them they will have to win an insane percentage of their games to pull it off.
How many times do they have to be hitless in the 5th before the real stats and eye test are meaningful?
eye test is always tough to argue, depends on which games you watch if you're not watching all of them

The devil magic they have at home matters somewhat, they brought in LAD front office guy to build a HR or nothing offense so i think you'll see a wide range of outcomes with them. Currently in the playoffs while other high-budget teams struggle, so I'm far more of a believer than i thought i'd be