Wednesday BIG day :)


CTG addict
Charlotte -7- 10 units lose
Golden State +11- 2 units lose
Houston -2- 20 units lose
1st H Houston (-120) -1- 15 units lose
Memphis -4- 10 units
Lakers -2.5- 10 units
Orlando +6- 2 units

-63.2 units

had a shit day today, making dumb plays. But I've been waiting for this day. A lot of games, and IMO a lot of nice looking plays

1) Charlotte -5
wash on a b2b with a little win streak goin. I'm hoping Arenas plays this game. It seems Wash honestly does a bit better with Arenas (and his 30% shooting) out. Wash on 4/5 on the road. Wash isn't a good tired team or road team. Charlotte been doin wonders on the rebounds of late.

2) Memphis -2
Memphis is so much better than its record. They've had tough losses, but I think they're a pretty sound team, definitely playoff team if they wer ein the west. too many people compare this team to last yrs. I think tehy forget about their star- Pau Gasol. Memphis can just flat out score, and against this weak ass Toronto D, it shouldn't be a problem. Toronto lost by 21 pts in the 3rd Q last night, and what happened in the toronto/Dallas game really got me happy. I was hoping for a close Dallas win/no cover. 1 to get a little possible value on memphis and two...

3) My fave of the night. Houston -? (I'm guessing -2?)
Houston off of 4 losses. yea 4! Tmac was out for a couple, but still. They'll have 3 days of rest and preperation. I expect TMac to play, but even if he's not and they're catching points, I love it. Houston's first loss of the season was to Dallas. Houston, if people forget, is a superior team. Tmac should pay, he wa slisted as out a week and its been a week. i don't think he'll want to miss this game. Houston off 4 losses prolly been watching tape/ practicing for this game for a while. Glad dallas got the W tonight and had to work for it. Houston BIG

also lean to warriors (writeup in yesterday's thread), Denver (writeup in everyone's thread), and Lakers (Killa's thread)
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i was leaning dallas, but that was due to the fact that i'm retarded and thought houston had beaten them earlier this year. after that, im not so sure i should be trying to analyze anything :p
On the Bobcats as well, I'm about to post the play. GL tonight :cheers: let's get those Grizz ;)
Hey, like the plays + write ups. I like the Charlotte pick a lot. Charlotte at full strength is really dangerous with Okafor inside, Wallace and J. Rich on the wing, and Felton at point. Great young talent. At first, I was leaning toward GSW also but I just remember how badly Boozer crapped on them in the playoffs and KG offers the same interior post up game. Not sure if that will balance out with Baron Davis eating Rondo alive so I'm probably going to leave that game a lot.

BOL tomorrow!
but on a side note, on total, I will more than likely risk over 31.6 units 2m. If I hit all blanks, I'll accpet being down as that is gambling.
but on a side note, on total, I will more than likely risk over 31.6 units 2m. If I hit all blanks, I'll accpet being down as that is gambling.

I'm not going to preach money management to you but I'd strongly tell you to reconsider you going 'all in' for tomorrow. You've had a brilliant start to the season, I'd hate to see you potentially do your cash all in one night. :shake:
Don't want to speak for SF Capper, but playing 31 units isn't going all-in for him. It's routine.

Can't wait to revisit this one come midnight tonight. GL tonight SF. Hope you go on a nice little streak so you can dump your local and start grabbing these early #'s.
I'm not going to preach money management to you but I'd strongly tell you to reconsider you going 'all in' for tomorrow. You've had a brilliant start to the season, I'd hate to see you potentially do your cash all in one night. :shake:

31 units to me isn't what 31 units is to many others. I started with 100 units for this bankroll with my max play being 10 units per game (unless I was up some). I typically play a lot of games (say 65% of the games) with my typical "I like it kinda" bet being 2 units. I'll probably play Houston for 10 units ish, Memphis for 7ish, Charlotte for 6ish, Lakers for 5ish, Denver for 4ish (pending line). I'm not happy betting so much on one night, but then again I don't want to limit myself on how much I bet in a day. I want to bet what I feel is my proper amount depending on the individual play itself regardless if I also happen to have a big play going on at the same time. this might be quite different from others, but this is the way I see it. either way, hopefully I won't regret it.
Don't want to speak for SF Capper, but playing 31 units isn't going all-in for him. It's routine.

Can't wait to revisit this one come midnight tonight. GL tonight SF. Hope you go on a nice little streak so you can dump your local and start grabbing these early #'s.

yup, I'd say up about 50-60 units would be enough for me to take the cash and goto to try to expand it

Thanks. Hopefully we cash
31 units to me isn't what 31 units is to many others. I started with 100 units for this bankroll with my max play being 10 units per game (unless I was up some). I typically play a lot of games (say 65% of the games) with my typical "I like it kinda" bet being 2 units. I'll probably play Houston for 10 units ish, Memphis for 7ish, Charlotte for 6ish, Lakers for 5ish, Denver for 4ish (pending line). I'm not happy betting so much on one night, but then again I don't want to limit myself on how much I bet in a day. I want to bet what I feel is my proper amount depending on the individual play itself regardless if I also happen to have a big play going on at the same time. this might be quite different from others, but this is the way I see it. either way, hopefully I won't regret it.

Ah ok fair enough. GL tonight dude, might join you on the Rockets as well though was kind of hoping for it to be at pk
Thanks guys

this makes me :)

"I think it's a combination," Adelman said. "We had a couple games we had a chance to win; we didn't do it. We've got to somehow get through this and break it. That's the bottom line. We have to find a way to get a win on Wednesday.
"There isn't any little losing streak. It's four games. And I think when you've got Dallas coming up, then go to Miami, have Denver back here and then go out West, we need to break it. We need to get a win against somebody and keep working at it."
ohh yea

Golden State +11- 2 units
Houston -2- 20 units
1st H Houston (-120) -1- 15 units

yea I'm serious. Biggest plays so far this season. I've known it for a while, today is gonna be a HUGE ass day for me
60 units to go to bookmaker? Why not just go now.. and get decent lines.
fuckkk 1st H loses. up 3 with a minute left on fast break, Tmac has a lane and cuts, alston has him but threw it too low. dallas covers it up throws it down for Howard breakaway dunk. up 1 (4 pt swing- fuck me) then dallas misses a shot with 50 secs left and looks like tmac has the board but bass swings it out to Jet.. wait wait hits. houston down 1 and fuck bye 18 units