Wed bases

Fuck I would be looking at baseball, but I'm so pissed from today I don't wanna. Suppose I will take a look tomorrow at it. It is really nice to be up drinking vodka at 2 am, ha, normally I would be sleeping now and then waking up for work at 3 am. Nope, not anymore, Tuck has free reign on whatever the fuck he wants to do, ha, I sound like Rickey Henderson, always talking in the 3rd person.
Ha I just googled Mickey Stubblefield, and the first thing that came up was little Satch, his nickname. Yeah that is my nephew's great grandpa, he is gonna have that cannon baby, ha, I hope, then maybe we can get Kershaw money. My brother always talks about it too. Ha, there is no way it will happen, you never know I guess.
Was watching the Lawrence Phillips tribute on youtube, ha, should probably be spending my time capping games or sleeping, oh well, reliving the old Husker days. Fuck Phillips was such a beast, he just sucked in the NFL, cuz he had my problem, big time drunk, well it started his senior year, I heard about it, him drinking forties like a mad man, and vodka. When he was with St Louis in the NFL he was like 30 pounds over his college weight, he was a mess, at that point. A big sloppy drunk in the NFL. The Rams really wasted a pick on him, he was like #6 or so in the first round. It was justified if he didn't go off on the drinking and gain a bunch of weight, and fuck it up, but his senior year I heard stories about him, he was getting hammered every day.
Ha I am watching Nebraska at Missouri in 1997 now on youtube. That game was crazy, cuz I was there, fuck may as well talk about it. My brother, and my best buddy from high school were there, and then one of my brother's friends. We were in the end zone with a bunch of Missouri fans on the hill on the grass. And this fuck grabbed my buddy and started choking him, I didn't see it, but my bro did, and my bro just smoked his ass, just knocked him out, the guy was laying there snoring, ha. Well most people would be cuz he is about 300 lbs, a big boy, you take a punch from him your taking a nap. Anyway then the guy he knocked out his friend grabbed my bro from behind, and my bro threw him down the hill, ha, in that end zone. The guy flew into some people down the hill there in the end zone, and then those guys were all pissed, ha. I was just yelling yeah don't fuck with Lincoln bitch, who wants some, that was all I did was talk shit, leave the ass rolling to my bro. That was great, we got kicked out, but didn't go to jail or anything lucky on that.
Ah the memories of kicking ass on Missouri fans, ha. Fuck there was another time in the Callahan era when we went down there, don't know what year it was. But this guy fucking called my brother's wife a fat ass, and she was pissed, and she said Nate do something, the guy was outside the fence though, the fence separating people from getting in. That was funny, cuz the guy spit on my brother's wife, ha. Then my bro was like come here man, you bitch, and the guy got close to the fence and my bro jacked his ass, ha, there was blood everywhere, he had blood on his shirt. That guy got jacked up. Yeah pretty much never a time in Missouri where we didn't kick ass, ha, well at least my bro did, me no not really, I am a puss.
It wasn't a fence I guess, just kind of bars, so my bro punched him through the bars, there was plenty of room for that, ha, I am thinking about those Missouri battles, it is pretty funny, they were always wars, with the fans as well, those mothafuckas, man, had to battle, well I didn't ever kick ass, but my bro would.
Ya know I shouldn't sell myself short, I can bang if need be, ha, well I am not very big, but will throw down if I get backed into a corner. I don't have the big thump like my bro though, fuck he is like 6 foot 4 300 lbs. Man I am about 5 foot 9, I can still bring it, if you wanna go baby, ha.
Suppose I should go to bed. Just saw Ahman run in a td, in 1997, here at Missouri. A little before shit went down, ha, when my buddy got choked and then my bro smacked that mothafucka, ha, that was great, the guy was snoring laying there.
21-14 Nebraska now in a wide open affair, according to Mussberger, ha, this is pretty stupid it is about 4 am, and I am watching this old game from 1997. The memories, fuck I just remember my buddy getting choked and then shit went down, ha, that was great when my bro made that guy take a nap.
Don't think I can watch all of this game, better go to bed. That Missouri game in 1997 though was a classic, we didn't get to stay for the whole thing, ha, a little rumble in the end zone. Man those fucking bums, ha we rolled their ass, or I should say my bro did, I was just talking, yeah who wants some!!!!