Wed bases


Pretty much a regular
Yesterday didn't go well 2-3 on those games. That Cincy bet was pretty stupid will admit that. Anyway the game is about to start. Only saw 1 I really liked for the day games, gonna look at the night games later. I sort of thought about the under in Chicago, but didn't do it, sort of too low for me there. Especially with how crappy Samardzija pitched last time, not good in that one, he really fucked me over in that game. Was thinking maybe Samardzija is gonna head on a bit of a downturn cuz he wasn't this good ever before. I mean how good he was doing before his last game, doubt he can keep that up. Anyway here is the game, better put it up quick got shit to do, I am gonna look at the Belmont pick 4 it starts in about 2 hours. Still sitting in Lincoln, not on my way to Vegas. Think I may go up to Minnesota however for the weekend, ha, that should be a good time anyway some horse racing. Thinking that over kind of, not sure if I will or not.

Detroit -1, at -117 about, had to figure it on the -1 cuz 5 dimes was trying to fuck me on the line ha, at Cleveland, risking 1100 to win 939.02

Had to use the run line calculator that kj brought up the other day. Cuz I got -117, instead of -135 which is what 5 dimes was offering on the -1, ha, I didn't know they fucked you so bad on the -1. Gonna have to use that run line calculator all the time now, didn't realize how much money you saved. Man I was really taking it in the ass on that. Well today I was looking at it, and I was like how is it -135 at -1, and the money line is -146, what the hell, that doesn't make sense. So I figured it out with the calculator KJ put up on here, got myself a -117 out of the deal.

Anyway gonna look at the pick 4 for Belmont now.
This place is good for something anyway, lol, fuck if kj wouldn't have brought up that run line calculator I would have laid off this game. Guess we'll see if it is a good thing or a bad thing, with Detroit.

Fucking isn't working. So suppose I will go out to the track here, the simulcast place and get the form. May just sit there and have a pitcher of beer, and bet the pick 4 for Belmont, ha, have a pitcher. Everybody else will be drinking water and sodas, and I got a pitcher at my table, lol.
Tuck you need to head straight to Olympic Gardens and get you a little brown sugar to get things started, get your mind in the right place if you know what I mean...GL
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Yeah Tim, I have been there a couple times. The strip clubs though they are kind of a tease, cuz you don't get to bang em, well I couldn't negotiate that anyway, ha, I suppose for the right price you maybe could.

A little Biggie there Johnny, I am not much into Biggie cuz I am more West Coast, throwin up the dub.

Didn't win on the pick 4 at Belmont, I know a shocker there, ha, well I had the 1st 2 legs right then lost.

At least Detroit is winning as of now. Fuck it is crazy cuz if you would have told me before the game that Detroit was gonna score 9 runs, I would have been like yeah, money in the bank, with Scherzer going. Wonder what the fuck happened with Max. Oh well maybe can get the win here.
This is gonna be a bumfuck win here if I get it, lol. The ol 9-7 win and cover the -1, ha, well I will take my bumfuck win.
Had a pitcher of beer at the track, and a vodka cranberry, now I'm feeling right. Gonna get lit tonight of course. The waitress at the track was named Billie ha, fucking Billie only in Nebraska.
A waitress name Billie, that is like a boy named Sue, ha. Gonna maybe get that Canterbury Friday card now, take a look at that. Hope the fucking weather is gonna be nice out there. Like to sit outside down by the finish line, suppose if the weather is gonna suck I won't go.
You will be at the races fri?
Will you be able to post some of your plays here while you are there?
Yeah prov I could maybe do that. Would have to get that CTG mobile on my phone that app. Don't have it on there now. I always just post at home from my computer here.
Just checked the forecast and the weather is gonna be great up in Minnesota this weekend, very nice. That's the thing, I like fucking being down by the track watching em, there isn't anything better. I miss the Lincoln live races that was a good time, remember in High School we would go and they would serve us beer, and let us bet, ha, we were all like 17 or 18.

Looks like Detroit is gonna lose.
Boooom!!! Gunned down at the plate, that a baby Rajai, fucking gunned him easy, no doubt. No replay there to fuck me, fuck it seems like that happens all the time to me. The umps help me out, then replay comes in and fucks me.
70's and sunny all weekend, racing Friday 6:30 and Sat Sun Mon at 12:45. I am out there all day everyday usually playing Belmont, Santa Anita and Canterbury. The pick 4's and pick 3's have been paying out the best. We have a table up on the 3rd floor in the Restaurant all year. If anyone wants to throw some plays around Private message me and we will chat, I already have Friday handicapped. Our group of 3 last year had to claim over 25k in gambling winnings from that place. That is what sucks about the horses is on a .50 ticket you hit over $600 they automatically notify IRs and $1200 on $1.00.

Good luck tonight Tuck, PROVI and Twins fan hit me up. For sure get you in for free, as no one wants a cover charge at the track. Tuck free shuttle from Mystic hotel to the track, so drink away before betting away.
Yeah younggun it does suck about the IRS, when you hit a big winner. Fuck I am getting the PP's now, but maybe I should just tail you fucking guys on em, fuck my horse bets have been awful lately. Sounds like a good time anyway. I do kind of like being down by the track, but I suppose a table up in the restaurant would be okay.

Need to just tail you younggun on some Belmont, Santa Anita, and Canterbury.
Yeah that Mystic hotel think I will do that. Plus they have a shuttle, so I don't have to drive drunk, cuz I will be hammered for sure. Ha, I will be drinking on my way up there, well not in the morning, but past 2 for sure. I can't remember how long it takes to get there from here. I have been there before, back when I was 16 we went to a Twolves game my family, my parents and shit. I think that drive is about 6 hours or so from Lincoln. Maybe a little more.
Shit with all the baseball I'm doing there is no way I can look at Santa Anita and Belmont as well. Will just have to follow along on those. Hope you can help a brotha out, ha, my crap skills at the horses, man they are no good.
We have a group of 3 of us who all go in usually between $30 and $80 each so we get a lot more coverage than most like yourself just because of the higher bankroll combining 3 people. Certainly welcome to sit wherever you want as most would prefer downstairs, but we like to spread out and have a table and multiple tvs. The key to success is all about how you put the ticket together. More than welcome to hit us up, just PM me to discuss.

My partner and I will likely be playing Canterbury pick 4's Friday night, along with a pick 5 at Santa Anita, and the late pick 4. I don't bet to win usually, and will dabble on Exacta and Tri's in large fields usually boxing 4 horses for $12 each.
Yeah, sounds good there younggun, I think I will come up there. You guys are probably way better than me at the horses sounds like. Am gonna look at the Canterbury races here later. Kind of while I'm watching the baseball. Will put up some posts on what I'm thinking there for Friday, you can tell me I'm stupid younggun ha, check my ass when I'm considering a bad horse.
We will split some tickets and go in together on them more coverage. A good ticket on a SA pick 5 usually runs abour $144 to $240. Play 2 different tickets with different coverage on each. We got this.
Yeah prov I could maybe do that. Would have to get that CTG mobile on my phone that app. Don't have it on there now. I always just post at home from my computer here.

That would be awesome! I would love to hear how ya did, and what crazy Shit you get into
Added on some late games will be quick, about to start, will just list em.

Brewers at Braves -1 +106, risking 1000 to win 1060

LA at Mets under 7 -105, risking 1050 to win 1000

Chi Sox +102 at KC, risking 1000 to win 1020

Twins at Pads under 6.5, -105, risking 1050 to win 1000

Better get em up about game time now. Had to step out for a bit, my brother needed help watching his kids for a bit, so that fucked my shit up, ha. My nephew though is a pimp, he is a beast, gonna be a Husker, I'm pretty sure, lol, like his grandpa.
Yeah prov, think it is gonna be a good time. Plus, younggun seems to know his shit about these horses, I am not the greatest at those, but maybe we can take down a big one I suppose.

I am gonna look at the Friday Canterbury card, fuck not sure if I should post anything about it. Well my picks, everybody is gonna pile on kill the payout, ha, yeah right, nobody would tail my horse picks. I have been off on those for a while, didn't used to be so terrible on em.
Kind of decided to go big on those dogs I bet, well the Braves and Chi Sox, instead of betting to win 1000, just rolled a risk of 1000. I do like the Braves and the Chi Sox quite a bit, guess we'll see what happens. Probably Santana and Quintana will have their worst games of the year with my luck lately, lol, Scherzer sure did, man, that was a debacle.
Need to get a burrito I think, ha, I keep eating burritos about every day. That guy at the burrito hut I always go to, is like thank you very much senor. Fuck I go there all the time. Usually get the carne asada burrito or the hash brown burrito, or the surf and turf burrito. Sometimes 2 of em. Guess may miss the beginnings of the games then, oh well, not sure I wanna watch at this point. Can't even count on Scherzer to not have a meltdown now, fuck if he was just decent I would have won, oh no, he gets ripped all over the place. I was at the track checking on my phone, and I was like, fuck, I'll be damned Scherzer is getting lit up. I thought when I got 4 runs right away I was home free, nope.
Oh shit, Santana gave up 4 runs in the 1st, ha, well guess that is a loss probably at this point. Man, I am fucking up lately. Well, still time there I suppose. Didn't see what happened there. Oh the fuck well, looks like another tough day for me right now.
There we go Braves, let's get it crackin mothafucka, Upton ripped one for a double. 4-1, just gotta creep back in.
Shit is looking rough right now. Guess the Mets under is looking okay, but need the Braves to come back, that ins't looking good. Well at least I have about 25 k to work with ha, fuck I could blow that quick if I keep doing what I'm doing. Then, hell, I don't know what the fuck I would do, my dad could kick me a million but he won't, asshole. Fuck he is going on vacation to Chile next week, that would be nice, ha, not me. I'm going on vacation to Minnesota damn it, well ya know Chile or Minnesota, I think I have the better deal by far there, lol.
Man I do keep thinking about my nephew being a Husker, that would be the shit, have a nephew on my team, damn. He would not be going anywhere else for sure, fuck no, well this past football season he would come over and say touchdown Huskers, even when it wasn't them, ha. It is funny cuz if I say like come here little guy, or if you say anything little or something like that, he will say, no!!! I'm a big boy. He is for sure, fuck he is gonna dominate in High School don't know if he can make it in college, guess we'll see.
My bro said the other day my nephew got in trouble for punching another boy at his daycare ha, I thought that was funny. I know he can punch, cuz he punched me in the eye the other day, and it hurt a bit, I was like fucking damn, we aren't wrestling anymore buddy.

Damn it, Milwaukee homer, looks like that game is done.
Steed if the Braves come back that will be crazy at this point, but I guess it is getting later now. Bottom of the 6th now.
Damn it, I'm all fucking pissed now. Looks bad to say the least. Today didn't work it out it appears, well unless some crazy shit goes down. Not likely, I mean if I had a big lead right now and was rolling, then shit could pop off, and I lose it, but for me to get a comeback no fucking way. I better start job hunting I think, and cancel my Minnesota trip. Maybe the fucking car lots would need a salesman, was thinking I may be able to get on there, not sure I guess.
Well at least the Pads under came in. Fuck, I am getting my ass rolled. Suppose I will give it a shot tomorrow, see what happens. Was thinking that I could get it going now, without work to fuck with me. Ummm, maybe not. That Tigers game really hurt, Scherzer getting shelled, fuck he doesn't ever get handled like that, not completely wrecked. Santana I don't know, he is usually pretty good, but here the last couple games not so much. And what the hell Guthrie rolled ass tonight ha, go figure on that one. I didn't think the Chi Sox would have big problems with Guthrie, I mean they don't have Abreu, but shit that was a debacle 1 run off fucking Guthrie are you kidding me, lol at that. Man, I better go to bed and think it over if I even wanna bet any damn baseball tomorrow. Right now shit, I better fucking not.
I was going to put up some Canterbury picks here. Didn't really delve into it much yet, so I guess I won't. Was sweating out my under in San Diego, yeah it was looking good the whole way, but with how my luck has been going I was thinking some bumfuck reliever would get his ass shellacked and then the flood gates would open up ha. No got that one at least, fuck this has been a real debacle in bases for me lately.
Looks like 5 day games tomorrow. Buehrle vs Lester, that should be a pitching duel there. They have 8.5 on that one, not sure I should venture into an under in Fenway though with those 2. Alvarez has been pretty awful lately, shit he has been getting ripped. Maybe Hamels is a good take there. Well Hamels has been real good his last couple, and is normally the man. Always a solid option, as long as the Phils can hit, which you can't be sure of that. Alvarez though he is sucking ass, figure the Phils can get something going on him. I mean at Philly last time he fucking escaped somehow only giving up 3 runs in 6 innings, not sure how that went down. Gave up 12 hits, and 3 walks, yet only 3 runs, ha, I don't know what the deal was there, 12 hits and 3 walks yet 3 runs only.

Well anybody have a big objection to Philly tomorrow? Shit I better think it over before I just stroll in with a g, lol, something horrible will happen to Hamels probably then. He will get his ass shelled if I back him.
Hamels was really kick ass against Miami last year too. That looks like a decent option there. Yeah as soon as I bet it, better just chalk it up, Hamels goes down in flames, lol, it will be like Scherzer probably today, getting lit up like a bumfuck pitcher.
I have a real knack lately for betting on a good pitcher that has his worst game of the year, lol, keeps happening over and over. Got Scherzer's worst today, just line em up baby, ha, fuck if he just does decent I would have won easily.
I probably should still go to Minnesota I guess, why the hell not? Maybe younggun can hook me up with a big pick 4 up there in Canterbury. Ease the pain of the baseball lately, man the baseball it is crazy, today it was Scherzer with a total debacle. Well still have about 25 k to blow through, ha, then I don't know what the fuck I'm gonna do if I don't get it crack alackin. This was not the best time to get fired, during baseball oh man, would have been better off during football. Well anyway gonna look at this Canterbury for a bit before I go to bed. Better check back and see if people like Philly tomorrow or not, shouldn't bet Philly probably yet.
Rollin til the wheels fall off, rollin til the wheels fall off, haha, the wheels haven't fallen off yet, but it is getting there for sure.
Yep down to 25 k and counting, that may go quickly, better start selling cars, lol, fuck I really don't wanna sell cars, but I think maybe I would be good at that. I can sell ya shit, one thing I can do. Fuck I am like a damn salesman when I talk about my bets on here. I do kind of sound that way, was just thinking about that, my write ups on my bets, they sound like I'm selling something kind of lol.
Fuck I still think my fucking dad should kick me a million that asshole. He is going to Chile next week, yeah just traveling all around the world, won't give me a damn thing. Man I would share some money with my kids, that is a real dick move not sharing, especially when your kids are struggling like me and my brother. My sister is fine, well she has an engineer for a husband that is making 125 k a year. He did try and get my job back my dad, but they hung up on him, ha. Don't think anything will happen with that.
Yeah my big hope is my nephew, ha, that is never gonna happen and I keep talking about it. All the talent in my brother's wife's family, oh man, there is a bunch of athletes there. Fucking hall of famers no doubt, well a pitcher hall of famer. Then a bunch of college players in football. A couple made the NFL. One was with the Lions for 11 years, I forget his name, he was a lineman with em, and o lineman. My nephew I'm hoping he gets the hall of fame pitcher's arm, I always call him little Mickey, that was the hall of fame pitcher, the ***** leagues teammate with Satchell Paige, he was the #2 starter in the rotation, they won it a few years. Ha I am rambling on to myself, just talking to myself.