Wed bases

Seattle a bit underrated early on here. Their bats aren't terrible. And when Felix pitches against what oddsmakers consider "good" teams or "good" pitches, Felix is a good proposition if the value is there.

Hope under hits there for u
Fuck the Yanks are trying to blow my win there. Damn it, I need that, cuz Miami lost, and Detroit is gonna lose probably unless they come back in the 9th.
Damn that is some shit, have replay and they don't get it right anyway, ha. Got picked off 1st La did, but he was safe, then challenge, and they fucked it up, called him out. Great start there. Fuck there isn't a lot of hope in that game now. Looks like 2-3 for me. Fuck, back 2 back losing nights, not good.
Yeah gorgolon that was rough there for you on that Mariners game, ouch. I got the win, but my night isn't looking good either. Well gonna be 2-3 looks like. Man, I don't even know what the fuck it feels like to lose 2 days in a row, lol, hasn't happened in a while. Oh well, gotta deal with it. Never know I guess somebody could explode here to get the over, not likely from what I've seen.
Fuck Vogelsong, and Maholm locked in a pitchers duel, lol at that, both those guys suck. The sun even shines on a dogs ass somedays, fuck sometimes 2 dogs asses, haha.
Fuck, guess it is 2 losing days in a row, I'll be damned, both days 2-3, but I added that 100 buck parlay yesterday, so that added damage. Gonna kick their ass tomorrow fuck it, not worried, they won a couple rounds here in a row, beat me up a bit. But I'm coming back at their ass like Corrales tomorrow throwing bricks, fucking back the fuck up. Do get off early at least, didn't even look at the games yet. Hope everything is 12 central or later. Will have to check, may make a bet here in a bit on those.
Man, I wonder who is pitching for the Blue Jays in that 1st game at the Twins. My boy is going Gibson for the Twins, ha, I have rode him so far to big winnings. Kind of wanna bet Gibson again, he is dealing right now. Like what I see from him. They don't have anybody listed, no line on that game.
Hell I don't know Gibson hasn't been exactly spectacular or anything, but there have been pretty good lines, and he has won both games for em. Suppose he could do it again here.
Yeah I'm always drinking gorgolon, no need to ask, ha, when I get rolling on drinking I don't stop. A real problem, lol, a raging alcoholic. It helps my bets it seems though so what the hell. Sometimes feel a little shitty at work in the morning though.

As long as that's the worst of it, lol.

Your threads are genuinely enjoyable, GL this season
Tuck I am glad to see your threads are getting some love finally and you are winning, I was a long time reader and new to posting. Ha been reading you since your days when the going wasn't good and you had those this bet is in play if this bet wins ha now you are up 15k