We Don‘t Need On-Field Referees


CTG Super Moderator
Staff member
You know how viewers watching the game at home get to see what the right call is, after refs on the field make their decision (so often wrongly), because of all the cameras?

Why not just rely on all the cameras on-field and just have off-field referees use those cameras and send their decisions to an on-field official?

On-field refs will just place the ball and keep the game flowing until off-field refs decide on a penalty. The visual precision available in using off-field cameras will allow for consistency and accuracy that current on-field refs are not capable of accomplishing reliably.

We should not be subjected to what it is, a cacophony of inconsistent decisions and ridiculous blunders that affect the outcome of the game and of our bets.
The calls would be delayed and would ruin the flow of the game. The pauses would kill the game. Officials need to be trained better. You can’t throw flags because you thought you may have seen something and then get overruled to have your flag picked up. The penalty has to be obvious and effecting the play to every pull the hanky out.
Officials in this day and age are looking to throw flags as opposed to being forced to throw their flag.
What flow, though? Football is inherently choppy. There are a lot of seconds between every snap. I think those seconds can be used for making accurate calls.
What flow, though? Football is inherently choppy. There are a lot of seconds between every snap. I think those seconds can be used for making accurate calls.
I actually want inaccurate calls just so we have something to bitch about between plays

It's simply a sport that doesn't care about fluidity

The game is played by people on the field and the game should be mostly officiated by people field.

I think a lot of the missed calls are sight lines and angles. Sometimes a ref is blocked from seeing something. Camera angles are going to be the same way. And through some sort of AI or software that analyzes all the video, how many penalties do we really want a camera-centric system detecting? The old ‘there is holding in every play’ and DBs being called for even more illegal contact and interference penalties. I think taking it off the field would lead to a product we’d be less happy with. I don’t mind a player getting away with a penalty sometimes if nobody sees it.

Another thing with replay, the replay official making the decision and the rules expert the networks use for their broadcasts are often in disagreement on what the replay shows. So if some kind of camera/computer system making the calls or even having a person watching every single camera feed - so much is opinion anyway how does this guarantee they get it “right” when what is right is debatable. We don’t always agree on this forum if it’s a penalty or a catch or whatever.

But you can have what you want at FBS I guess. Some FCS games literally have 1 or 2 cameras so no risk of that happening there
I think you're right when it comes to spotting the football. As we're watching we can always see pretty clearly where the ball should be spotted and there's been a lot of borderline laughable spots, probably due to the lack of a good vantage point by the ref. I can't get to where you are on everything being handled that way, but I'd be up for it on spotting the ball.
By definition, there is holding almost every play. Not to mention, illegal contact/pass interference on pass plays. Rules are rules and call them no matter what. Don't wait until 3rd down or when the spread is in jeopardy lol.
Somewhere in between us probably best .....as it often is.

Replays just take way too long:

signaling - strolling to a spot and announcing "runner was ruled down ____" - then strolling to the sidelines to stare into the super secret viewing thing, for an INDEFINITE period of time - then strolling back on the field and announcing the decision?!

Make the call - REVIEW IT UPSTAIRS - message down - RESUME PLAY FFS. Set a time limit. Maybe 30 seconds, then 1-2 minutes last 2 minutes of a game. On field ref literally doesn't move.

If you have to bring in a forensic team and study from 100 different camera angles - you're just being stupid - let the call on the field stand.