Videos Re Chiefs Favorable Refs

He shouldn’t watch football and definately shouldn’t talk about it if he blaming refs and not McNugget and his loser staff. Refs didn’t run it 4x in 1st half, refs didn’t coach his defense who’ gets blasted every big game. Refs didn’t do anything as damning to the bills as their coach berm doing his entire time there. Maybe Allen got that 1st. Funny anyone thinks it would have changed anything. Was still a lot of time left. I recall Allen scoring to take lead last tone in this game with 20 seconds or something and the defensive coach let kc drive field in 3 plays to force ot then walk all over them in ot. The nfl cheats for kc so much they changed overtime cause this loser coach and everyone like tjis guy cried about how it wasn’t fair bills didn’t get ball in ot!!! How many SB’s bills won since they changed a rule Jusy for their coach who’s d couldn’t make one stop! This shit hilarious. If I was wanting to waste my life I’d run thru the entire tape and I’m sure can point out several calls bills got but that not the right narrative for the haters. They don’t want to believe that just maybe if bills hired a decent coach they might win this game, that can’t be it, it clearly cause the nfl cares so much who wins that game!! Cause yea the superbowl ratings be terrible If it was bills/eagles? Or any other team in the league!!
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The thing id love for everyone convinced the nfl and refs cheat for kc then why not get rich instead of bitching bout it. Usually ppl happy if they know the fix is in!!!! Instead what ya bet against them then cry you got cheated? Smart
No clue who this loudmouth clown is making these who thinks anyone cares about his respect is funny. Oh no some YouTube loser has lost respect for mahomes tor manipulating rules like every great player in history does. Half the qbs in this league think they can call their own flags: Start watching all the games and maybe try pretending you don’t have a clear bias cause every game around the league every week has all kinds of garbage calls: the eagles not only got several clown calls but the ref actually threatened to Just give them points, that a new one. But instead all he cares bout the chiefs who he has never hated which is obvious (rolling my eyes). Sadly he clearly a liar and won’t be done with football he be back bitching and moaning when kc beats Philly in SB
Like I been saying the shit rules begging to be exploited of course the best guys gonna do it as much as possible if they trying to win. Forget the “flopping and begging for calls”
The stuff mahomes does on sideline is impossible for defenders to win, they either hit him to make sure he out and get a flag or risk him tiptoeing 15-20 more yards while they standing there looking stupid. If nfl won’t change it then defenders should just say fuck it and try to take him apart with biggest nastiest hits they can muster on sideline and that late slide bs, take the penalties 3-4 times in a row and try to knock his ass out or break his will to do that shit! Sometimes it takes extreme measures to get justice!!
Down here we was bounty hunting….cant believe no one has done it yet.
I no way am I promoting it. I’m just saying they’re used to guidelines in professions and people got dealt with accordingly.
Like I been saying the shit rules begging to be exploited of course the best guys gonna do it as much as possible if they trying to win. Forget the “flopping and begging for calls”
The stuff mahomes does on sideline is impossible for defenders to win, they either hit him to make sure he out and get a flag or risk him tiptoeing 15-20 more yards while they standing there looking stupid. If nfl won’t change it then defenders should just say fuck it and try to take him apart with biggest nastiest hits they can muster on sideline and that late slide bs, take the penalties 3-4 times in a row and try to knock his ass out or break his will to do that shit! Sometimes it takes extreme measures to get justice!!

Have you ever seen the many minutes long video of Josh Allen taking dives and trying to induce calls?
No clue who this loudmouth clown is making these who thinks anyone cares about his respect is funny. Oh no some YouTube loser has lost respect for mahomes tor manipulating rules like every great player in history does. Half the qbs in this league think they can call their own flags: Start watching all the games and maybe try pretending you don’t have a clear bias cause every game around the league every week has all kinds of garbage calls: the eagles not only got several clown calls but the ref actually threatened to Just give them points, that a new one. But instead all he cares bout the chiefs who he has never hated which is obvious (rolling my eyes). Sadly he clearly a liar and won’t be done with football he be back bitching and moaning when kc beats Philly in SB

lol at no clue who Dave Portnoy is. “Some YouTube loser” made me literally laugh out loud.
I thought he was short, by probably a foot. There's no way Allen didn't get a foot on that sneak. He definitely surged forward, you can see half his body across the line he needed in that still frame I posted.
I thought he had it at first look but the down the line video made it look really tight. Allen had the ball tucked into the middle of his jersey, right between the 1 and 7. He needed the right side of his #1 touching the yard line and it was very tough to see it. I'll readily admit that the line judge that spotted the ball needed x-ray goggles to see the ball: he was in no position to actually see how far the ball advanced, Allen had his back to him during his maximum advancement.
The problem I have is in a multi billion $ industry, in a big game of this magnitude, whether he gets the 1st down came down to which Ref was handed the ball to spot it,neither would be over turned most likely
At this point can we finally get rid of the physical aiding of the ball carrier? So tired of seeing guys get pushed, pulled, carried for extra yardage. The scrum does not advance the ball in rugby, it only sets up the possession. You still advance it on your own.
Have you ever seen the many minutes long video of Josh Allen taking dives and trying to induce calls?

Na but I wouldn’t expect anything less. There not an elite player in any sport that isn’t doing anything they can to gain an edge. I would lose respect for them if they wernt pushing the limit of rules or beyond them! If I’m betting on one these teams you damn right I want my guys on juice, stealing plays, signs, deflating footballs, I really kinda hated pats til it started coming out how far they were willing to push the limits to win, after that I bought a Brady jersey!! All this nfl cheats for so and so is silly, they all just mad their qb not as talented as mahomes to not only make throws nobody else can but draw flags or pimp defenders cause the rule is exploitable. It on the nfl to fix it cause I was screaming 20 years ago when the mask of “player safety” started being used to implement rules to
Increase offense and give the refs way too much ability to impact outcomes. The tush push isn’t any more or less dirty imo: just cause most teams have to much respect for their qb to put their body thru that washing machine of 300+ monsters doesn’t mean it a skilled play that should be allowed. Other teams starting to dabble with cheaper players doing it, won’t be lomg till at least 5-10 teams be able to gain 3-5 yards on 2 tush pushes and eventually hope it gets put to a stop:
The problem I have is in a multi billion $ industry, in a big game of this magnitude, whether he gets the 1st down came down to which Ref was handed the ball to spot it,neither would be over turned most likely

Certainly highlights the absurdity of it all. I've thought this for a long time. 3rd and 5. We get 4.5 yards, but the spot costs us a foot, so it's now 4th and 1 instead of 4th and a half. Now we get 3/4 of a yard and we're stopped even though we got 10 yards. One change I know I would make. Each time somebody gets a first down, move the ball to closest yard line. Now on short yardage, we know exactly what is needed. The side officials should be able to line up exactly on that yard line they need to make and there's never a need to measure- they either made that line or they didn't. Wouldn't solve all the problems, but it's better than the status quo.
Down here we was bounty hunting….cant believe no one has done it yet.

I always hated saints cause I’m not just a drew breese guy, never liked him, think you know that somehow, lol. But bounty gate another good example of a team/coach I started looking at in much more favorable light after it came out!! Its funny anyone believes their team isn’t trying to gain any edge they can whether in or outside the rules, everyone only gets self righteous bout it when we get a dynasty, ppl hate winners and want to bring them down to their low standards
I think he had to be kidding, right?!

Absolutely not. Im little confused it funny. Why would I care or ever want to know the jerkoff who made that video about how he done with nfl and has lost respect for mahomes, kc, and their fans even!!! Lmao, what a fuckinv clown whoever he is. I doubt anyone losing sleep over whether or not he respects them, anyways who is he the king of stupid opinions or a tic toc influencer? That what I picture when I hear someone is an internet influencer.
Absolutely not. Im little confused it funny. Why would I care or ever want to know the jerkoff who made that video about how he done with nfl and has lost respect for mahomes, kc, and their fans even!!! Lmao, what a fuckinv clown whoever he is. I doubt anyone losing sleep over whether or not he respects them, anyways who is he the king of stupid opinions or a tic toc influencer? That what I picture when I hear someone is an internet influencer.
I’m just saying for a whiteboy with jail time in Louisville that’s never heard of David Portnoy would be like -100000000000 to give you an idea since it’s a gambling forum
I’m just saying for a whiteboy with jail time in Louisville that’s never heard of David Portnoy would be like -100000000000 to give you an idea since it’s a gambling forum

Im a whiteboy who did prison time in Mississippi but that was getting jammed up just driving thru, at 1st it was like a 3rd world country to me having no clue what the ever loving fuck the south was really like! I hung out in Houston and El Paso some but those places not even close to the “south”, those cities not even like rest of Texas dirt ass countryside. “Since it a gambling forum” comment threw me off any guesses. He was huge bookie? Hard to believe that the way he sounds like a bitch on those vids. Sure doesn’t sound like a AB shot caller or anyone who well known in prison system with all that whining bout a call! Is he like head warden or dirty cop? That would make more sense!! lol. im still stumped I guess I’ll google, lol. He not gonna come after me for talking shit is he? 🤣
Absolutely not. Im little confused it funny. Why would I care or ever want to know the jerkoff who made that video about how he done with nfl and has lost respect for mahomes, kc, and their fans even!!! Lmao, what a fuckinv clown whoever he is. I doubt anyone losing sleep over whether or not he respects them, anyways who is he the king of stupid opinions or a tic toc influencer? That what I picture when I hear someone is an internet influencer.

It’s Dave Portnoy. He owns Barstool sports. He’s well known by even non-sports fans for his pizza reviews and then the small business fund he set up during Covid. He’s been thrown out of a Super Bowl with his Roger Goodell clown face shirt on, and has had other “run-ins” with Goodell.

That’s why some thought you were joking…not knowing who Dave Portnoy is, especially given your involvement with sports and gambling seemed a bit hard to believe.
It’s Dave Portnoy. He owns Barstool sports. He’s well known by even non-sports fans for his pizza reviews and then the small business fund he set up during Covid. He’s been thrown out of a Super Bowl with his Roger Goodell clown face shirt on, and has had other “run-ins” with Goodell.

That’s why some thought you were joking…not knowing who Dave Portnoy is, especially given your involvement with sports and gambling seemed a bit hard to believe.

I cap games and like to run my mouth w ya’ll talking bout different opinions or ideas on how other ppl i respect go bout it. Im a dinosaur when it comes to social media outside this place and another I posted at way back in day: don’t like news, politics, follow anyone on any platform, I’ve heard of barstool sports but couldn’t tell ya exactly what it is, I have a thing bout not worrying bout stuff that probably doesn’t matter I got enough life problems to worry bout, lol. I don’t mind tho if it funny enough to crack jokes I don’t know who he is,,seriously!! If I had it my way I wouldn’t know who president is, lol. Run in’s with goodell pretty funny I hate that guy also but the “im done with nfl” while cherry picking a few bad calls and screaming fix isn’t exactly my cup of tea cause once again he kinda a idiot if he feels they “cheat for kc” and he rather bitch bout it than just bet kc!!! I love football but hated nfl last 15-20’years so the not talking bout anything I havnt thought for long time In that regard.,
He shouldn’t watch football and definately shouldn’t talk about it if he blaming refs and not McNugget and his loser staff. Refs didn’t run it 4x in 1st half, refs didn’t coach his defense who’ gets blasted every big game. Refs didn’t do anything as damning to the bills as their coach berm doing his entire time there. Maybe Allen got that 1st. Funny anyone thinks it would have changed anything. Was still a lot of time left. I recall Allen scoring to take lead last tone in this game with 20 seconds or something and the defensive coach let kc drive field in 3 plays to force ot then walk all over them in ot. The nfl cheats for kc so much they changed overtime cause this loser coach and everyone like tjis guy cried about how it wasn’t fair bills didn’t get ball in ot!!! How many SB’s bills won since they changed a rule Jusy for their coach who’s d couldn’t make one stop! This shit hilarious. If I was wanting to waste my life I’d run thru the entire tape and I’m sure can point out several calls bills got but that not the right narrative for the haters. They don’t want to believe that just maybe if bills hired a decent coach they might win this game, that can’t be it, it clearly cause the nfl cares so much who wins that game!! Cause yea the superbowl ratings be terrible If it was bills/eagles? Or any other team in the league!!

Both things can be true.

The general take I hear from people is that it got rigged again - but if Kincaid made that catch they could have overcome it.

Doesn't change the first statement.

Doug is an idiot but if they correctly spot the ball on 3rd down - Bills likely move on to go up 8. I don't think the game would have been over with, though.
Both things can be true.

The general take I hear from people is that it got rigged again - but if Kincaid made that catch they could have overcome it.

Doesn't change the first statement.

Doug is an idiot but if they correctly spot the ball on 3rd down - Bills likely move on to go up 8. I don't think the game would have been over with, though.

I seriously was so exhausted from being at hospital so much when she let me come home to watch bills:kc I couldn’t Make it thru halftime and woke up damn game was over for i dunno how long, lol. So I can’t give totally fair opinion but from highlights I didn’t see anything glaringly bad that happened with so little time I think for one minute kc wouldn’t have still won, I’ve seen McNugget lose a lead to mahomes in what 20 seconds and 60ish yards?

They lost that game when they came up with the asinine plan to run cook 4x in 1st half, not scheming shit for te’s outside that prayer Kincaid dropped I guess: running Allen as many times as cook for 3ish a carry compared to cook 6+, running Allen to same side as always on goalline instead of giving cook the ball, trying to be Philly garbage tush push which nobody can convince me is a nfl play that should be allowed and they couldn’t even do it right!! So many reason bills deservingly lost regardless of any spot or call and it was 100% the jackass coach who was quick to blame a spot also and is so happy he apparently has bills fans hustled into actually believing they losing to kc cause refs and not his continued incompetence! I seriously believe Mike McCarthy could have won that game coaching bills. I’m glad they lost tho cause I eagles would have smoked bills. Rather see mahomes beat eagles at end to make history than bills get whipped.,
He got the first down. It would have been more clear that he got the first down had they spotted the prior play correctly.

You have to be 9 points better than them right now to beat them. No point crying about it too much, you just have to go out and get it done.

9 points is about right. What’s annoying about it all is that this isn’t a team that’s blowing everyone out and that 9 points of DEI or whatever the NFL is doing is not inconsequential most games. Without it, you could argue not only are they likely 0/4 in SBs but probably below .500 in general playoff games. Likely 0/2 this season alone for example. Patriots got similar help but they weren’t always squeaking by like this. They would have still been a dynasty. Without the help the Chiefs are basically the Bills.
9 points is about right. What’s annoying about it all is that this isn’t a team that’s blowing everyone out and that 9 points of DEI or whatever the NFL is doing is not inconsequential most games. Without it, you could argue not only are they likely 0/4 in SBs but probably below .500 in general playoff games. Likely 0/2 this season alone for example. Patriots got similar help but they weren’t always squeaking by like this. They would have still been a dynasty. Without the help the Chiefs are basically the Bills.

Man you on this bull shit narrative also?

Btw pats won a bunch of SB’s w a last second fg, that the definition of squeaking by. Winning close games is only way you have a dynasty in this nfl.

I guess I should up even what I’m thinking bout betting since they cheating for kc. As if Philly didn’t get at least 1 bogus call on every drive commanders actually got what should have been a 3d down stop. Oh and did we not watch packers game where both teams were god awful and most impactful play that decided game was opening kick fumble which replay showed packers clearly recovered and were down on ground w possession!! Everyone sure kc getting help but Philly got help from refs and an insane number of lucky fumbles to get here. Cant wait to kc beats them and everyone says the nfl decided they needed a 3x champ, shit hilarious!!

Niners and their always come up short coach and 7th round qb got cheated now also? Do we have the film on that or we just telling jokes?? Mahomes 17-3 in playoffs thanks to refs!! I hope they reading trash like this it make the bet like free money!!
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Man you on this bull shit narrative also?

Btw pats won a bunch of SB’s w a last second fg, that the definition of squeaking by. Winning close games is only way you have a dynasty in this nfl.

I guess I should up even what I’m thinking bout betting since they cheating for kc. As if Philly didn’t get at least 1 bogus call on every drive commanders actually got what should have been a 3d down stop. Oh and did we not watch packers game where both teams were god awful and most impactful play that decided game was opening kick fumble which replay showed packers clearly recovered and were down on ground w possession!! Everyone sure kc getting help but Philly got help from refs and an insane number of lucky fumbles to get here. Cant wait to kc beats them and everyone says the nfl decided they needed a 3x champ, shit hilarious!!

Niners and their always come up short coach and 7th round qb got cheated now also? Do we have the film on that or we just telling jokes?? Mahomes 17-3 in playoffs thanks to refs!! I hope they reading trash like this it make the bet like free money!!

Chiefs haven’t been called for a single holding call in any SB win. For a line that was the worst at holding in the regular season.

Also you referenced a few games and teams spanning like 20 years. We could reference more instances in this single playoff run with one team in 2 games.
Chiefs haven’t been called for a single holding call in any SB win. For a line that was the worst at holding in the regular season.

Also you referenced a few games and teams spanning like 20 years. We could reference more instances in this single playoff run with one team in 2 games.

The eagles? They got a questionable at best call every drive commanders had got a stop. I guess I should be happy if they fixing games for kc they about as big a lock you can get. Just hope nobody that believes that conspiracy nonsense bets eagles then acts outraged anytime mahomes gets a call.
I know ya’ll watch a lot of football it amazing to me we really acting as if this only goes on in kc games. Why would a business that prints money risk fixing games for one team? Yes mahomes gets a ton of iffy calls or steals extra yards if d doesn’t hit him, he very good manipulating these garbage rules. I was saying 10-15 years ago when they started all these rules in name of player safety to boost offense that all it would do is give refs more control over outcomes and the sport I love most was being ruined by nfl and most ppl acted like I was being over the top. Now everyone dissecting a few meaningless for most part plays and calling it a fix to make kc be the most decorated dynasty ever. Nobody even raised this big of stink over pats and they not only got calls, manipulated rules, but were flat out cheating and nobody was mad. Lmao
I know ya’ll watch a lot of football it amazing to me we really acting as if this only goes on in kc games. Why would a business that prints money risk fixing games for one team? Yes mahomes gets a ton of iffy calls or steals extra yards if d doesn’t hit him, he very good manipulating these garbage rules. I was saying 10-15 years ago when they started all these rules in name of player safety to boost offense that all it would do is give refs more control over outcomes and the sport I love most was being ruined by nfl and most ppl acted like I was being over the top. Now everyone dissecting a few meaningless for most part plays and calling it a fix to make kc be the most decorated dynasty ever. Nobody even raised this big of stink over pats and they not only got calls, manipulated rules, but were flat out cheating and nobody was mad. Lmao
I know I got mad about the Pats! I never saw refs literally celebrate with players before
Other games do have ref bias but Chiefs are the only team to get help on a consistent basis. Everybody knows that 49ers were going to lose to Eagles no matter what so that the NFL could market a Super Bowl with all black quarterbacks.
I know I got mad about the Pats! I never saw refs literally celebrate with players before

They literally changed what a fumble was in middle a game to ensure patriots got to the sb after 9-11 and sure some ppl made a little noise but it was nothing like this kc hate. Crazy, at least prove kc cheating to any degree we have proof pats did before making them out to be lucky mahomes 17-3 in playoffs, are we seriously saying that cause the refs? It kinda annoys me im having to be the voice of reason on this as I don’t even particularly like kc and before this thread didn’t really want to see them win again, now I’m all in on them and really hope anyone betting Philly after saying nfl cheats for kc gets what they deserve and they can bitch and complain all night while I count my winnings as kc wins close and there 1-2 calls deemed to be why they won. I’m all for it, I hope I’m getting in on a fixed game!! In reality im just betting best team in league the last 5 years at a crazy cheap price, there no debate bout that and hopefully all the conspiracy nuts are right and I get every call not that they need it. Eagles the team who got the most obvious few calls in their favor along with god knows how many fumbles to cake walk here. Someone tell me there wasn’t obvious replay evidence packers recovered the opening kick fumble which really was biggest play in that trash game and it was the most un debatable bad call the entire playoffs but they not cheating for eagles?? Just stop it, I’ve sadly lost a lot of respect for some ppl in this thread pushing this stupid narrative.
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I know ya’ll watch a lot of football it amazing to me we really acting as if this only goes on in kc games. Why would a business that prints money risk fixing games for one team? Yes mahomes gets a ton of iffy calls or steals extra yards if d doesn’t hit him, he very good manipulating these garbage rules. I was saying 10-15 years ago when they started all these rules in name of player safety to boost offense that all it would do is give refs more control over outcomes and the sport I love most was being ruined by nfl and most ppl acted like I was being over the top. Now everyone dissecting a few meaningless for most part plays and calling it a fix to make kc be the most decorated dynasty ever. Nobody even raised this big of stink over pats and they not only got calls, manipulated rules, but were flat out cheating and nobody was mad. Lmao

Everyone was mad
Other games do have ref bias but Chiefs are the only team to get help on a consistent basis. Everybody knows that 49ers were going to lose to Eagles no matter what so that the NFL could market a Super Bowl with all black quarterbacks.

I have 2 of eagles 3 playoff games this year that had way more obvious wrong calls that all went Philly way but no thread or outrage. One of them decided by instant replay that show packers clearly recovered the fumbled kickoff but since ppl have kc fatigue they want to play make believe that a spot changed the outcome in a game mahomes wins late anytime it close. Nobody interested in facts when they playing conspiracy theory tho. Bush caused 9-11, Trump really won the election he lost, we never landed on moon, and I can’t believe I forgot my tin foil hat before coming in this thread. If kc gets more calls which I seriously doubt anyone can prove it cause mahomes is better than every other qb manipulating bad rules they never should have made. That a far cry from a conspiracy to help Kc win.
Oh and before I go back to the land of reason and logic let me point out the tush push should have been banned 2 years ago and is by far the most garbage play in football. Dunno why ya’ll think it somehow got ok to push pull and drag a runner forward? Shit is stupid and the argument why don’t other teams do it isn’t a rebuttal, other teams care about their qb doesn’t mean Philly should be allowed to get 8 yards for a 1st down cause they willing to let their qb be put thru a washing machine of 300+ pounders. It isn’t a football play in my lifetime but hey, I know ya’ll tired of kc so keep spinning that web of garbage.

, keep telling the lie over and over til it becomes true. Gl with that and enjoy the 1st 3peat ever! I know I and apparently the nfl will!!
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They were on pace to be 10+ points better. The general consensus. Surely even with Law would have gotten closer at the end.

Niners blew two double digit leads, Shanny blew a 25 point lead to no shocker Brady aka mahomes before mahomes. Just be real bout it, call or no call or If niners got a call the fact is they came up against best clutch qbs of all time with a 7th rounder and Jimmy g who missed a easy td on a amazing designed play by Shanny they woulda prob buried kc in the 1st meeting., I feel like you know all this but for some reason wanted to latch on to the kc narrative and tell yourself like choking dodgers fans who wanted to count the WS Astros beat them allegedly cause they found a smart way to steal signs! Lol. You better than that but you letting the fan in you take over, fandom is our enemy my dude!!

I bet niners in the 1st kc sb w them and they lost cause Jimmy g bitch was missed the wide open wr they brought it to help win (stoned and can’t think his name and driving me crazy!)., I didn’t feel cheated by refs at all and yea I was still betting against mahomes back then!!! lol