Vicious Rumor of the Day: Leach Going to Auburn

Where in the world is Mike Leach?

from Dr. Saturday - NCAAF - Yahoo! Sports by Matt Hinton
Either the Cap'n is close to finalizing a deal with Auburn, according to "a source with knowledge of the situation," or he's negotiating a new contract with Texas Tech as we speak, according to Tech AD Gerald Myers. Neither source under the circumstances is necessarily more reputable than the other. (Of course, Leach could be playing both off of one another for mighty booty. He's a shrewd one, the double-crossin' scalawag.)
If Leach goes to Auburn, I call dibs on Chris Todd for next year's fantasy roster. The same rag-armed wonder who completed barely 50 percent of his passes and was benched with a 5:6 TD:INT ratio when Tony Franklin was fired is good for at least 35 touchdown passes under the guru who originally recruited him. Book it.
I heard he's finalizing the deal. This seems to have some serious legs. I also think Briles has an out in his Baylor contract for TT so those wheels may already be spinning.
If this happens with Nutt, I'll quit Auburn!!!:hang:

From the Bham News:
Auburn is considering Houston Nutt, but not Leach
Posted by [URL=""]Charles Goldberg, Birmingham News[/URL] December 05, 2008 12:46 PM

Categories: Sports
Ole Miss coach Houston Nutt met with his athletics director and the university chancellor Friday morning. That meeting occurred with the backdrop of Auburn taking a look at Nutt to replace Tommy Tuberville. One coach who is not being considered is Texas Tech's Mike Leach.
The News reported Friday morning Auburn was interested in Nutt and Florida State offensive coordinator Jimbo Fisher, and possibly a few others. Nutt met with Athletics Director Pete Boone and university chancellor Robert Khayat.

Two names that have been talked about, especially nationally, can be stricken from the list. Leach, who insiders say expressed an interest in Auburn, is not being considered. Texas defensive coordinator and former Auburn assistant Will Muschamp is content in Austin.
I think the word you were going for was vicious (770 verbal SAT) :shake:

Sorry man, just kidding, couldn't resist. :pillow:
I heard he's finalizing the deal. This seems to have some serious legs. I also think Briles has an out in his Baylor contract for TT so those wheels may already be spinning.

I think it's clear by Harrell's comment that he's gone and not staying at TT. If Leach bolts, Crabtree will definitely be gone--even though he just said he'd stay.

Damn. I want Briles to stay at Baylor but a move to TT would be awesome for him and Tech if they lose Leach. Gotta find someone to take over Baylor then and be strong enough to keep Aggy in 6th.
When are yall going to learn?

When he actually leaves, I will be the first one to post it here. I promise.
He's not going to Auburn. Just like he wasn't going to Tennessee or Washington.

He's squeezing Tech for every penny.
When are yall going to learn?

When he actually leaves, I will be the first one to post it here. I promise.
He's not going to Auburn. Just like he wasn't going to Tennessee or Washington.

He's squeezing Tech for every penny.

He wasn't even interviewed at Tennessee was he? Washington isn't close to the same job Auburn or Tennessee is, so just cause he withdrew his name from them doesn't really say a lot. UDub has among the worst facilities in the country for a supposedly good program and the commitment to winning isn't what it once was. When Pat Hill withdraws his name and is even a candidate to being with that should tell you something about the Washington job.
Saw that myself..don't really see him fitting in at the school, but his style of play could fit into the SEC. Would need a couple years of good recruiting

UPDATE: This blog calls Boise State's Chris Petersen to Mississippi State a done deal.
The coaching rumor mill keeps spinning for Boise State coach Chris Petersen.
Yesterday, it was Petersen to Washington. Today, it’s Petersen to Mississippi State. Tomorrow, I’m sure it will be Petersen to Syracuse or Auburn or Miami of Ohio.
I’ve gotten at least two calls from folks in Mississippi claiming that Petersen to Mississippi State is currently the hottest topic going in the state.
This is despite Petersen’s comments to the Clarion-Ledger regarding his interest in the position. Petersen and Mississippi State athletic director Greg Byrne are close fiends, dating back to their time together at Oregon.
“Greg and I have been friends for a long time. We talk often. He knows how happy we are in Boise and that’s where we’re going to be,” Petersen told the newspaper.
I've heard Petersen turned down MSU, but who really knows. Mississippi State is probably the worst job in the SEC, if I was him I would wait for something better to come along.
Formal Offer Extended to Leach

from Double-T Nation by Tech92
Chancellor Kent Hance is confirming that Leach received the formal offer this afternoon. Hopefully, we'll have some closure before the end of the weekend. It looks to be much less than $3 mm per year, from what he hinted at.
I will speculate it's for roughly $12 mm over five years. That would be roughly $2.4mm per year. Seems pretty fair, especially if there are bonuses to push that past $3mm. We'll see how this all shakes out, but feel free to speculate!
Texas in the Sugar Bowl? Why it (likely) won't happen

from Bevo Beat
The conventional wisdom the past week has been that Texas will be headed to the Fiesta Bowl if Oklahoma beats Missouri and wraps up a berth in the national title game. But there’s been a growing amount of message-board chatter about the possibility of Fox TV execs and the BCS bowls coming together to set up a Texas vs. SEC runner-up matchup in the Sugar Bowl.
Color us skeptical.
Kirk Bohls addressed — and discounted — that idea in his Thursday column, based on conversations with Fiesta Bowl executive John Junker. The Fiesta chief all but ruled out such a scenario for Texas.
Wrote Bohls:
It’d be nice to report that the Fiesta and Sugar bowls would collaborate and allow for a matchup between Texas and the Florida-Alabama loser, but neither bowl is likely to sign off on that. “Crimson Tide is an apt term for what bowl people expect to see (when they invite Alabama),” Junker said. “I guess there could be unusual cases, and those are fun things to talk about, but they don’t usually seem to materialize.”​
The BCS bowl selection procedures are the first barrier to that Texas/SEC/Sugar scenario. Assuming that the Sugar and Fiesta bowls get to select replacement teams after losing their conference champs to the national championship game, then the following BCS rule will come into play:
When two bowls lose host teams, then the bowl losing the number one team may not select a replacement team from the same conference as the number two team, unless the bowl losing the number two team consents.​
That would seem to preclude the Sugar bowl from taking Texas and the Fiesta from taking Alabama/Florida.
But then there is this final bit of BCS legalese that could be used to trump all others:
After completion of the selection process as described in Paragraph Nos. 1-4, the conferences and Notre Dame may, but are not required to, adjust the pairings taking into consideration the following … whether alternative pairings may have greater or lesser appeal to college football fans as measured by expected ticket sales for the bowls and by expected television interest, and the consequent financial impact on Fox and the bowls.​
Anyone can see why Fox would love to intervene and set up a pair of Big 12 vs. SEC showdowns in BCS bowls. You can almost see the commerials now. But why would the Fiesta and Sugar bowls assent to such shenanigans? One of them would be left with a dreadful matchup (Ohio State vs. Utah? Cincinnati vs. anybody?) in exchange for giving up a big-name team like Texas or Alabama or Florida — teams that have fans who’ll travel and spend and teams with national TV appeal. Given what we’ve heard from Fiesta Bowl honcho Junker, we don’t see that happening.
When are yall going to learn?

When he actually leaves, I will be the first one to post it here. I promise.
He's not going to Auburn. Just like he wasn't going to Tennessee or Washington.

He's squeezing Tech for every penny.

Do you know Mike Leach personally? Do you know his motives? What makes you think he's gonna stay in Lubbock til the day he dies? He will leave for another job. He will not retire as the Tech head coach. He will leave on his own accord, it's just a matter of time. That Tech job is not the end-all be-all for Mike Leach. I don't know the man but all you need to do is look at coaches behavior over the yrs and you know this guy is not going to stay there that much longer. He is sought after right now as he has ever been. I will be surprised if he stays at Tech, but not shocked. Maybe he signs an extension or a new contract at Tech, but within a couple of years he gets interest again from a bigger school and he's gone like yesterday's paper.
It could be that he's using the Tech contract offer to squeeze every penny out of Auburn. You might have this backwards. We'll find out very soon.
do you know mike leach personally? Do you know his motives? What makes you think he's gonna stay in lubbock til the day he dies? He will leave for another job. He will not retire as the tech head coach. He will leave on his own accord, it's just a matter of time. That tech job is not the end-all be-all for mike leach. I don't know the man but all you need to do is look at coaches behavior over the yrs and you know this guy is not going to stay there that much longer. He is sought after right now as he has ever been. I will be surprised if he stays at tech, but not shocked. Maybe he signs an extension or a new contract at tech, but within a couple of years he gets interest again from a bigger school and he's gone like yesterday's paper.

this just in:

Bob stoops is heading to auburn
Leach reportedly called Auburn and was told on Friday that Auburn wasn't interested.

Which brings me to my next observation.

What is wrong/going on with the SEC and coaching?

Leach is a proven commodity taking TT from hardly anything to a team that will compete to be #1 or #2 in the state of Texas and even compete for the South. However, 2 SEC schools have now outright rejected the notion of Leach becoming their new HC while one hired a 32 unproven (ok, the Raiders, whoopee) HC and the other still looking.

What is even more disturbing to me, when looking at Auburn's search, is that there appears to be zero imagination as to who to hire. Nutt? Petrino? Muschamp? Paul Johnson?

What the Auburn search, and to a lesser extent the Tennessee search, has told me is that the SEC may be blessed with the best talent in the nation--but it is an incestuous and, as a result, unimaginative group of coaches.

The fear that Tennessee and Auburn have shown in considering Leach shows to me that they have no courage in trying out a new, yet proven, system. Further, they have no interest in hiring an outspoken free spirit in favor of hiring a good ole boy or NFL reject.

I have a feeling that the lack of imagination will only hurt these teams who are unwilling to break the mold. Remember, most smart people thought that Urban Meyer's spread would never work at Florida. And now they are the dominant power in the East and have a chance to win their 2nd MNC in 3 years.

The SEC needs to experiment more.
RJ, link please?

The Works says Hooray, %$#@!

from The Joe Cribbs Car Wash by Jerry Hinnen
I mean this with every bit of sincerity I can muster: Enjoy your raise.

Hooray, %$#@!
Good news and bad news from the coaching search front this a.m., as Goldberg reports that
Georgia Tech's Paul Johnson is also now in the mix to replace Tommy Tuberville
before adding that
Texas Tech coach Mike Leach approached Auburn during the day Friday, but found no interest, according to people familiar with the situation.
I suppose nothing's really kaput with Leach until he signs the extension Tech's dropped in front of him, but the little stock arrow on Leach's chances are definitely pointing down, apparently because Auburn thinks Leach "doesn't fit well in the SEC." You know what I think about that notion, and you know what I think about Auburn buying into it.

But if Auburn's going to get serious about Johnson, maybe I can forgive them for it.

Further quality reading on the subject of Leach: available at Grotus Acorn, where he remains unconvinced Auburn would be willing to rally 'round the captain's flag.

Going in for the Gill. Like the rest of you, last night I watched Buffalo gladly accept the bevy of gifts Brady Hoke's Ball St. team offered the Bulls and win the MAC. And like the rest of you, I thought "Hmmmmm."

Of course, plenty of Auburn fans were already been on the Gill bandwagon, and for good reason: he's taken the single worst program in I-A, at a school with possibly the worst I-A recruiting base east of the Mississippi (seriously: upstate New York?!?), and made it legit in only three years. Aside from maybe Brian Kelly, no coach in the country has been more impressive over that three-year span. As the Good Doctor said, someone's going to drive a dump truck full of money up to his house soon. Should it be Auburn?

TWER offered their endorsement in typically clever fashion and Evan Woodberry cranked out a surprisingly in-depth (and persuasive) blog post on Gill's potential candidacy, but the JCCW's official position is one of caution. Gill could be the bedrock of a resurgent Auburn football program for years to come. He could also be Steve Kragthorpe. Not that Auburn shouldn't do their due diligence with every candidate, but with Gill, his record isn't enough--it's an incredible rebuilding job, no doubt but it's a much easier path from the basement to the top of the MAC than it is from even the middle floors to the top of the SEC. How well he interviews and how clear a plan he can lay out for his staff and Auburn's recruiting are of vital importance. Let's be clear: if the Bulls don't complete this Hail Mary at the end of the Temple game, last night never happens, and he's probably just another mid-major coach in the "Maybe we'll get to those guys, but probably not" pool.

That said? There's no doubt what he's done with the Bulls is flat amazing and only little doubt that, after watching his post-game interview last night, he's a guy on his way to some great things. I think it's fair to move him to the front of the mid-major pack--I'd be more excited about him than I would be Patterson (somehow I don't think Auburntron views that prediction with an optimistic bent), that's for damned sure--but I just don't think he's as much a sure thing as some of the other coaches on the shortlist. If his name continues to pick up steam, though, we'll give him the full Coachapalooza treatment in a couple of days.

Recruiting? Going as well as expected. At least, to their credit, the Auburn position coaches are doing their best to stop the bleeding.

The real developments in that post from Bitter, though? First, that someone's already hired Hugh Nall (that was fast) and that Don Dunn rather candidly expresses his thoughts that Sen'Derrick Marks didn't have the kind of year he's capable of having. We all agree, Sen'Derrick! You'll need to prove to us all what you can do by coming back for another season! Please!

What's it like guiding virtual Auburn to the championship season their real-life equivalents feel just that wee bit short of? JRS says:
(S)ometimes destroying another team through a video game makes you feel a little bit better for about 10 minutes...but not really.
That kind of season, folks.
Hooray, %$#@! Good news and bad news from the coaching search front this a.m., as Goldberg reports that
Georgia Tech's Paul Johnson is also now in the mix to replace Tommy Tuberville
before adding that
Texas Tech coach Mike Leach approached Auburn during the day Friday, but found no interest, according to people familiar with the situation.
I suppose nothing's really kaput with Leach until he signs the extension Tech's dropped in front of him, but the little stock arrow on Leach's chances are definitely pointing down, apparently because Auburn thinks Leach "doesn't fit well in the SEC." You know what I think about that notion, and you know what I think about Auburn buying into it.

But if Auburn's going to get serious about Johnson, maybe I can forgive them for it.

Leach "doesn't fit well with the SEC". You know if he was black that charges of racism would jump of the page.

I thought the biggest factor was winning. Leach has shown he can do that.

Again, they want a good ole boy.
Leach is a proven commodity taking TT from hardly anything to a team that will compete to be #1 or #2 in the state of Texas

I disagree. TTU was 4-3 against the Longhorns and 4-3 against the Aggies in Spike's last 7 years. In other words, Tech was already #1 or #2 in the state when Leach took over.
I thought the biggest factor was winning.

Surely, other things matter as well. If winning were all that mattered, you'd have a different hoops coach. He was let go by his previous employer for moral turpitude, despite lots of winning.
I disagree. TTU was 4-3 against the Longhorns and 4-3 against the Aggies in Spike's last 7 years. In other words, Tech was already #1 or #2 in the state when Leach took over.

You're kidding me. Also, the 4-3 record vs. the Longhorns was pre-Mack Brown and Mackovic era.

Since then, Leach has cemented TT as a solid #2 in the state and possibly #1 with its' best teams.
Leach reportedly called Auburn and was told on Friday that Auburn wasn't interested.

Which brings me to my next observation.

What is wrong/going on with the SEC and coaching?

Leach is a proven commodity taking TT from hardly anything to a team that will compete to be #1 or #2 in the state of Texas and even compete for the South. However, 2 SEC schools have now outright rejected the notion of Leach becoming their new HC while one hired a 32 unproven (ok, the Raiders, whoopee) HC and the other still looking.

What is even more disturbing to me, when looking at Auburn's search, is that there appears to be zero imagination as to who to hire. Nutt? Petrino? Muschamp? Paul Johnson?

What the Auburn search, and to a lesser extent the Tennessee search, has told me is that the SEC may be blessed with the best talent in the nation--but it is an incestuous and, as a result, unimaginative group of coaches.

The fear that Tennessee and Auburn have shown in considering Leach shows to me that they have no courage in trying out a new, yet proven, system. Further, they have no interest in hiring an outspoken free spirit in favor of hiring a good ole boy or NFL reject.

I have a feeling that the lack of imagination will only hurt these teams who are unwilling to break the mold. Remember, most smart people thought that Urban Meyer's spread would never work at Florida. And now they are the dominant power in the East and have a chance to win their 2nd MNC in 3 years.

The SEC needs to experiment more.

I agree 100%...UT made a mistake and unless AU comes up with a surprise move...not considering The Pirate makes zero football sense.
Something to also keep in mind...Florida is the least "southern" of SEC programs. AU, Bama, LSU, Tenn, UGA, SCary...all located in the true deep south...may explain more of a "good ole boy" mentality.

Mully :cheers:
You can be second in the state of Texas all day long but you need to also be second in the state in recruiting and that's not happening. Right now they are #4b with A&M.

OU and TX success has everything to do with them getting the best players in the state. LSU has really made some inroads since Miles has gotten there especially the 2009 and 2010 classes.
Very rarely does Tech go head to head with OU and UT in recruiting. Tech recruits a different style of player to fit our system. It's obvious just by looking at offer sheets from current/past players. Rarely, Tech goes head to head with OU and UT for defensive recruits and it doesn't take a genius to see what school doesn't fit in defensively with the 2 others listed.

Mason Walters and Pearlie Graves are the only recruiting "wars" Tech was involved with OU/UT. Walters is from Lubbock and wanted to go to the 40 acres..he wanted to be at UT. Graves, a current Michigan commit, sounds like he will choose between Tech and OU when it's all said and done. I think Gilbert was offered by Tech first and Emory Blake was offered a grey shirt..can't think of any other mutual recruits of Tech & UT off the top of my head. Obviously, there are a few offensive examples like Crabtree (UT wanted him as a defensive back..same with OU i think??)

There is little chance for Tech to win a recruiting battle with UT & OU. That's the beauty of running a "system" offense and reason for success.

And to be compared to Aggy in recruiting is harsh. We all know no one wants an Aggy commit (sans Jonathan Stewart / Christine Michael).
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I dont agree with them at least not interviewing Leach ( I personally wanted him) but they state their reasons as he is not familiar with recruiting in the south, especially Florida. I think that is a Bullshit excuse and the Board doesnt want anyone in but someone they can direct and somewhat control. Leach to them was a loose cannon.

Gill would not be a bad choice but does he make a splash? At this point does anyone on the list make a splash? jimbo fisher appears to be too steep to pay out FSU and pay him what it will take to get him here. So now we send our AD to New York last night to interview Gill and Hoke if he is interested.