USA v. Spain Gold Medal Game In-Game

about time, satyr

after a couple of huge letdowns in the past we finally play AS A TEAM and no individual bullshit... and playing up to our potential:cheers:

im a big homer. im sorry, i hope america wins every fucking medal.
but croatia can come in second id be happy with that:popcorn:

fuckin chinese though theyre just built for golds, little 10 year old machines
i shoulda STFU

this gold medal and game is far from over.

its still an upgrade after the bullshit from last year
anyone lay the points with the US?

i took argentina ML right before i hit the sack last night in a drunken stupor, but fucked myself since i though the game was this morning for some reason

got +125 when it hit +150 before tip. stupid. stupidd
that -24 is looking like it's going to be tough to get. Hopefully not a lot of you put anything on it
WTF was wade doing, he just watched (i guess navarro?, wasnt paying attention) walk right in, didnt bother to turn around to defend that.

lol d-wade takin out his knees
This is going to finish in typical international fashion.

Spain will stay aggressive and the US will settle for transition and 3's.
Are we SERIOUS about shooting all these 3's?

they were just in man to man and kobe didnt even bother trying to drive.
Rudy Fernandez is going to be a stud for Portland. He's coming this year and I think he's the most NBA ready of the rookies, including Beasley and Rose.

lets get some isolation and penetration here, what the fuck is up with settling for all these outside shots
That's US basketball. Jump shooting.

thats exactly what we did in the past and i was happy we havent really done all tournament above, i jinxed it

individual shake and bake moves settling for mid-long range jumpers, un fucking real. :whip:
I was just going to say Spain is pooping their pants like they did in WWII, but Ferenadez with another 3.