USA v. Japan Softball INGAME

Upon further reflection I'm comfortable with the wagers I made. I don't understand softball as well as I thought I did, and I umpired some of these ASA state and national playoff games. Sure I've seen some of these women pitch 2 or 3 games in a two day period but they've always struggled. As tournaments progressed you could very easily tell who had only one pitcher and who was using two or three.

Without selling Japan short, USA softball should be completing embarrassed. Japan has a solid team, but no where near the talent USA has. They have decent programs in place, but something like this should never happen when you considered everything else they had going against them. Ueno pitching 319 pitches the day before. USA using a fresh Cat Osterman who's a lefty and Japan having 7 f'n lefties in their lineup. The exhaustion of Japan who played a 9 inning and a 12 inning game the day before. USA just playing 9. The mental factor that USA has over Japan in olympic games of not being beatable. I think japan won in '05 international play but where beaten for the gold in Sydney by USA (even after USA lost 3 games in round robin). That first inning came back to bite me and the USA team in the ass. It would have been huge to get 2 or 3 runs there like it appeared they would. Completely took Japan out of the game.

Was up almost 4k in last three weeks, things were just going too good and went for a kill shot that didn't work. Lets get the real baseball wagers tonight (I say that without knowing how my afternoon games went... eek).
Upon further reflection I'm comfortable with the wagers I made. I don't understand softball as well as I thought I did, and I umpired some of these ASA state and national playoff games. Sure I've seen some of these women pitch 2 or 3 games in a two day period but they've always struggled. As tournaments progressed you could very easily tell who had only one pitcher and who was using two or three.

Without selling Japan short, USA softball should be completing embarrassed. Japan has a solid team, but no where near the talent USA has. They have decent programs in place, but something like this should never happen when you considered everything else they had going against them. Ueno pitching 319 pitches the day before. USA using a fresh Cat Osterman who's a lefty and Japan having 7 f'n lefties in their lineup. The exhaustion of Japan who played a 9 inning and a 12 inning game the day before. USA just playing 9. The mental factor that USA has over Japan in olympic games of not being beatable. I think japan won in '05 international play but where beaten for the gold in Sydney by USA (even after USA lost 3 games in round robin). That first inning came back to bite me and the USA team in the ass. It would have been huge to get 2 or 3 runs there like it appeared they would. Completely took Japan out of the game.

Was up almost 4k in last three weeks, things were just going too good and went for a kill shot that didn't work. Lets get the real baseball wagers tonight (I say that without knowing how my afternoon games went... eek).

And can women be allowed to play sports again? :mad:
Just saw this thread but was feeling your pain while watching this SHITE this AM.
I think it came down to the Rising Sun "wanting it more" and our ladies being way too OVERCONFIDENT. (Which is amazing considering they barely beat this team in extras.)
Our girls REFUSED TO ADJUST at the plate...we had so many "women" on base only to have our hitters continuously swinging at pitches off their fists.
Results were lame infield pop-ups...the Asian girls did far more "slap hitting", situational moving of runners, and played with far more EMOTION.
I guess we learned that when you go thru the tourney outscoring your opponents EXPECT to win.
Maybe we should of seen back to the real sports MLB, CFB, PFB, CBB...and ahem, Women's Olympic Baskets...GO AUSSIES...:36_11_6:

Mully :cheers:
Oh yah? Well fuck you up the ass with a baseball bat

A women's baseball bat!

Been there. Done that. Didn't feel good this morning. :hang:

Thankfully these "athletes" won't have a chance in another four years, because god knows I would have forgot about my mistake by then and wagered on the choke artists.