Underrated team


Not all those who wander are lost
Coyotes. I live in Arizona now as well as last year. When I posted hockey last year it was my opinon that the Coyotes were a pitiful team and almost never bet on them. I would wait a while on this years version. Its possible that we might see substantial inprovement. Not a playoff team but one that might be profitable to bet on. GL
Guys, not sure about the Blues but think they needed to get younger. This is not an old mans game.
I think they'd be a team to ride when they are going hot, and stay clear when going cold... much like those runs they had last year.

IMO in the early going the Oilers could poise some value, in terms of betting as a dog.
what do you think of Daniel Carcillo? he is a good friend of mine's godson. Said his main problem is his mental state of mind. Tends to really lose focus.

I don't have an underrated team. I think a lot of teams are stacked this year. Just looking at the Northeast, I don't think we will see a runaway division winner there. Same goes with the Atlantic.

The only runaway division i see is the Central. Chicago stacked with youth, Nashville in all sorts of dilemma losing some key players. Columbus is a yo yo team, the Blues....well they seem to enjoy playing the Red Wings but i don't see them really causing any threat.
Almost nothing. I know he is 22 and that this team is aimed at the young with a sprinkling of talented vets so he will get a chance. So far just reading the Republic every day on this team. Tend to think a tough first month and then a real money maker. GL
GL this season tuck, look forward to your 1st period plays, those Blues were money last season, wonder how they react this year.
Islanders could surprise. Washington is very in fashion so no surprise possible.
theres going to be about a 12 point difference between 6th and last place in the east this year... so many teams can sneak in and make noise...
Small test bet on the Blues. Think its going to take them some time to organize and 15 cents is ok but would not be really surprised to lose this. Coyotes will pass Chicago and Preds by mid season I think.