UFC on FOX 5


My boy Jump called that one. Swick looked bad here.
This kid Rory might have the best fundamentals in the game. So damn smooth. He was beating the hell out of Condit until the final 20 seconds.

Nice first round.
how is BJ so winded... where's that cardio they were just talking about....
The sad thing is Rory wont fight GSP. Too close of friends. It might allow us to see GSP go up to 185.
Geez Rory, has that serial killer delivery when he talks. Just strange now. He wasn't like this previously. He's taken on this whole new persona.

I agree Jump.
remember his last fight when he said he can't be taking punches like that. well he shoulda listened to himself.
He was too slow at 155 vs Frankie and now too small at 170. Time to go old man, your game never developed. Only guy who has really sustained the ages was Anderson.

Others who got old and didnt get better, Tito, Chuck, BJ, Randy, Forrest, Rampage.
Well im 1 - 1 i like the swede. Its a big step up in competition for him and i dont think hes fought in a while, I just think his reach and striking are better. Big stage for this kid though.
I was thinking that the swede should get the next shot but he hasnt looked that impressive. If Henderson can ko machida id give it to him.
I think it's Nates time. Ever since he came back to 55, he walked thru Cowboy and crushed Jim Miller. The guys hes lost too have been strong wrestlers, i dont think hes ever been finished even against bigger guys at 70. I will say the Diaz boys dont usually get the decisions from the judges.
i'm from the 209. might have to back Nate. agree though judges don't like the diaz boys for their attitudes.
Benson getting hit hard..... wow that line has jumped in the last few minutes
You guys heard the story where Nick fought the dude at the hospital after the fight was over. Dude was hooked up to iv and everything. These guys love to scrap.
MMAWeekly: So you fight, and you have to go to the hospital and get checked out. What the heck happened at the hospital man?

Riggs: Lets clear things up here. Everyone keeps saying that he knocked me out at the hospital. That’s bullshit.

MMAWeekly: You go to the hospital, take us through this entire situation. You were getting checked out or what? What happened?

Riggs: I was just getting my hands checked out from beating his head so many times. They separated us at the hospital because he keeps talking crap, just going back and forth. He won’t shut up.

MMAWeekly: Were you in the waiting room, or where you actually in a room?

Riggs: We were like going to get a room, and like he is always popping off, talking smack. I go down toward his end of the hospital to find a doctor so he could watch me pee in a cup for the boxing commission, and he comes talking smack. I’m like, go back to the WEC. You’re bush league. You just got beat up. That’s two in a row. You’re out. I was just standing around talking sh#t to him. He was like, that’s it, and comes out of his room. I had my hands down. He starts coming up to me. I just never in a million years thought he’d throw a punch. He threw a right hook and hit me right in the chin. I mean it hit me right on the button. I seriously can’t say that I was knocked out, but I kind of went down to a knee. Then we just fought and scrambled. I put him against the wall and just Thai clinched and started kneeing the sh#t out of him. His nose was bleeding. I kept kneeing him, and they broke us up. That’s all that happened.

MMAWeekly: You had an IV in your arm while all of this was happening?

Riggs: Yea. I had an IV going. My blood was spraying everywhere. It was like a horror movie. I’m kneeing him and telling his brother, I’m like, come get your brother off of me. He was like, nothing I can do, man. No. His brother, that guy is an idiot, just hanging off his ball sack like a barnacle. I swear to God, I thought he was all for show. Nick Diaz is legitimately nuts. He’s crazy.

MMAWeekly: That is nuts.

Riggs: It was crazy man. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. That guy is fricken nuts man. After that, he keeps jawing and talking more crap. I’m like, oh my God dude. I guess Cesar Gracie is telling everybody that we squared up and started throwing down and he knocked me unconscious, and we had to pay them to get him off me, or something like that. I don’t know

MMAWeekly: Who stopped this thing because I’m sure the hospital is tripping?

Riggs: Yea. They were squealing. There was this fat lady going Waa, Waa. It was hilarious. This black security guard, a real big dude separated us.

MMAWeekly: That is unbelievable. That’s nuts.

Riggs. Yea. It is nuts man.

MMAWeekly: You fight for three rounds and then you bang it out at the hospital?

Riggs: Yea. I was done. My hands hurt so bad. I hit him in the forehead too. I was tired of hitting him man. I had to hit him again and I was like I don’t want to do it any more. He wasn’t done. He wanted to go a couple of more man. He was getting his stitches. He was getting stitched up and he comes flying out there. God. Dude. That is so unprofessional. There is no way he should ever be allowed to fight back in the UFC. That’s what I would say . . . I had never met him before this weekend, so I wasn’t talking smack in any interviews and stuff like that. I see him down at the fights and he is like, are you going to make weight? Are you going to make weight this time? I’m like, you better f#%king hope not. We’re just going back and forth. I never met him before in my life, and he starts talking crap right off the bat.

MMAWeekly: This entire week was crazy. I know you guys had words in the lobby, and then I know at the weigh-ins you were getting ready to step on the scales and you guys are just jawing back and forth.

Riggs: It was nuts. I was going upstairs. I was going upstairs to go take a pee. I look over and he’s right in my face. I was like, here it goes. I’ve never been in a situation like that before. I mean unprovoked. I don’t know man.

MMAWeekly: At the urinal, and he is staring you down?

Riggs: Yea. He was staring at my dong. I don’t know what he was staring at. The guy is nuts. I hope I never see that guy again.

MMAWeekly: Diaz landed a nice shot on you in the first round, how hurt was you in that fight?

Riggs: I had just got stitches out of my eye before. I cut myself a few times before the fight, and he head-butted it and opened it up a little bit. Other than that, he didn’t land too many punches.
I wish the fight between Nick and GSP would've happened. We woulda saw some great fireworks.
Thats the next fight. Dana already announced it. Once he comes off suspension. They skipped Hendricks.
GSP wont stand with Nick. He'll take him down and lay on him for 5 rounds.

BTW Nick looked awful in that first round. Looks a lot smaller.