Two plays for Saturday

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Sac -2
Milwaukie/New Orleans OVER 181.5

btw, i've been lazy and have fucked up my total...

i'm almost positive i'm 16 games above .500 prolly around 56% and i know i'm somewheres around 6K up on the season...last few weeks havent been all that kind but i think i'm starting to get some feel back
Boykins should provide some much needed scoring for the Bucks. I'm pretty sure you meant to have this thread in the NBA forum, so I moved it from GD. Good luck with the plays.
Sac -2 (550 to win 500)
Milwaukie/New Orleans OVER 181.5 (220 to win 200)

I'm taking the Kings based off of their sheer need for a Win. Houston got involved in a horrific game, as ugly as can be played...but ended up winning their 3rd in a row. (soo what did they really learn?) Houston is on their 3rd game in 4 days which has been a terrible spot for them with either one of their two superstars out in the past two seasons. The Kings are a high powered offense right now, they just might out run the Rockets tommorow in part due to youth and in part out of desperation. Bibby is a good matchup for Alston. If Artest can just contain Tmac for the majority, there's some real solid mismatches for the Kings to take advantage of. Miller can bring Motombo out of the paint and right out of his comfort zone, that should A: cut down on Dikembe's defensive presence down low, B: lower the rebounding stats for Houston, and C: get Miller some open looks (he can make that 15 ft jump shot with a little room). Kevin Martin has been playing solid and I feel he is the big scorer for Sac in this one. He's the one who will benefit in transition from all the sloppy turnovers (that's not somthin you can fix in 24 hours). He's the one who should be the benefactor from Bibby's high assist total tommorow night as he moves extreemly well w/o the ball and Houston's guards are a step slower due to age and additional fatigue. I think Sac pulls away at home in the second half in a fairly easy win 105- 92

The Bucks/Hornets total, I understand what the injuries are SUPPOSED to do to the scoring tommorow night, but the numbers support a HUGE differential in spread/projected outcome. Boykens is running everytime down court and Milwaukie is shooting with time left on every shot clock right now. I figure the pace alone should cover such a low number
i guess now i can post the writeup as my alias has been found @ bye bye dr. lector

got the url out there for a few days at least, couple thousand
Yeah I saw through your alias on Covers. hahaha. They're idiots. Not sure about SAC. Nice write-up. But they couldn't even stop the LAL when everyone thought they would pull away. DAL played B2B on the road. Won. Came back to Dallas and beat Portland at home. B2B. So fatigue a factor? Not always. GL
Dallas and Houston are two very different animals Well . . . No. SAC lost. Texas teams are the fn bomb in the NBA. Can't match them with the same rules you guys always apply. SAC lost. Rocks on the road after multiple games in 5 days. Sorry for your loss but Rockets are not ones to fall into the B2B, road fatigue and all the other capper hi-jinks explanations. They're just a better team that doesn't fall into those capping explanations.
malibu$urfer said:
Dallas and Houston are two very different animals Well . . . No. SAC lost. Texas teams are the fn bomb in the NBA. Can't match them with the same rules you guys always apply. SAC lost. Rocks on the road after multiple games in 5 days. Sorry for your loss but Rockets are not ones to fall into the B2B, road fatigue and all the other capper hi-jinks explanations. They're just a better team that doesn't fall into those capping explanations.

incorrect sir,

yes i lost...i was bettin on a team with 1/10th the talent...the b2b never even factored into my decision Sac was on a back to back as well and both performed well at times throughout the game obviously don't understand situational handicapping, thats fine...the risk with takin the spot i was taking was the fact that it these two teams started to get very competitive down the stretch, i'd lose all my motivation...i didnt mention fatigue once, i mentioned motivation and desperation for the win...OT kinda killed any value for me...when the adreneline is that high, both teams are at 110% and well Houstons top gear is a lot more productive than Sacs