Tuesday MLB Discussion Thread

yeah it'll definitely save juice, but those 1x losses that would have been wins are brutal mentally and for the ole bankroll

I am curious to see how it would shake out in relation to how many more losses compared to losing so much less on a loss? Honestly tho just bored at moment trying to put off doing this yard work I’m way overdue on! Lol. I’m not gonna start playing big favs ml or rl anytime soon. lol
Had to put half unit on Rox. Line just seems crazy high to me.

Since I hate favs all thread I parlayed halo’s ff, A’s, with Vegas nhl. Lol. Something wrong with me!!
Dunno why the hell im on Rox and wasn’t the under. Lol. I guess +180 or whatever it was a pretty good get for a 0-0 game in 8th.
I wanted to go against Bundy, but was snakebitten from yesterday's Giants bet.

I really don’t know why the hell I didn’t play them, like I said that was a insane number for a 8-15 team! How the hell they expected to win a game 65% of the time or whatever that comes out to be is beyond me?
If I woulda been on San Fran id prob be live betting halo’s soon. 100 degrees and San Fran pen, that far from over.
LoL. Just watched Panda Sandoval run from first to third on a single to right. If it happens again this season, he's either going to die from heart failure or trample the third baseman.
Turning out to be a big card for me with several sides/totals in same game, which I hate doing!

A’s/Vegas cross sport ml parlay.
Seattle Ff +.5 +125 and Ff u5
Nyy Ff +5 -120 and u4.5
Cle/pit Ff u5

I guess not that big! Seems so cause I have bunch of nba and nhl plays as well. Plus I have Rox pending. Still looking at few more.
So giants pulled Cahill who was pitching better than yesterday’s starter who was sucking? Freaking pricks! Might be time to throw 25 bucks on halo’s live? 5 total innings by San Fran pen? Gotta think that gonna lead to one guy getting beat up!! Don’t trust halo’s offense tho. After the 5 hole bunch of Easy outs!
So giants pulled Cahill who was pitching better than yesterday’s starter who was sucking? Freaking pricks! Might be time to throw 25 bucks on halo’s live? 5 total innings by San Fran pen? Gotta think that gonna lead to one guy getting beat up!! Don’t trust halo’s offense tho. After the 5 hole bunch of Easy outs!

Bank you‘re clearly a guy who needs to talk out his thoughts to reach a decision. So glad you‘re here with us instead of with the airheads.