Tuesday Discussion

Chacin bad numbers against Cubs.

Quintana good numbers against Brewers.

Brewers more desperate of two teams and need these two games to make up ground in division.

Lean Cubbies.
zHate that our guy VC has a under writeup on the nats/cards but this looks like a high scoring affair to me. I don’t think gant can get thru this lineup more than 2x, Maybe he can navagate his way thru 5 but I still expect at least 2-3 runs off his ass if not more. I would really like to figure out who they plan on backing him up,? Feels like a brebbia/shrieve with Hudson seeing lot of action of late. Hicks be avalable but not til later.

Yes gio has had success vs us but his k/bb rate been ass lately and again cards are really moving up the ranks against lefties, were down in the 20s in league ops vs lefties now all way up to 11th. Our offense is hot ranking in top 3 in ops last week. Somehow Milone held us to 2 runs but we had 10 hits in 4 innings!! Team is hot and while I’m not sure we can take this series (would love to go 3-1 and they will of we get this game! Although I suspect a 2-2 series).

Strongly belive both teams manage 4+ here w both pitchers walking around 4 per 9 only helping add to all the baserunners cards have had lately. It just a matter of time till flood gates burst for one or both these teams as at some point all these baserunners are gonna cross tbe plate!!
Chacin 11-4, 3.91, had a very productive July with 4 victories, but he has surrendered 11 runs in his two starts this month. Chacin is 3-4 with a 3.30 ERA in 8 career appearances (seven starts) against the Cubs.
In the 4 game series at Wrigley between the Cubs and Brewers in April, both teams combined for 11 runs total. Temps were in the mid 50's, no rain. Brewers average 0.5 runs per game at Wrigley this year lol.


Last night sucked for them. Reality check, just like Nats.

Nats tried so hard last night and baseball gods laughed

LA Times has article up saying 8/21 is Jansen next check up. On blood thinners now. Going to have to have another heart surgery after season ends. Jansen quoted saying he pitching before the month ends.

Torn on this. Love that he wants to go back out there but this is his heart we talking about again. Not his first time going through complications either.
I feel like a degenerate in cub game, feel like I could justify anything and yet I focus on the 9 to 9.5 and want to go under even tho little suggests otherwise

Waiting on ump
Pitt and Detroit look good although I think the ump info may be incomplete as it does not show a probable bad 3 inning interaction in the Detroit starter and ref
Arizona may look good. Its a very good day for Arizona. Corbin on best rest and Arizona has seen and hit Gallardo very well while no one has seen Corbin, Strong leay to Yanks
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I was thinking about the Rox at +190 with the Stros in a little bit of a funk, but I see that Verlander is 33-6 in interleague play with a .276 era.

Not sure if that means much. Its possible I will play Rockies first 5. Marquez does not show up good on 5 but he has been very good on the road and to say that Verlander has been suspect at home is an understatement. Houston needs to get their players back. Meanwhile Colorado has been playing much better
Juiced at 9.5 with wind playing virtually no factor seems like it's telling considering nothing has changed since it opened juiced under at 9

9 to 9.5 such a significant move anyway, wonder if someone knows something about ump...steam off 9 all happened basically between 11-noon EST
Please tell me holland not nats closer! Better yet say he is!! Live bet every lead they have!! I can’t believe someone watched this gas can pitch for cards and thought “hey he could help us!!”.. lmfao.
ROX dodged a bullet by releasing him and he was fantastic for us his first year here, although we replaced him with Davis o_O
Verlander only went 2 innings last outing and got shelled. Meanwhile Marquez strikes out 10 but gave up 10 hits as well. Marquez will either pitch a gem or get shelled, that’s his MO. I can see each team scoring 7 alone and also not score at all, but Verlander is giving up the long ball and at this price I’ll take the ROX +180 and over 7
I’d also like to know the ROX record after a day off, I don’t think it’s very good but just guessing and my memory is shit.
Don't really see this as an over play given their history. Tight NL Central match up and Chacin is not exactly having as bad a season as some were suggesting. His last outing against the Cubs he shut them down. I really don't like Quintana but this is the one team he seems to have dominance over for one reason or another.


And this year alone:
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Its pretty good. 9-6. Re Arizona and Texas that may be changing to a total bet. Corbin 9 ERA with this ump
Verlander only went 2 innings last outing and got shelled. Meanwhile Marquez strikes out 10 but gave up 10 hits as well. Marquez will either pitch a gem or get shelled, that’s his MO. I can see each team scoring 7 alone and also not score at all, but Verlander is giving up the long ball and at this price I’ll take the ROX +180 and over 7
I can see that. Till Houston gets their players back they are very shaky and I definitely want to get at these sky high spreads but still want to see the ump first
What I want is actually a first half bet and a game bet if the Ref is not terrible. When Houston hits Oakland its likely pity city. Real bad time to hit the injury bug
Still don't see ump, played o9.5/-115

Cause that was my 1st read on SPs and line movement , pinny leads the way, seems like more than head fake movement
2,45 ERA for Chacin
3.86 Quintana very good day for Milwaukee but chacin not good on 5
Still thinking
Day records are crazy for both teams. Unreal how a team 13 games over .500 can be 13 games under .500 during the day.

With that being said Chacin is on a roll as of late with a WHIP Under 1 last 7 starts.

Quintana has never been good in this stadium and stinks during the day.
Cubs tt and 1st 5 both under for me

Ultimately I'm betting on Chacin and Cuzzi
Awesome man. Born and raised south shore Suffolk. Islip now Brightwaters.

Nice I still have family that lives around Nassau / Suffolk border.. lindenhurst/ copaigue. Havent been yet this year and I’m only in NW Jersey. Need to get out their before the summers over.