Tuesday Discussion Thread

So Roark velo nose dived last year snd is down another tick this spring? That can’t be good! He was never very good in the 1st place! He did have a good k/bb rate in spring but that but far as the good goes.

dunning did have fantastic numbers vs right handed hitters last year. In 71 plate appearances he only allowed 2 extra base hits, both bombs but still very good, resulted in a .454 ops against and also I really solid hard hit rate so doesn’t seem “lucky”.

I’ve spent more than enough time on this game. I still have a hard time not liking the jays cause I think they been undervalued every game but I suppose a case could be made for rangers Ff. It just a stay away for me.
Ok I’ve put in all the work I can, for better or worse here my final card I’m going to casino to bet.

cards/fish Ff u4
Phils ml
Milw ml
Rays Ff -.5

still torn between game over 9 or reds team total over. I’ll make my mind up when I get there.
Thanks for insight banker. Tailing most of your MLB plays every day although I stopped capping it myself and just follow the good handicappers in it. Good start so far
Thanks for insight banker. Tailing most of your MLB plays every day although I stopped capping it myself and just follow the good handicappers in it. Good start so far

thanks. Yea I hope it keeps up, no way I will keep hitting the clip of the last few days but we can dream right?? Lol. I’ll try not to cost you any money at least!
damn, if it holds this would be the 1st one this year where the price move took me off a win! Thus far it has mostly put me on a bunch of winners!! Guess it inevitable to cost me some!

actually glad I passed, nats bats are way more ready than muts were last night! Still think +120 was a good cut off for this one.
damn, if it holds this would be the 1st one this year where the price move took me off a win! Thus far it has mostly put me on a bunch of winners!! Guess it inevitable to cost me some!
And Smyly gave it back.
So cincy team total over was 4.5 -120 so I went with that opposed to full game over. This kinda a new bet for me so we shall see., gl everyone
no doubt, which he didn’t walk any on opening day where you would think might be a bit more adrenaline flowing that could lead to control problems. He did have 7 walks this spring in 14+ innings but who knows if he was working on something? Not to mention in those 14.2 innings he struck out freaking 27!! So of his 44 outs 27 came via punch out. He got 6 in 6 innings against fish, as mentioned with no walks, he was super efficient in that game only taking 77 pitches to get thru 6 innings! Of course the fish lineup is really lacking, they gonna struggle to score vs cards 4th and 5th starters (yesterday and tonight).
So I decided red ml it is
Reds might get the team total in the 1st inning!! Cmon Boys!!

so gant was pretty sketchy in 1st inning but still only gave up 1. Hopefully he settles down and post 2-3 scoreless innings in a row, and hopefully if he gets yanked before 5th they don’t go with a scrub out the pen! Little more hoping than I anticipated. Lol
Reds might get the team total in the 1st inning!! Cmon Boys!!

so gant was pretty sketchy in 1st inning but still only gave up 1. Hopefully he settles down and post 2-3 scoreless innings in a row, and hopefully if he gets yanked before 5th they don’t go with a scrub out the pen! Little more hoping than I anticipated. Lol

oh, 2nd inning. Didnt realize they were already this far into game. So Miley of course couldn’t get a run home. Now we need a 2 out hit
Of course the dogshit Pirates only win so far would be on opening day, costing me a big parlay.
Of course the dogshit Pirates only win so far would be on opening day, costing me a big parlay.

fuckers cost me a nice win pushing the Ff yesterday. Had 2-1 lead w 2 outs in 5th and gave up solo shot to moose. So pissed, at least it was only a push and not a loss. Guess that when ya know you hot, pushes feel like rip offs! Lol
I got a bad feeling I’m gonna regret switching from Ff under in Boston to rays -.5 Ff. Rays offense been pretty putrid thus far. I just thought seeing a lefty might do them some good.
Gotta say, I’m on phils again but muts lineup looks pretty deep. McNeil hitting 7th and McCann 8th pretty solid!
On Cubs -116, Rangers +120 and Snakes/Rox o10.5 +100 x2

Too exhausted from losing these last few days to start a thread. Lean SF tonight but doubt I'd play them once this season
Mfer. Glastnow handed Sox a run with a wild pitch. Now rays gotta score at least 2 runs before end of 5th. The fact that worries me kinda says the Ff under was the play. Lol.
On Cubs -116, Rangers +120 and Snakes/Rox o10.5 +100 x2

Too exhausted from losing these last few days to start a thread. Lean SF tonight but doubt I'd play them once this season

damn, I’m on milw as small dogs, think they have the pitching edge, dunno if they score anyways tho. I leaned jays heavily but figure Roark get lit up.
Mfer. Glastnow handed Sox a run with a wild pitch. Now rays gotta score at least 2 runs before end of 5th. The fact that worries me kinda says the Ff under was the play. Lol.

and they wouldn’t have cashed that runner in without the wild pitch either!! Damn.
I’m pretty curious if pirates will help contribute and get the full game over 9 or not? Either way the reds team total was the way to go!! Once I saw it was only 4.5 it was a no brainer!!!
He all over the place, prob why he not getting calls when he makes pitches. Cards need to get the pen up before this gets ugly. He gonna start walking runs home.
Wow. He got 2 outs with runners still in same spot. Let’s see if he can get the final out and get out this jam!
Great start by brew crew! Phils got bases juiced but their pitcher up. That prob not gonna amount to anything!

6 k’s in a row by alcontera! Cards no match for him!!
Cmon rays, 2nd time thru order, don’t make me look like a ass for taking you instead Ff under!!
Mfer. Bases juiced 1 out for rays and they hit a line drive right at freaking short stop! Damn.
Hell yea, cash cards Ff under! That was one the more stressful ones ya could play, fish had runners all over the bases practically every freaking inning! Being inept as they are offensively could only get 2 across! Kinda lucky but I’ll take it. Alcontera was a beast once again, this kid gonna be competing for cy young awards, maybe as soon as this year! He carving cards up!
Alcontera ran into trouble in 6th. Cards have bases juiced but I don’t think anything been hit out the infield, pretty much just bad luck. Let’s see if dejung can do some damage and try to steal this game from sandy!