Tuesday CFB


Head of Loggerhead Turtle Society
posted on CTG

28-29, - 775

4-2 last Saturday, +8 1/2 units including top unit win on Rutgers. Overall record has been on a steady climb upward after a very slow start..

Talked to the same guy Sammy talked to .. Troy is a good FB team.

Troy -3, -120; 4 units.. WIN

Revenge minded Okie St totally outclassed Troy last time out but take a step back another week and Troy had tOSU on the ropes trailing only 14-10 heading into the 4th Q. They outgained tOSU and are taking a serious stepdown in class tonight and in revenge mode versus a reeling Fla Atl squad .

Think this heads to -4 soon.

Fla Atlantic has problems, talent, but problems.. Do they solve them tonight after HS's verbal outbursts all week in practice or do they pack it in? Hard to say but I'll take a team I believe has more talent and a "step on their throat" mentality after last year's loss..

GL all:cheers:
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The memories for the Troy Trojans are hard to put aside.

The 2007 Troy University football season was going along at a perfect clip. The Trojans had won a pair of big games on national television, had already clinched a share of a second straight Sun Belt crown, and needed just one more win, at home against Florida Atlantic, to secure a berth in the R+L Carriers New Orleans Bowl.

However, four turnovers later and it was the Owls, not the Trojans, who were celebrating on the turf at Movie Gallery Stadium. And, it was the Owls who accepted the bid to play in New Orleans, while the Trojans, despite an 8-4 record, stayed at home for bowl season.

As the two teams prepare to meet again, it is the memory of that day that will fuel the Trojans.

“This game is a big step in reaching our goal of going back to New Orleans,” Trojans senior offensive lineman Chris Jamison said. “It just so happens that this is the game we lost last year that cost us the trip, but we are really focused on this game.”

That focus comes both from the memory of last year, but also from the knowledge that, with a victory, the Trojans will hold a two game lead over each of the teams that shared the SBC title with Troy the last two seasons.

“It's a big-time conference game,” junior linebacker Bear Woods said. “With FAU, it's obvious we have a history with them. I know we both want that title as conference champions. That's everybody’s goal in the Sun Belt and that’s why it’s going be a good football game. I know they’re not going to give it up easy, but we’re going to do everything we can to take it.”

like it tee. don't get all the passion for fau (even by those who watched the horrid game last week). not going to hope a team plays to their potential when they have not most of the year. good luck to us.
That guy you two talked with was Joebren; I know, because i talked with him as well.

Guess we're colliding tonite.

Good luck the rest of the week.
gl Tee ... not a fan of troy side but when we disagreee , you are usually on the right side.

I am on board count me in this one bro-- I have 3 reasons I am on this one--

I know a guy I swear I know a guy who told me TROY is a good football team- Look

Troy is good listen to me idiot!


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Wait a minute...I KNOW this guy. I swear. I KNOW him.
I am on board count me in this one bro-- I have 3 reasons I am on this one--

I know a guy I swear I know a guy who told me TROY is a good football team- Look

Troy is good listen to me idiot!


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Wait a minute...I KNOW this guy. I swear. I KNOW him.

i told you relax, I knew a guy and he said to bet on TROY they were the play buddy-

fau QB and O coordinator having a conversation.