Tuesday 12/18/12 NBA discussion thread

The nets just have to know their roles. I don't care how open Gerald Wallace is he should not be allowed to take that shot there. That is JJs shot to take. The nets seemed baffled at times today. Just out of sorts. Lacking energy. Just very very weird and way too much one on one as usual.
The Nets' problems are two-fold, and they kinda go hand in hand. First, Avery is a bum coach. He speaks the same language as the players so there's that, but he doesn't have any good ideas ever. Second, Deron Williams has been about the 7th or 8th best point guard in the league the last two and a half years, not even close to good enough. Whether it's the extra 7ish pounds he undoubtedly carries that may lead to more silly injuries, him just naturally being injury prone, or him just losing his desire in Newark and just not being able to pick it back up this season, he's not right. Playing at the league's slowest pace will do that to you which may be Avery's fault, but either way, you can't convince me that Deron freakin Williams couldn't pace this team more if he so desired.
He could but if everyone is standing around what do want deron to do? Avery has got to speed things up a little but and has to let the entire team know. Deron thrives in the transition game and they aren't utilizing that.

Btw Pau gasol is back tonight
The nets just have to know their roles. I don't care how open Gerald Wallace is he should not be allowed to take that shot there. That is JJs shot to take. The nets seemed baffled at times today. Just out of sorts. Lacking energy. Just very very weird and way too much one on one as usual.

and that wont get better wit time man...
and that wont get better wit time man...

Of course it will. Like any team, it takes time to gel. I said it before the season started that its going to take months for this team to learn to play with each other. JJ is coming from a team where it was all about him with the isolation plays. That's not gonna work here IMO. He has a long way to go.

I didn't mean anything when I said to relax. I just think you're jumping the gun a bit. I don't really care if you like the nets or not. It's all about winning money lol

The jazz have one of the best front courts in the league btw. Better than the nets and that hurt Brooklyn today.
Of course the nuggets can't close as usual. Against one of the best close out teams in the league.
Am I the only one who thought "Patty Mills" was Irish? I guess I haven't watched enough Spurs games...

Refs been letting SA get away with everything. Duncan setting up a campsite in the paint.

Gallo says 'F**k off'...
morris, eubanks and duhon should not see the light of day on a normal nba team but for fauxtime...they play meaningful minutes...yikes