Tua +800 Heisman

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People keep saying mop-ups from last year...

Honestly, he was in pretty early in a few of the games. It wasn't 4th quarter kill the clock type situations that much.

Didn‘t you yourself say mop-up duty?

I mean there was the sweet pick six in the blowout vs UT. He didn‘t do anything vs LSU or Aubbie as far as I recall.

Either way, can‘t take someone seriously who calls it a runaway based on so little. Could easily make the same cause for Lawrence (beast Spring game) or Haskins (stepped in vs Mich)...not to mention more proven QB‘s like Trace
People keep saying mop-ups from last year...

Honestly, he was in pretty early in a few of the games. It wasn't 4th quarter kill the clock type situations that much.

Yes, Tua entered into games much earlier than previous backups, and was also given more of the playbook to work from than previous years. I think it would be safe to say that the coaching staff was pretty aware of what they had and wanted him to get starter worthy as quickly as possible, even if possibly meant slowing Jalen's progress. If you remember from last season, a certain HC at FAU was tweeting about how special Tua was from the very beginning
Well I already said what you had about Hurts. So I guess you‘re dumb? Or you‘re smart cause you said Tua is hands down the best. I mean you just overwhelm my intellect with that comment lmao. Based on mop duty and a half vs prevent D fröm team that didn’t gameplan vs him hands down the heisman. You dont read the thread and just come with your fanboy hype then insult anyone who disagrees lmao. You‘re on ignore

I'm telling you that if Tua stays healthy, he'll win the Heisman in a landslide. So if you want to win money on a Heisman wager, bet on Tua. If you want to lose money, bet on someone else. And if you chose to characterize a winning wager as "fanboy hype," that's certainly your prerogative. But in the same vein, it is my prerogative to laugh at you hysterically behind your back.
At no point in the title game did Georgia play “prevent.” That lazy rhetoric needs to stop, it was no more than a 2 score game in the 2h and Bama’s last 3 drives went TD/missed chip shot fg/TD. Can’t argue sample size against Tua when the point is efficiency with him in the game.
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At no point in the title game did Georgia play “prevent.” That lazy rhetoric needs to stop, it was no more than a 2 score game in the 2h and Bama’s last 3 drives went TD/missed chip shot fg/TD. Can’t argue sample size against Tua when the point is efficiency with him in the game.

"Prevent" is sort of an overarching term anytime a defense is keying on the pass. Is nickle prevent? Is dime prevent? On the last play of the game, when it was like 2nd and 26, Georgia had a two deep safety look which is generally considered to be a scheme designed to stop the big play. And the fact that Tua hit that pass against a defense that is designed to stop just that type of play is what has the experts raving about Tua.

The other thing that seems to get overlooked here is that Tua didn't do what he did against Fresno State. He came in the game cold, and did it against one of the top defenses in the nation. So when Tua faces Louisville, he'll face a defense significantly worse than what he faced in the national championship game, and what he sees in practice everyday. I suspect Tua and the Bama offense will pretty much do whatever they want against Louisville. I don't see Alabama's punter getting much work in this one.
the Bama qb job is still open. both guys will play today. we'll see what happens. #TEAMHURTS over here
bumping this thread because it is looking pretty good (not jinxing)

is there any value in a hedge here. its gonna be Tua who his now -200, Haskins who is now +200 or Murray who is now +250....I really don't think anyone else has a shot, were far enough into the season that there isn't time left for someone to come out of nowhere.

I got this at +775, just 100 to win 775. Any sense in hedging here? I'm a little worried about Tua's injury, and if he doesn't play this week or plays one series or something and Oklahoma puts up 50+ in Purdue this could shift, no? Just wanted to bump this; no matter how you put it it was a great thread to get the guy at +800 and now have it at -200 just wanted to see if anyone is hedging this at all
I’m gonna wait another week to see how the other two guys shake out — at TCU and at Purdue are both tricky loseable games. If either gains ground I’m ok hedging at a higher price.
I’m gonna wait another week to see how the other two guys shake out — at TCU and at Purdue are both tricky loseable games. If either gains ground I’m ok hedging at a higher price.

yeah, Oklahoma has a loss so that has to count for something, also not sure that the voters are gonna want to set a precedent that Lincoln Riley's qb is gonna win this every year. I was real pissed when OSU pulled it out against Penn State. Barring a health issue, I do think we are good here but Tuas injury and Sabans usage of him is really all that is stopping this
They said Tua was healthier after last week than the week before fwiw.

He didn't look limited at all in the practice videos I've seen. He's wearing a knee brace, but no limp that I could detect. I doubt there will be any designed runs for him this week
He has to miss time to injury to lose. It is impossible for him to implode on that team. Great bet for those of you that took it. Good job, regardless of outcome.
what do we think? if we previously bet 1 u to win 7.75u on tua, is it worth it at all to bet 1 to win 5u on Murray? Its basically a 2 horse race, and logically there is no contest, but there are some dumb narratives going around, such as Tua doesn't have a "Heisman moment" which is because his team is up by 40 every week, but people seem to be looking for crap like that.

or do we just let it all ride?
i think kyler is closer than people might think. i think a lot of voters are waiting to see how he looks vs georgia
what do we think? if we previously bet 1 u to win 7.75u on tua, is it worth it at all to bet 1 to win 5u on Murray? Its basically a 2 horse race, and logically there is no contest, but there are some dumb narratives going around, such as Tua doesn't have a "Heisman moment" which is because his team is up by 40 every week, but people seem to be looking for crap like that.

or do we just let it all ride?

Think you're holding the winning ticket on Tua, Dan, so I'd probably let it ride.

But in spots like this if I do hedge (and feel I'm holding the winning ticket), I would 0.2 units @ +500 on Murray to at least make sure I don't lose my original bet. Then if it's the 2-horse race you think it is (and I agree), you either break even or win 7.55 units.

Much smaller price to pay for a hedge if I feel like I've got the winning ticket.
my posts in this thread didn't get any better with age haha. Probably why I don't set lines for a living....
I don't think a hedge is necessary here. Atleast I am not with my ticket....relax and enjoy the nice hit is my opinion
shout out to @raems for this call. win or lose, I have a +775 ticket on a prop that is now -1000

I did put 20 bucks on kyler to win 100 because why the hell not.

I'm not even a future's bettor, but I max bet Tua @ +1400 everywhere I could before the season began. Like I sad above before the season began, if you aren't betting on Tua, you're just throwing money away. Without question the easiest +1400 wager I have ever seen.
I'm not even a future's bettor, but I max bet Tua @ +1400 everywhere I could before the season began. Like I sad above before the season began, if you aren't betting on Tua, you're just throwing money away. Without question the easiest +1400 wager I have ever seen.[/QUOTE]

10/25 vs the best D they faced all season. 2 picks. Love the kid but man if that was not a mini thud back to earth.

you had better hedge the F out, Bro.

About everything that could go wrong for Tua happened on Saturday while Murray obviously had a huge day.

If Sean McDonough was correct and only 10% of the ballots had been cast as of last Friday, Murray is going to win the Trophy.
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About everything that could go wrong for Tua happened on Saturday while Murray obviously had a huge day.

If Sean McDonough was correct and only 10% of the ballots had been cast as of last Friday, Murray is going to win the Trophy.

Bravo to the voters who waited. why not see an entire body of work of the entire season before sending in the ballot? it always puzzled me in the past why a large contingency of voters would send in their ballots when there were still 1 or 2 games left in the season.

Bravo to the voters who waited. why not see an entire body of work of the entire season before sending in the ballot? it always puzzled me in the past why a large contingency of voters would send in their ballots when there were still 1 or 2 games left in the season.


Yeah, I never figured that one out. If you're entrusted to vote just let the full body of work unfold before doing so.
Yeah, I never figured that one out. If you're entrusted to vote just let the full body of work unfold before doing so.

right. unless you're taking a trip to Zimbabwe and are concerned you will miss the last game or two, why send it in. and even then, in today's age with all the online media, you can be on Mars and still get games streamed or at least read recaps. absolutely NO EXCUSE for voting early. i don't even vote early in elections. what if something comes up in the days leading to election day that can sway me? these are important decisions and should be looked at with as much info as humanly possible. turning in heisman ballots before the season is complete is just irresponsible IMO
About everything that could go wrong for Tua happened on Saturday while Murray obviously had a huge day.

If Sean McDonough was correct and only 10% of the ballots had been cast as of last Friday, Murray is going to win the Trophy.
Yeah, I think it is actually pretty anticlimactic at this point. And that is amazing when you think about how things were just a few weeks ago.
Hope Tua keeps climbing. Body of work shows Tua throwing good numbers on better defenses. I'll take a stab at some plus money.
a 2 loss QB shouldn't win this. I really do believe its Kyler or Tua. I am completely biased bc I was in on tua with the rest of this thread, but if kyler wins, it is such a sham. might as well just award the trophy to oklahomas qb before the season starts every year. not only does that conference play no defense, but oklahomas defense sucks too so kyler is playing every snap of every quarter to keep up.

I did put 3 units on kyler at -120 the other day, to go along with my .5 units on him at +500, so im set with locked in profit but it is ashame that it came to this; tua had it in the bag
I agree Haskins shouldn't win it either but he does only have 1 loss....I think it's a toss up at this point. I know what I want (my Tua +875 or my Haskins +3000) but the big stage of the Georgia/Bama game I'm guessing made too much of an impact in the wrong direction for a bunch of schmucks about to cast votes.

I'm thinking about hedging. Been watching the odds closely, but there is no question Murray has a chance to pull out the 11th hour win.
Hope Tua keeps climbing. Body of work shows Tua throwing good numbers on better defenses. I'll take a stab at some plus money.

I saw a tweet the other day that showed that the actual defenses they played are comparable, but the two
I'm thinking about hedging. Been watching the odds closely, but there is no question Murray has a chance to pull out the 11th hour win.

yup. I bit. no reason to not guarantee myself a solid win. def feels like kyler has the momentum too
I agree Haskins shouldn't win it either but he does only have 1 loss....I think it's a toss up at this point. I know what I want (my Tua +875 or my Haskins +3000) but the big stage of the Georgia/Bama game I'm guessing made too much of an impact in the wrong direction for a bunch of schmucks about to cast votes.

If a Heisman voter liked Murray prior to Saturday, I have no problem with them casting their vote for Murray. I can certainly respect that. But anyone changed their vote based on last Saturday's performances, then yes, they are a schmuck and should have their voting privileges revoked for having a low football IQ.

Murray faced a bottom tier Texas defense, while Tua played an elite college defense loaded with NFL talent . . . and was playing injured, and eventually got knocked out of the game entirely. It is an apples/oranges comparison, and if anyone with a vote cannot distinguish between the two, they have no business voting.
If a Heisman voter liked Murray prior to Saturday, I have no problem with them casting their vote for Murray. I can certainly respect that. But anyone changed their vote based on last Saturday's performances, then yes, they are a schmuck and should have their voting privileges revoked for having a low football IQ.

Murray faced a bottom tier Texas defense, while Tua played an elite college defense loaded with NFL talent . . . and was playing injured, and eventually got knocked out of the game entirely. It is an apples/oranges comparison, and if anyone with a vote cannot distinguish between the two, they have no business voting.

it's the body of work which should include every single game just like the committee does each year to find the 4 they believe deserve the playoff spots, and you simply cannot find one poor game that Kyler had the entire season, no matter who they played. in a race this tight, what happened last saturday should absolutely be material to the analysis of both players, and how each voter weighs it is on said voter. the real schmucks are the ones who turned in their ballots early before seeing all games play out.

KYLER now -210 on 5dimes
TUA now +180
I saw a tweet the other day that showed that the actual defenses they played are comparable, but the two

yup. I bit. no reason to not guarantee myself a solid win. def feels like kyler has the momentum too

No question he has the momentum, and the University of Alabama doesn't seem to be doing much to push Tua.
2 deserving players, wish we could get 2 winners this year and not have a winner in some years.

yes, the most even race we have had in many years. and what makes it even tougher to choose is that both kids are extremely likable as people. i am obviously a Sooner fan, but if Kyler has to lose this, I want it going to Tua because i love watching the kid play and his attitude and demeanor is just fantastic. i hope he stays at Bama for the entirety and does not leave early. more TUA in college is selfishly great for all of us fans
Murray faced a bottom tier Texas defense, while Tua played an elite college defense loaded with NFL talent . . . and was playing injured, and eventually got knocked out of the game entirely. It is an apples/oranges comparison, and if anyone with a vote cannot distinguish between the two, they have no business voting.

I hate OU, as I should being a Texas grad. But all year Tua had the luxury of a great defense. He was under no pressure to score points in most cases. Hats off to him for doing so but Murray faced an entirely different dynamic. Every possession, with that crap defense, was a must score for OU. Punting was not an option. Every time Murray dropped back or scrambled it was a necessity that it be successful. Helluva lot of pressure to be handling all season.
I hate OU, as I should being a Texas grad. But all year Tua had the luxury of a great defense. He was under no pressure to score points in most cases. Hats off to him for doing so but Murray faced an entirely different dynamic. Every possession, with that crap defense, was a must score for OU. Punting was not an option. Every time Murray dropped back or scrambled it was a necessity that it be successful. Helluva lot of pressure to be handling all season.

I really don't have an issue with Murray winning. It would be difficult to argue he's not worthy. My problem with the recent trend toward Murray is that it came on the heals of the most irrelevant Heisman week of the season. If a Heisman voter liked Murray before last Saturday, I have no issue with them sticking to their guns. My issue is with the lame brains who are changing their votes from Tua to Murray based on what transpired on Saturday. That, in my opinion, is patently absurd!

And while your point is well taken, the counter argument is that Tua has accumulated his stat line against much better defenses. So while the pressure to perform definitely weighs in Murray's favor, he was generally having to perform against lesser defensive talent. Even lowly Tennessee has a higher ranked defense than a team like Texas - a team who ostensibly provided him his Heisman moment.
Fuck it. Let's roll...Murray played much more difficult defenses given they were on the sidelines for 90 seconds and an inhaler

No QB in the country could produce as necessary and often as Murray. He made elite defenses look lost
Saw this on Twitter, and it's been posted in another thread, but thought it was appropriate here:

Snaps played in 2018:

Haskins 1009
Murray 807
Tua 588
Fuck it. Let's roll...Murray played much more difficult defenses given they were on the sidelines for 90 seconds and an inhaler

No QB in the country could produce as necessary and often as Murray. He made elite defenses look lost

They didn't play an elite defense all year.

And Tua's injuries and Nick's protecting him with the snap count hurts him in this race.

Honestly, I have no dog in the fight....just think it's a fascinating discussion with arguments that can be made for both guys in so many different ways.

And I know I'm in the minority here, but Haskins being in this discussion is a flat out joke. You can't knock Murray's numbers and say they're video game numbers, when Urb is running up the score with late TDs any chance he gets 1. because he's a jerk and 2. because he wants to make his players' stats look better. Haskins shouldn't have even been invited to NY. I'm just not that impressed with him as a player.
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