Trade Rumors

Yup. Point i was making is market value. A 1st for cooper is an overpay. I like him as a player but think tbey gave 30 spots too much. Whereas Tate for a 3rd and/or Thomas for a 4th gives a better value.

Im aware of upside but paying a 1st for upside after 2 down years is a stretch.

Definitely a overpay for a guy who has proven to have a bit of the dropsies!! Price be damned was still a excellent move for dallas short term considering how winnable that div is and how desperately they needed someone on the outside that at least demands respect!!
Tate has been awesome in Detroit. Dunno what anyone is saying about him. It was inevitable though in a contract year.

Emergence of golliday made him expendable, but hell only a 3rd rounder? Think I’d rather have just kept him for year and see what happened w this team. Of course they also have a nice running gm
taking hold so really don’t need 3 wrs!
What do I need to defend? You're the troll who gave zero "defense" as to why you think a 1st for Cooper makes more sense than a 3rd for Tate. If you wanted to have a reasonable discussion you should have not done your standard know it all response and state the obvious. I know Cooper is 6 years younger, I know he is also way less productive than Tate.

Kevin White is younger than Tate too. Perhaps a team should trade a 1st for him because of age? Like I said. You are predictable and I thought to myself that you would be the one person to try and use age as a way to spark debate via trolling which has zero substance or validity behind why a team should pay a first for an under performing WR with the contract through 2019 I believe.

Cooper, at most, should have cost a most. Trading a 1st for him was a desperation move by the Cowboys versus waiting to get value at the deadline.

I’d give a 3rd for Tate way before a 1st for cooper, shocked anyone would say otherwise!!
Patricia pulling a Patriots move, surprising trade of a name player coming up on an expiring contract. Except the Pats do it and expect to win SB yearly and still do.

This Lions team is going nowhere, mine as well get something for Tate. I don't have a problem, 3rd is good, would rather a second but only the Cowboys would be dumb enough to overpay for a WR on an expiring contract.