Trade Deadline Thread

Flaherty to Dodgers

Hope he breaks a toe getting on the plane

i know one thing bout that prick, he certainly has the stuff and has had several half seasons where he looked like a ace but i've yet to see him put together a entire season other than the strike shortened 1! hope he falls apart like he always did for cards. of course maybe he just sucked cause he was here, our track record recently hasn't been getting most out of guys.

did cards get a reliever? the great trade they made for fedde and pham won't mean shit if they didn't get another arm for pen, i was hearing some bums off angels were their targets so my hopes not high! lol

i really was skeptical anyone would break their prospect bank for crochet with the crap he been saying!! of course white sox gm has done a awful job, look at the haul other starters in the fedde range have brought yet cards got fedde and pham for practically nothing, and the prospects lad sent over wernt very good. chisox gm was prob best to stop before he got fleeced some more! lol

did tigers get a good package for flaherty?
i don't understand why o's dumpster dived with efflin and rogers? why didn't they put a package together for skubal or flaherty? they needed a front line guy not a couple 4's! efflin will help them down the stretch but he not a guy i want to trust in playoffs, and rogers has stuff but speaking of walk machines! no chance i start him in a playoff game. i suppose their saving grace is if kremer pitches like he did last start the have a pretty strong 1-2-3 with burnes, rodrigues, and kremer assuming he can pitch like last start. still i think they woulda been on way to WS had they got skubal and they have the extra talent to do it, not sure why they saving all these position players, they have no room
for them. i didn't understand getting a different bat either, traded hayes for a suspect philly reliever then trade for a bat not any better than hayes!
id take him to close over that clown seawald all day every day tho. how bad walker hurt is gonna be a huge factor for ya'll
Our postseason will be all about how Kelly and Rodriguez come back to form. Nothing to do with the offense.
o's didn't get a closer either did they? man the front office did amazing job drafting all this talent but they have done a terrible job not using their assets to get what they needed. they gave up way more for efflin and rogers than cards gave up for fedde and id argue fedde at least as good as efflin, way better than rogers. o's did a terrible job imo.
Our postseason will be all about how Kelly and Rodriguez come back to form. Nothing to do with the offense.

they did way better at deadline than o's did. i thought o's really shit the bed. they just gonna hang on to their log jam of position players that can't help them. dumb
seaward blowing saves
Yeah not positive. Honestly so tired discussing it I had to leave a couple FB fan pages. He's out there hoping not to blow it at this point and that's how you blow it.

Pretty sure everyone on the planet that has a say in the organization knows it, he literally carried us to the WS last year so the trade was a success but the confidence is gone.
Yeah not positive. Honestly so tired discussing it I had to leave a couple FB fan pages. He's out there hoping not to blow it at this point and that's how you blow it.

Pretty sure everyone on the planet that has a say in the organization knows it, he literally carried us to the WS last year so the trade was a success but the confidence is gone.

he just don't have closer type stuff.
so morel went yard for rays while paredes hadn't done shit for cubs tonight. prob a trade rays will win per usual.
Closer type stuff is mental. You can close with an 88 mph fastball if you're in on that shit. He's lost that.

maybe for short term but i'm a big believer you want a closer with legit swing and miss stuff.
Trevor Hoffman had some of the slowest shit known to mankind and he closed a bazillion games. It's mental.
Trevor Hoffman had some of the slowest shit known to mankind and he closed a bazillion games. It's mental.

he had a lights out change up tho that got toms of swing and miss if i recall correctly. it don't have to be 100mph velo but you need a wipe out pitch that gets 25-30% swing and miss imo.
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The best closer in our lifetime didn't really have that. Rivera was hittable he just missed barrels

his cutter was the most dominant pitch in baseball, cutters not huge k pitches. obviously there exceptions but i'd bet he still punched out at least 1 per innings on avg.
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his cutter was the most dominant pitch in baseball, cutters not huge k pitches. obviously there exceptions but i'd bet he still punched out at least 1 per innings on avg.
Gonzo's hit was definitely not barreled. Got lucky that Jeter was playing in.
that made me happy being a huge yanks hater!
Game 7.jpg

I was so high up that going to the concession stand wasn't a thing and that was awesome. Likely would have been too hammered to remember the game. This was absolutely top row behind the plate. Like set your beer down behind you on that ledge. A night I'll never forget.
I don't even know who Trevor Rogers is

he that cat for fish who been a pain in my ass a lot, walks way to many but has pretty good stuff when he can control it. just don't understand wtf o's doing? apparently they draft way better than trade! all that equity in young players, and they don't have spots for lot of them, what they finna do just sit on? and they gave up some good prospects for efflin and rogers. i understand efflin cause he can eat innings and help them get to the finish, i suppose he a fine 4th starter in playoffs. i just dont get why they didn't flex their prospect muscle and get a front rotation starter and a closer?

the worst job of any seller was the chisox, fedde is every bit as good as efflin, kikuchi, and better than rodgers but they got less for fedde and pham than everyone else got for those starters, and fedde has a very team friendly price for next year! its no wonder chisox are one the worst teams in recent years and showing no signs of improvement giving away one the top 4-5 pitchers on market for a bag of balls! cards really pulled a jack move giving up edman for fedde and pham!!

clearly tigers did awful as id argue flaherty the best starter who moved!
he that cat for fish who been a pain in my ass a lot, walks way to many but has pretty good stuff when he can control it. just don't understand wtf o's doing? apparently they draft way better than trade! all that equity in young players, and they don't have spots for lot of them, what they finna do just sit on? and they gave up some good prospects for efflin and rogers. i understand efflin cause he can eat innings and help them get to the finish, i suppose he a fine 4th starter in playoffs. i just dont get why they didn't flex their prospect muscle and get a front rotation starter and a closer?
There's still another day right?

I know it's July 30 but no clue what day of the week it is. So many family phone calls they could convince me it's September at this point

Pool water is pretty great so there's that
the problem for cards is even tho they prob got the best bang for buck fedde slots into their 2nd or 3rd depending who they like more between him and gibson who similar, either way that a rather weak 2 and they better figure out what going on with gray cause he ain't been a ace his last 4 starts! pham is gonna make a huge impact tho, he should drastically improve their numbers vs lhp, he had a pitch hit grand slam vs a lhp today! i was pissed when thru moved him and were to proud to resign in offseason when pham wanted to come back, but since they got him for nothing it worked out. actually shocked mo swallowed his pride and brought him back. they never gave pham a fair shake here, he was one my fav players, love the edge he plays with, he took so long to figure things out cause he had a eye issue, once that was resolved he took off but cards were never willing to embrace him! love his h,r,rbi 2marro vs Heaney!! i expect he has a ops well over .800 rest the season, i think he happy to be here despite the way they treated him!!
There's still another day right?

I know it's July 30 but no clue what day of the week it is. So many family phone calls they could convince me it's September at this point

Pool water is pretty great so there's that

i think today was the end, i could be wrong tho
not sure why tigers didn't get more for flaherty than any the starters that moved? he was easily the best pitcher who did move!
im glad tigers held on to skubal, they gotta sign him! plus id have worried they wouldn't have got what they should for him. chisox prob got scared to deal crochet or roberts in fear they get ripped off again! lol. crochet did them no favors with his stupid comments. nobody was gonna shell out top value for him after he basically insisted on starting and said the only way he would continue pitching was with a new deal, way to fuck your team! why he wanted to stay on this shitbag club another red flag imo, i woulda been saying all the right things to get dealt to a contender! maybe he doesn't have the right mental makeup!
can't get over how o's have refused to deal from a huge position of strength. they will never get all these dudes on the field and they outta learn from cards, deal these kids when their value at all time high, you wait and run the risk of the league figuring out they not as advertised. i still can't go over cards refusing to deal carlson or gorman few years back they coulda been in on soto with those guys but they just loved carlson so much, now they wanted to deal him after the league has seen him be awful for 2 years! way to sell low you clowns!! the guys they refuse to trade never pan out, the guys they deal all over league making all star teams, the front office and scouting have to be bottom 5 in league even after pulling out a great deal for fedde and pham: they gave up way less than anyone did for the other pitchers and outside flaherty there a case fedde was the next best starter who got moved, i'd take him over kikuchi, rogers, and others besides flaherty!! crazy cards got one the most coveted starters plus one the better bats on market and only gave up a hurt edman, then dodgers sent underwhelming prospects to cws, that gm got fleeced the way cards typically do!! lol
worst job by seller, cws. worst job by buyer o's, simply cause they had the pieces to really get a difference maker and they choose to go efflin and rogers, one innings eater and another who might not make playoff roster. plus they have hayes away for philly pen guy who was part philly playoff collapse and gave up a right handed outfield bat which they needed, replaced hayes with a worse hitter! very disappointed in o's, they might have blown their shot to win WS, they going into playoffs still counting on kimbrel which will
cost them games and the pitchers they added not playoff difference makers. i think their top 3 very good if kremer found his form but they still handing off to kimbrel and that other cat from phillies, giving up hayes for was bad move!!