Tonight, the series starts...

LMAO at this thread.

Great win...they tried to blow it....I kinda missed the mini-comeback as I was entrenched in the LAA-DET game as well...turned around to see Brent's potential game-winner....
I ask ... How is Carlos Quentin not the starting LF on your AL All-Star Ballot?
how do u take 29 shots and get 0 ft's ?

oh come on

Game wasn't shady

Spurs got some calls yes, but not as much as you would imply. You never admit any pro Laker calls anyway:36_11_6:

you guys deserve it, enjoy it, but don't push it, come on :shake:
btw, Throwback, take a look around at boards, people are complaining about a foul by Fisher on Barry in the last second of the game

I'm not. I wouldn't have called that, even though it was close. I think it's fair to say that a borderline call against your team that went the other way - was legit. So much homerism around boards (all boards) I'm not sure if we would see that if the situation was reversed.

we'll see how you do that in the finals :D

hopefully against Detroit. Come on I already had one shitty ass final, Chelsea v Man United, can't put up with another one. At least gimme Detroit for fuck's sake :36_11_6::36_11_6:
That was home court referees Satyr, come on...
In the second quarter I counted at least three situations that were similar to both teams, Spurs got the call, Lakers didn't. Kobe and Gasol were fouled several times, but no call. The second quarter was really not fair, but second half was legit more or less. In the second quarter, referees allowed Spurs to play physical, but denied that from the Lakers, but in the second half it was strong, physical playoff game on both ends and the refs were okay. Duncan got a few fouls that the refs stayed silent and Gasol and Bryant as well.
The last play? seen it only twice, but it was so borderline, that it takes some really dumb ref to call it a foul in such situation. If I'm a ref, I wouldn't call it a foul.