
our school team.
lost all the time.
it was not clear to me
Came opened the book of the Celt himself.
and spoke about how he outplayed Janis Krumins.
in 1956
he stood in front of him and jumped.
intercepted the ball
It was very beautiful.
when he gave the ball to the perimeter

stroking the beard,
Americans are still
didn't get a medal
as Russian people say:
they carry water on the offended.
and put the device

stroking the beard,
As a child I have a dream:
become a doctor.
still in the chest
my baby robe is kept

surgeon before surgery
washing hands with laundry soap

fulfill my childhood dream
probably already a manager
psychiatric clinic

stroking the beard
they see still undervalued. I actually lean Denver to win it all.
here teams on the other side of the ocean:
San Antonio,
and Chicago

there are commands
who are learning to play
but never learn.
and those who

stroking the beard
есть команды,
которые учатся играть
в баскетбол,
но никогда не научатся,
и те, что умеют

поглаживая бороду.
I live on the street
where cars don't drive.
and there are two such streets in the world
Arbat and Lenina
What’s that saying you used during Celtic games?

Something about parquet and leprechauns maybe?
visited our local south market today:
uzbek goods,
stood admiring the knives,
and noted for myself.
and I have a much sharper knife
bull horn handle
bought a skullcap

stroking his beard.
Shuma I'm just catching up but regardless your English, I'm certain we're on the same page

Not sure which page but we're both there pal