Titans had the worst off-season by far.


You go and get the greatest player of any sport ever to be your QB and he not only wins ROY but becomes the first rookie QB to play in the Pro Bowl.

Your millions under the salary cap but yet you let leave WR Bennett and Wade and don't sign shit and don't draft shit in the teams weakest position.

You let Travis Henry go in hopes that fatass Lendale White can stay in shape. YOur gambling on a 2nd round pick RB Chris Henry who didn't do shit in college at Arizona. Maybe I should've played football in college and not really cared much about stats or how I performed on the field and just practiced my 40 time, bench press, and shuttle run everyday at practice so i can get drafted high? WTF?

Your draft was the worst for any team. Yes Michael Griffin is a badass saftey and us Longhorns thanked you for drafting him but did you really need a saftey? You already have us rooting for you with VY, and your starting fullback Hall and starting TE Scaife coming from UT. If you wanted to stick with Texas Ross was right behind him and would've soften the loss of Pac Man at CB and PR.

You addressed the WR position finally with your 3rd round pick of Paul Williams. WTF? This kid hasn't wanted to play football since his bro died in 2000. You take out his great year in 2005 and the kid has 28 career catches. WTF? He has a grand total of 20 career starts.

Seriously worst off-season ever when you have Superman at QB.
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well not too sure how much of an influence Fisher had in the picks but i just have this gut feeling he's gone pretty soon.

i'm a little distraught the boys let go of the best caucasian WR in the league. lol
Yeah, you draft Griffin instead of letting him fall to Philly so that they didn't have to make some stupid deal with the Cowboys and draft a QB who may start sometime near 2012. If he's lucky.
And it gets worse. They are going to make Griffin a corner. Wow. Hate to say it but they need to pop in tape of the tOSU/UT game last year when Texas tried to do kind of the the same thing using Griffin in the Michael Huff role and Gonzalez absolutley embarrased Griffin. Texas never made that mistake again.
Griffen a CORNER!!!!??? That doesnt make sense, the guy is a banger he needs to stay at saftey.

VY is a beast, I cant wait to watch him this year.
cgold, I know you've been his harshest critic but what else does he have to do? ROY? Pro Bowl? Madden Cover?

The guy is a winner and has more moxy then majority of the QBs in this league. Its not all about the combine when it comes to QBs. What you don't see in the stats as well is he improves the running game tremendously. It happened at Texas with Benson and last year with Henry.
No i was joking around with the tight end comment, but I still wasn't that impressed by him last year.
cgold, I know you've been his harshest critic but what else does he have to do? ROY? Pro Bowl? Madden Cover?

The guy is a winner and has more moxy then majority of the QBs in this league. Its not all about the combine when it comes to QBs. What you don't see in the stats as well is he improves the running game tremendously. It happened at Texas with Benson and last year with Henry.

i think the Titans' biggest mistake thus far was not ponying up to get michael turner back there with VY.

vince is an amazing player (especially for a rookie QB), but I really would like to see him have some better numbers before we anoint the guy the second coming. If they can get a decent receiver and RB for the guy, I think he will be a force for years to come.

Colston would have been the ROY had he not missed 3 1/2 games late in the season, IMO.
^^ Turner will be a joke if he starts...like Lamont J

Henry will be fine, if he keeps working as hard as he does..and if the running back coaches teach him proper technique...
Yeah I think Turner is still better left as a complementery back to a good starter, let him be the fresh legs, change of pace guys
Travis Henry is on the Broncos, the Titans should have kept him around IMO. Who knows what the chunker Lendale White will do.
For the second year in a row!!! WTF!!!

Chris Johnson? Did they not learn from Henry?

Then to help VY with that 2nd round pick they draft a DT. Maybe he'll help on goaline situations?

They should've learned from Pittsburgh's draft.

I just don't get what they are trying to do here. They have a solid defense but what are they thinking at WR?

Unless they are planning on getting Chad Johnson this is retarded.
Complete morons. That's all I can say. They had their choice for any receiver in the draft and end up taking a guy who will replace their second round pick last year. WTF.

It's like a guy lost both him arms but then goes Johnny Drama on everyone and spends the money on new calves.
No the Titans are set with future HOF wideouts Roydell Williams and Brandon Jones.

I'm pretty sure they led the league in drops and they don't get anyone in FA or the draft.

But Jeff Fisher tells the media and fans after everyone wondered why they didn't do anything that have no fear Mike Williams has been looking great in offseason workouts.

I was also completely shocked they didnt take a wideout.

And they havent even taken any steps to trade for or sign an existing big-name one either.

does justin gage hold the key to the titans offensive future?

i dont think so....
Sorry forgot about Gage...yet another stud.

I don't mind them not getting a WR in the draft since it usually takes WRs a couple of years to get used to the NFL but damn they didn't even get one in FA.

They are going into the season with the same group of WR and oh Algae Crumpler.
worst offseason two years running... damn it's nice to be a titans fan
Titans had among the Top five least drops in the league last year. I heard Hermindinger talk about the draft and he said the WR's are much better than anyone on the outside knows. He believes its Vince that needs to get much better. Chris Johnson is a big time weapon that Vince can use. He was actually productive unlike Chris Henry, who I didn't want. The Titans have consistently drafted really well outside the 1st round so I going on a limb and saying Lavelle Hawkins will be a very good wideout.
I'll be the first to admit VY didn't have a good year but it helps when you have recievers that get open and catch the ball.

As a Big 12 fan I've seen Jones and Gage, and seen Roydell from Tulane play against Texas personally.

If you would've told me they would be the top WR core for an NFL team I would've laughed my ass off. Oh I forgot about Mike Williams...

Trade this WR core with Indianapolis, Dallas, NE, NYG, Cincy, etc and you will see some signifcant dropoff in passing stats.

Not saying Vince is as good as these guys but it sure damn helps to have gamebreakers at WR, RB (L. White isn't a gamebreaker), and TE.

I think the guy is cursed at WR since his recieving corps at Texas were always well below average except for his freshman year.