time to post my week 8 card so far

The DKR experience at night in October is far far different from 11 AM kickoffs in September. Especially now that there's some light at the end of an 80 mile tunnel for this 2-4 Longhorn squad.

Shuttlesworth tailgates with a bunch of old dudes so you'll fit right in, VK.

Wish I could join you guys. My 2 year old and 5 month old daughters aren't quite ready for DKR yet.

We had a memorable round of golf in Vegas with KB and Nahlin, if you're needing a refresher.
The DKR experience at night in October is far far different from 11 AM kickoffs in September. Especially now that there's some light at the end of an 80 mile tunnel for this 2-4 Longhorn squad.

Shuttlesworth tailgates with a bunch of old dudes so you'll fit right in, VK.

Wish I could join you guys. My 2 year old and 5 month old daughters aren't quite ready for DKR yet.

We had a memorable round of golf in Vegas with KB and Nahlin, if you're needing a refresher.

some poolside as I recall. Grats on the family .. new since then.
It's a little confusing. Army was something like a pickem against Rice who would be a two td favorite or so against kent state. So no ... I cant explain who would want kent state here. Army "owns" the MAC, kent state is giving up about 212 yards per game on the ground which puts them in the bottom tier of rush defenses .. ... while facing the 75th, 60th, 18th, 57th, 23rd and 107th ranked rush offenses ( most skewed upward for having faced them ). They are giving up a lot of points too .. just hard to imagine they stop the fourth ranked rush offense of army. Army rush defense is no gem and kent state has found a run game but you have two running teams facing eachother and the same team has the better rush defense and better rush offense having faced an aggregate similar level of competition. Army has been losing on the road lately which could be the reason .. and injury news on Army isn't always complete so maybe I am missing something there.... dunno.

Cheers, good luck today. Thanks as always.
Had to give up the blogging. I have everything I had to Jesus Shuttlesworth and all I got was a Recruitocosm t-shirt.

Hope you enjoyed the game. Didn't go as expected but a win is a win.
The good news is that Saturday totals went well.... the bad news is everything else went bad. Ironically, it could have been a lot worse. I had a good time at the game. Shuttlesworth is like a celebrity out there .. women clamoring to get their picture taken with him ... was so weird. As I told him, if they knew what I know about him I would understand wanting the autograph or picture "made" ( southerners ) ... but for blogging about Texas football?? Game experience and tailgate were a good time. unfortunately I was losing my arse in every late game, including texas and that soured it a bit for me.

Timh .. basically the horns were just outcoached. Texas would play soft two deep which worked great against Baylor and OU because they ran plays that took time to develop. But ISU was taking three steps and firing. This did two important things ... 1. it eliminated the huge edge of the defensive line vs the isu offensive line in pass protection and 2. sort of exposed the linebacking which is the biggest weakness on the horns D. The correct adjustments were never made and the ISU qb just did a numbers count at the line of scrimmage and acted accordingly. We rarely did anything deceitful defensively either. Basically, the clones had the better gameplan.

below is one of the oddest boxscores I have ever seen since I started looking at them ... eliminated one key stat of course ....

Missouri 42 Florida 13
[TABLE="class: mod-data"]
<tbody>[TR="class: team-color-strip"]
[TH="align: left"][/TH]
[TH="align: left"]
[TH="align: left"]
[TR="class: even"]
[TD="class: bi, align: left"]1st Downs[/TD]
[TR="class: odd"]
[TD="class: bi, align: left"]Total Yards[/TD]
[TR="class: even"]
[TD="class: bi, align: left"]Passing[/TD]
[TR="class: odd"]
[TD="class: bi, align: left"]Rushing[/TD]
[TR="class: even"]
[TD="class: bi, align: left"]Penalties[/TD]
[TR="class: odd"]
[TD="class: bi, align: left"]3rd Down Conversions[/TD]
[TR="class: even"]
[TD="class: bi, align: left"]4th Down Conversions[/TD]