time to post my week 10 card so far


This claim is disputed
ML Dogs 1-0 (small price)
Teasers 1-3
Sides 55-39
Totals 55-57
Halftimes 17-8
Overall 129-107

I was at a wedding this past weekend (very nice wedding; I didn't cry though) and missed most of the football. As I occasionally checked scores, I have to admit that I was shocked by quite a bit of the results. Not mildly surprised but probably as surprised as I can get anymore after all these years. It is hard to figure out what these kids are going to do week in and week out but when those odd instances pile up in one day it is a bit rattling and I am not just talking about games with my involvement but games in general. Was a loser Saturday and most of them were just way off, and could have lost some others (Nebraska, nd under and UVA under come to mind) to make it a worse day. So not a well capped weekend but escaped with only a few scrapes so onward we go and it is a bit more chalky than what I have been doing so far this year which is scary

Locked In
Navy -2/UNLV -1.5 loser

Miami Ohio +10 loser
App State -9.5 loser
NMSU -9.5 winner
Nebraska -1.5 loser
Notre Dame -13 loser
Arkansas -24 loser
CSU -2.5 loser

Miami Ohio/Ohio Under 56.5 loser
Cmich/Wmich Under 52 loser
NIU/Toledo Under 58 winner (just to mix it up)
NMSU/TexSt over 54.5 winner
usf/uconn over 64 loser
Oklahoma/Oklahoma State over 74 winner
CSU/Wyoming over 51.5 loser
UCF/SMU over 74 loser

bg/kent under loser

ML Dogs 1-0 (small price)
Teasers 1-4 (The Price is Wong, bitch)
Sides 56-45
Totals 58-62
Halftimes 17-9
Overall 134-120
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I too was at another wedding (2 weeks in a row), checking my phone occasionally, and felt like you. Early slate killed me, made up ground in the 2nd round, but got knocked out in the evening. My read has been so bad over the past two weeks, I almost want to call it a season. But, that old familiar itch is there. I put in 2 small bets this morning and think I am going to let the public pound the favs all week. Come back behind them and do a dog type weekend. GL with your plays
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BOL amigo. Reasoning for cm/wm under por favor? Bar said standalone mac unders hit at very high clip
Mainly Goddard at QB. I think that costs WMich a few pts and I figure it makes them a little slower between snaps. I think they can pound it at Cmich and will lean on that. I actually still like Wmich minus the pts a little because I don't see Cmich doing much offensively.
I too was at another wedding (2 weeks in a row), checking my phone occasdionally, and felt like you. Early slate killed me, made up ground in the 2nd round, but got knocked out in the evening. My read has been so bad over the past two weeks, I almost want to call it a season. But, that old familiar itch is there. I put in 2 small bets this morning and think I am going to let the public pound the face all week. Come back behind them and do a

I am probably just waiting for the really bad week to cut it way back myself. I thought that might be happening this past weekend but had a nice end to the day to salvage a bad day instead of an armageddon day. So I will probably slowly bleed away the profits. I usually do bad this time of year and then get a few good plays once bowl implications play a part in results and then do well in the bowls almost every year. So I should probably disengage for a few weeks but then I risk losing interest for the remainder.
So I should probably disengage for a few weeks but then I risk losing interest for the remainder.

Speaking selfishly, don't do anything that results in you losing interest! Less vk interest and less vk interaction on the games is bad for us all.

Those totals all look nice, maybe I;m not sure about the high ones, but the other ones.
I feel good about the UCF/SMU over. OU/Okst is good by my numbers but I do have some rivalry concern there for seeing that many pts.
Chances of SMU upset in your eyes? The last 3 games vs Tulsa, Cincy and Houston wouldn't lead one to think SMU is good enough to beat a team like UCF. Seems to me the SMU O is good enough to stress the UCF D. Will take a big effort from Mustang D, that is probably the tricker part.
I think they are capable of winning. I don't think they will but I think they are capable. They should be able to score, I obviously think there is some volatility playing an over at that number ... If SMU passes enough they can do it .. if they are stubborn about running it (where I think they might get hung up) then I think it will be tough for them. Hard to see SMU stopping them much but I am not the biggest fan of the UCF QB so SMU winning the turnover battle is always an option for the upset. One of the hardest games on UCFs schedule (hahahaha ya I just typed that. Play someone UCF)
I needed that in my life...

No let up here for Notre Dame...should cruise by 17+

I have a real issue with CSU, in general, lately. So, give me some thoughts when you can.
So with respect to CSU ... it is largely the fact that Wyoming has not really shown they can beat a bowl level team yet this year. They have played three bowl level teams and lost by double digits in each .. Some of the stats in those games are a little ugly too. Moreover, they have played one other prolific offense so far this year which was oregon and they gave up 558, which makes me think their somewhat impressive defensive stats are skewed by schedule (Sagarin SOS 104th but more importantly the offenses faced are anemic). Offenses faced ranked 104th, 36th, 37th, 118th, 79th, 101st, and 78th. Colorado State ranks about 13th and is averaging about 499 per game. So I think CSU's quality oline gives them problems the way oregon's did. I like that they lost to AFA last week which makes this a must win for conference championship too. No looking ahead to Boise now the way they might have if they beat AFA. I just think you are more likely to see a team beat CSU that can score with them or not be dominated by their oline .. bama could do both, Colorado defensive line controlled them, and nevada just scored with them. The two games vs option teams don't really add much to this game. Wyoming just cannot generate anything on offense. I think Gallup is the best player on the field and one of the only ones capable of big plays. And we are just asking them to win here. As I think CSU can score on Wyoming, I think the boys are forced to throw more early, where CSU is most vulnerable in pass defense. So I see it playing out with Allen throwing to try and get them back in. 35-23 type game to me.
Appreciate it.

One more...same game...

Thoughts on CSU Head Coach...

I'll look in morning....thx
Not sure what you mean about the CSU head coach .. I hope I haven't missed a SpaceyPa moment or anything. I think he is doing a decent job. I do think he has the offense to be more aggressive than he is sometimes but otherwise I think he is fine. I thought it was a drop off when he came there and still do but hard to get too mad at the product he has produced. I mean, even if this team is underachieving they are in position to take the conference.

Do you not like him?
Just have questions some decisions recently in games. I could be off. I'll look at my notes again.
Well he should have gone for it last game on fourth and medium to long. So there is at least one to support your case.
Closing up shop after this week. Just have no idea what is going to happen in any of these games. Was a fun year. Thanks for participating in the thread if you did. I am also skipping bowl season for the first time since I started handicapping cfb as I won't be watching the games as much either so will be too out of touch to put in an effort there.

Best of luck to everyone, particularly to Cub, but to everyone else too.
Closing up shop after this week. Just have no idea what is going to happen in any of these games. Was a fun year. Thanks for participating in the thread if you did. I am also skipping bowl season for the first time since I started handicapping cfb as I won't be watching the games as much either so will be too out of touch to put in an effort there.

Best of luck to everyone, particularly to Cub, but to everyone else too.

Guess you have to know when to hold and when to fold. You've gone through this for several years I can remember, so if you historically lose a feel for the picks this time of year then you do what you think is best.

Hope you can still watch and enjoy some games. Maybe you'll get an itch later.

Thanks as always for your valuable thoughts.
Who else will I light up ctg with, with our lively debates? Plus you have too much important insights to just leave us, Amigo. I hope you stick around, even if you just need to take a betting break for yourself, which is totally unterstandable.
Closing up shop after this week. Just have no idea what is going to happen in any of these games. Was a fun year. Thanks for participating in the thread if you did. I am also skipping bowl season for the first time since I started handicapping cfb as I won't be watching the games as much either so will be too out of touch to put in an effort there.

Best of luck to everyone, particularly to Cub, but to everyone else too.

Approval denied.
Sorry vk.....I am vetoing this......will be at Mandalay Bay on Saturday if you would like to discuss your options
Get him Wiked Hammard, then drug him up, and don't forget the hookers to help him reconsider. Maybe they can "recharge" vk
Guess you have to know when to hold and when to fold. You've gone through this for several years I can remember, so if you historically lose a feel for the picks this time of year then you do what you think is best.

Hope you can still watch and enjoy some games. Maybe you'll get an itch later.

Thanks as always for your valuable thoughts.