Time to post my week 10 card so far

Tailing you on a bunch of those totals, 5 of them, maybe more as the day goes on. Really like that LT-NT one, saw it is dropping a tad though? I just took it at 65 and dropped to 64, may add more.
The Pitt game is going to go over the number before halftime. Pitts back seven can't cover their own shadow at this point.
tough day. Almost all of it bad bets other than the halftime wager that got anti-miracled.

I will recap end of next week. I am pretty sure I don't have an actual edge in the sport anymore.
tough day. Almost all of it bad bets other than the halftime wager that got anti-miracled.

I will recap end of next week. I am pretty sure I don't have an actual edge in the sport anymore.

Join the club my friend. Here's the issue I'm realizing. Officials are going to change the outcome of every drive with the amount of flags they're throwing. Every aspect is declining. The quality of officiating and players is at an all time low. This is why the NFL continues to decline. The styles between college and the NFL are very far apart. Very few teams concern themselves with quality, that's a sign of how poor the coaching is.
Its tough betting on an under and watch one team not even score a point and it still goes over.
Join the club my friend. Here's the issue I'm realizing. Officials are going to change the outcome of every drive with the amount of flags they're throwing. Every aspect is declining. The quality of officiating and players is at an all time low. This is why the NFL continues to decline. The styles between college and the NFL are very far apart. Very few teams concern themselves with quality, that's a sign of how poor the coaching is.

It is a lot more volatile now because of how the game is played and officiated. No doubt.

But were I to look in the mirror, I have to realize that I have failed to adjust to it. Not that I have not tried to adjust to it, but I don't have the same edge. A lot of these results (the wins and losses alike) are head scratchers. That TCU at Baylor game for instance is a head scratcher that makes no sense to me but I won on that one so it doesn't bother me. The Nebraska destruction at the hands of TOSU makes no sense to me (Armstrong or no) even though I won that one. The Charlotte result, the UTSA result ...these all make no sense. None. The first half of the CMich/MOH game was ridiculous.

After watching the first half of a horrible bet I had in the Washington at California game I went on a texting tirade (Sorry Tru) about losing college football as a sport. I think you can love something and then not realize how much you loved it until you no longer have it ... and it makes it hurt all the more. That is how I feel about college football. The product is horrible. I think this could also be contributing to the lower NFL ratings. After watching a crappy product on Saturday, less people are inclined to watch NFL on Sunday.

Now, I did see a couple of good games Saturday and the Alabama at LSU game was an absolute joy to watch. Hard hitting, whistles swallowed for the most part (the one bad late hit call), good tackling, good preparation by LSU and good late adjustments by Alabama. And the scores mattered. When you scored, you had accomplished something. In fact, if there is one major difference between football now and years ago it is that we have switched from a game where scoring was an accomplishment to a game where not scoring is just an abject failure.

Anyway, that game was a pleasure to watch. I also enjoyed the uga kentucky game quite a bit and to a lesser extent the wisconsin northwestern game. There was effort in all those games.

washington/cal is simply not football, and a horrible level of entertainment.

And the problem I have is that I think I could be ok with trying to solve the puzzles of the games, breaking even and enjoying the hell out of my Saturdays watching real football..... but I just cannot warrant the hundreds of hours of handicapping over the course of the 7 or 8 months I focus on it as a hobby if I am not either making money or having a really good time. Even in the years I do really well, I am sacrificing financially from not doing something else with my time that is far more profitable. Again, willing to sacrifice that when the game itself was bringing me so much joy. This product is crap though.

Hopefully they address some of this stuff in the offseason but I don't foresee them doing so... pass interference is about the only thing they can legitimately address anymore, particularly at the college level,because I just don't see them reverting back to prior rules where "player safety" is involved.

And the problem you have is that offensive coordinators are going to go pace because it is a huge advantage and they want the team to succeed and more importantly they want to succeed for their own financial benefit. Not taking advantage of the pace factor (unless overmatched and you are trying to shorten the game) is just leaving chips on the table so to speak.

It is a shame. Millennial beta males are ruining everything.
I've never been good at totals, for years I never even looked at a total let alone taking any.

Earlier this year I started cherry picking some totals you were playing and I got to a point with confidence of start picking my own. I felt like I was iffy on that vision this week so figured I would tail some of your's again. I actually forgot to play the AF-Army under (doh) and the ECU-Tulsa over, but bought it on sale in the 2nd half and it barely did go over that.

Totals didn't go so good yesterday overall, but I have learned something over the course of the season, my mind is seeing some of the overs and unders like it never did. I knew the LT-NT looked good. There have been a couple that you've posted this year that as soon as I see it I'm like "oh yeah, that is a good one". And I've started to "see" totals now, good candidates and ones that could be tricky. I thank you for whatever that was that helped me in that regard.

Changes to the game are real. And CUSA this year has been as unpredictable overall as any conference I may have ever seen. But remember, the season has ebbs and flows, our balance sheets have ups and downs. Sometimes you ride the wave, sometimes you dig a hole. If it is more of a hobby than an relied upon income source, treat it as such. I suspect you may get similar results with less time spent. So many things are impossible to handicap and are subject to unforseen coaching decisions, opinion of officiating and replay (the targeting rule and replay just gets less and less cut and dry every week). Lack of fundamentals in blocking and tackling that you expect to be solid, often are not. And the age old turnovers and injuries. Plus I know you have always said you can't possibly handicap the emotions of 18-21 year old kids and no one can! Some things change and some stay the same. I won't pretend to know how you should proceed, but perhaps stay away from the "not football" games. If you lose on one of those games you get more bitter about the changes to the sport you don't like.

We all hit a point of like "what am I doing here". I think college football is the best thing going. College football Saturdays are literally the best days of my year, every year. And that is win-lose-or draw. We only have 3 left with every team in action. It goes fast. No time to stay down. It will be gone before we know it.
I've never been good at totals, for years I never even looked at a total let alone taking any.

Earlier this year I started cherry picking some totals you were playing and I got to a point with confidence of start picking my own. I felt like I was iffy on that vision this week so figured I would tail some of your's again. I actually forgot to play the AF-Army under (doh) and the ECU-Tulsa over, but bought it on sale in the 2nd half and it barely did go over that.

Totals didn't go so good yesterday overall, but I have learned something over the course of the season, my mind is seeing some of the overs and unders like it never did. I knew the LT-NT looked good. There have been a couple that you've posted this year that as soon as I see it I'm like "oh yeah, that is a good one". And I've started to "see" totals now, good candidates and ones that could be tricky. I thank you for whatever that was that helped me in that regard.

Changes to the game are real. And CUSA this year has been as unpredictable overall as any conference I may have ever seen. But remember, the season has ebbs and flows, our balance sheets have ups and downs. Sometimes you ride the wave, sometimes you dig a hole. If it is more of a hobby than an relied upon income source, treat it as such. I suspect you may get similar results with less time spent. So many things are impossible to handicap and are subject to unforseen coaching decisions, opinion of officiating and replay (the targeting rule and replay just gets less and less cut and dry every week). Lack of fundamentals in blocking and tackling that you expect to be solid, often are not. And the age old turnovers and injuries. Plus I know you have always said you can't possibly handicap the emotions of 18-21 year old kids and no one can! Some things change and some stay the same. I won't pretend to know how you should proceed, but perhaps stay away from the "not football" games. If you lose on one of those games you get more bitter about the changes to the sport you don't like.

We all hit a point of like "what am I doing here". I think college football is the best thing going. College football Saturdays are literally the best days of my year, every year. And that is win-lose-or draw. We only have 3 left with every team in action. It goes fast. No time to stay down. It will be gone before we know it.

Glad to have gotten you involved in totals.

My basic analysis is:

1. Pace?
2. Can team A stop what team B likes to do?
3. Can team B stop what team A likes to do?
4. Are there any key injuries that are likely to effect any of the above?
5. Is there any weather conditions that are likely to effect any of the above?

How do the answers above relate to the current total being offered?

There are other factors but if you use those five questions (I would put an emphasis on pace) and compare it to the offered total, you will probably not do too badly betting totals.
The frustrating part is there are a million easy fixes they could do to bring the game back to being "football". But they don't want to because we're in an era of stats, fantasy football, and scoring. Did you not watch Cal/Oregon a few weeks ago? That was one of the very worst football games I've ever seen. At least Washington blew out both Cal and Oregon for playing stupid, fast, and fundamentally unsound.

Apple Cup, Iron Bowl, and Ohio St-Michigan are the only three games left the rest of the season that are really appointment television in my mind. I don't absolutely have to see any others at this point. To the surprise of absolutely no one, each of those games features one great defense and another really solid defense and that is why those teams are still actively competing for conference and/or national titles.
Did you not watch Cal/Oregon a few weeks ago? That was one of the very worst football games I've ever seen.

I don't mind the scoring in games but jeez the 30 penalties in every game. Its got to the point where I don't even get excited when the team I bet on scores because half the time the play gets called back on some penalty.

I hate the way the games are unnecessarily constantly delayed. Why can't a guy when he is hurt hobble of the field, now they got to lay there with there fake injury and have the trainers come out and stop the game for 5 minutes and then one play later the guy is back in the game. Every close play gets reviewed now and it still takes to long. Then the commercials my God its getting like the NFL with the TD, 3 minutes of commercials, a kickoff and then 3 more minutes of commercials.
Clown, another thing I take strong consideration to (especially on big spreads) is "what does the losing coach do when he's down?" Does he go into a shell or does he truly try to get the team back in the game at all costs? There are some coaches that try to make the score better than it is by punting and playing safe and there are coaches that are going to "go for it." Bobby Wilder really got me into thinking about this topic. They get down, he's going to onside kick, go for 4 downs, pass the ball, etc. It just pushes the scoring up. You have other coaches that will drain the clock and hope to lose by 30 instead of 40.
Interesting point, mr dollaz. Being the guy who is always behind with my dog play I prefer to bet opposite from the wilder strategy. Thought of you as I saw the O D score roll in on Saturday, btw.
It was awesome, Bull. They waxed our ass last 2 years with their roster full of non qualifiers. Glad, we got payback at least for 1 year.

If you notice, if ODU loses, the game almost always goes over. Except for a team like App State that ran the ball every play and that really should have gone over. I always go back and look to see what teams do when they are down if it is a big spread and I'm interested in the total.