Thursday rain rain go away Discussion


Meatballin' in Celtics Stadium
Leans from the open:
ATL -120
NYY +115: Carrapazza
BOS o8.5 (likely moves to 9): HGibson

on the radar:
MIL +100

...looks like we cancel the NYY and BOS leans (sucks cuz I really liked Kuroda)
I seem to be developing a ODD IDEA FOR TOMORROW. Will think more and talk about it tomorrow,
All doubt gone. Will be putting the play up in the contest tomorrow in the morning.
Found one hidden little gem for tonight (played it pretty big):

Freddie Freeman More TB than Derrick Dietrich -130

Freeman with great success against Alvarez (5 for 9 with a HR). He has gone 0-7 and 1 for last 12, but he should right himself against Alvarez. Dietrich just a .260 hitter and with the way Ervin is throwing, I'm not sure he is going to give up many hits anyways.