Thursday Over


OTT Away Record To The Over 22-14-1 (One of the top Over Road Teams)

CAL Home Record To The Over 24-8-4 (Far And Away TOP Over Team At Home)

GL Jm:shake:
I started a new job last week. I have to be at work at 4am so my capping has been almost non existent recently. I have Saturday and Sunday off so I’m going to try and reign it in a bit this weekend and hopefully find some winners.

BOL all you guys
Jm. My bad. I really should have stuck with my first thought which was TB, they have been an OVER Machine for awhile now...:shake:
Jm. My bad. I really should have stuck with my first thought which was TB, they have been an OVER Machine for awhile now...:shake:

Agree thinking about just blindly taking Overs for all their remaining games, only worries is will they continue to play hard and score since they're already in playoffs?
On March 11th, TB was hitting 5 Goals Themselves at a 41% Clip. Since Then...

March 11 - 6 Goals

March 14 - 5 Goals

March 16 - 6 Goals

March 18 - 4 Goals

March 20 - 5 Goals

March 21- 6 Goals