Thursday NBA (Big Play)

Gorgolon Lives

The Reverend of CTG
Utah Jazz ML (Risking 8 units to win 9.5 Units)
I still don’t know how I want to play this. My book doesn’t have lines up yet. I like 1Q, 1H, and ML. I like spread if it hits -4.

I am a believer that by the time games 6 and 7 roll around in a playoff series, you pretty much know what to expect. If a team got out-rebounded in the first games, they most likely will get out-rebounded in game 6. If their FT shooting was poor in all 5 games, expect the same in game 6. And so on and so forth… So here is what I’ve seen in all 5 games in this series.

Utah on Offense:
Deron Williams is the catalyst to the Jazz offense. The point guard has always been so important in Sloan’s offense. Williams is able to do whatever he wants on Alston: open jumpers, drives, open passing lanes. He’s averaging almost 16 points a game and 7 assists in the series.
Carlos Boozer is dominating the series. Boozer is averaging 23 and 10 this series. Yao cannot guard him on the outside. Jerry Sloan’s flex offense employs the bigs on the perimeter, which draws the shot-blockers away from the basket. This allows Boozer to take Yao away from the hoop, and open up easy inside baskets. The Jazz half-court execution has been nearly perfect this series.

Utah on Defense:
Memo Okur is getting blasted for his lack of scoring in the series, but his defense has been very good on Ming. Most of the time he is able to play Ming 1 on 1, which doesn’t allow the Houston perimeter players open 3’s. Houston relies heavily on 3pt shooting, and that hasn’t been there this series. Yao Ming is going to get his 20 points a game, just based on his size. But if you can contain him to single coverage, and not allow the Houston perimeter players open looks, you can have success.
Tracy McGrady is the X-factor this series. Utah hasn’t had much of an answer for him down the stretch. That’s the main reason they lost games 1 and 5, when they probably should have won.
Utah has led all 5 games at the half, and I see that happening in game 6. The crowd should be electric in this elimination game. It is very hard to eliminate an opponent on their home floor. We’ve seen it so far with Toronto and Dallas. Houston got manhandled in the 2 games in Utah this series. And I don’t see how they will have ANY confidence to be able to close out this series in 6 games on Utah’s home floor. This is a must-win for Utah. Houston knows they can bring this back to their place in game 7 where they will have a huge edge with their crowd. On top of that McGrady aggravated a back injury in game 5. He did return, but with his prior history, we don’t know if we can expect him to be 100%.



GL :cheers:
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I think what you've said about the Mavs/GS Game 6 is spot on. GS over came a huge deficit and go up by 6 only to have the mavs come back and seal the game despite their efforts. I also don't think GS will be shooting 46% from beyond the arc in game 6.
I think what you've said about the Mavs/GS Game 6 is spot on. GS over came a huge deficit and go up by 6 only to have the mavs come back and seal the game despite their efforts. I also don't think GS will be shooting 46% from beyond the arc in game 6.

This is truly the first game where ALL pressure is on GS. And for the first time in the series, the confidence has totally turned for both teams. Game 5 also showed a tougher Dallas team. I liked Terry's tech on Baron; I think Avery liked it too. I liked George's scuffle with Peitrus. And I liked Dirk's and Devin the Dude's agrressive drives to the hoop.
Good luck. Dallas looks good if they can carry that momentum. Line opened at -2.5 Dallas at TheGreek. Action is pretty split. Maybe rise to -3 by gametime, you think?
Love the Utah play...that'll be a fun game that I think we'll see Utah pull away with late in the 4th...similar to Houston the other day

As far as Dallas goes...I somewhat agree with your writeup, the only thing is...I just don't think we can continue saying "the pressure is on Golden State..and yada yada yada" you know what I mean? They're a EIGHT seed...they really don't have any pressure on them at all to beat the Dallas Mavericks, a 67 win team! I think Nellie will have them calm, cool, and collective and Baron will lead the troops to the W

I totally understand playing the Mavs side...cause if they play up to their potential and win, it will def be by the spread

But how many times can we keep saying that to ourselves?

Therefore, I think the only real bet that can be made is Golden State ML...cause if they show up, with that rocking crowd that you KNOW will not quiet down, even if they're down 20+...the Mavs will be in BIG trouble
I posted this at another site in regards to the Warriors late collapse and the potential for Dallas to now have any sort of momentum:

In regards to the collapse:
There was some youth and inexperience in terms of shot selection BUT coaching had a huge part in determining the end of the game. Nelson decided to squeeze the shot clock and get into the offense with 5-6 seconds left and that lead to one-on-one moves and tough shots. Davis didn't have the time to get to the bucket or penetrate and kick b/c of the time issue and the Warriors played into the Mavs hands (halfcourt hoops is much more Mavs style basketball). The decision to sit in halfcourt sets and squeeze the clock was moronic considering the style of play that the Warriors flourish in....also....if you're gonna play halfcourt hoops, bring in a legitimate center so you can run conventional plays and rebound effectively.

In regards to those who feel Dallas has the momentum:
1) Hoops is about MATCHUPS....and the Mavs matchup poorly with the Warriors
2) The Warriors are MUCH better at home
3) The pressure is still squarely on the Mavs...if they don't win the next 2 this still goes down as a monumental upset
4) as for Nowitzski's doesn't matter....he isn't comfortable against the way the Warriors defend him.........he's said as much himself
5) The Warriors still have the best plyer in the series.....Baron Davis
6) The Oracle Arena crowd is probably the best home court crowd of any in this playoffs

To Conclude:

For those who want to convince themselves that Dallas has any sort of advantage, they are basing it off of smoke mirrors and over analyzing....the proof is in the pudding....the Warriors losses have both been on the road in games with A) a key ejection & B) late coaching errors after a 30 point swing having been down 21. The pressure is still on the Mavs....Avery is merely trying to plant seeds of doubt....he knows that if they win they will simply be doing what they expected to do. Also, those who say that the Mavs now know they can "handle" GS's best do you think the Warriors feel knowing they overcame a 21 point deficit on the road (regardless of the final result)?
Thanks TSizzle

As for that late collapse, I think Dallas finally did what they have been wanting all series: Aggressively trap Davis and get the ball out of his hands. Hopefully that agressiveness carries over into the next game. It's sad it took Dallas 5 games to realize they gotta get overly-aggressive against Golden State.
I'm eliminating juice from Jazz ML:

ML Parlay (Risking 3 Units to win 2.35 Units):

Spurs -400 / Jazz ML -230

ML Parlay (Risking 2 Units to win 2.55 Units):

Ottawa ML -170 / Jazz ML -230

Lowering juice on Utah ML. Still need Spurs BIG...

Parlay (Risking 2 Units to win About EVEN):

Detroit Red Wings PL +1.5 -240

Utah Jazz ML -230
Another juice bet including Utah...

ML Parlay (Risking 1 Unit to win about 2.5 Units):

Padres -185 / Giants -164 / Utah Jazz -230

Both MLB games go tonight!
I got real lucky tonight and hit all the parlays. I now have 8 units to win 9.5 Units on the Utah ML. I don't need to bother with the spread or anything else now.
you guys must be crazy...Golden state wins this game easy.....they have no answer for davis and jackson won't be out of the game....this guys can ball and they are not scared of the mavs.....don nelson knows the mavs players better than anyone.....anyone who bet on dallas will be crying tonight
Believe.......all Im hearing out of Houston is that Mcgrady is fine and they are not changing up the game plan. He said he knows they win and he knows his teammates play better when hes getting to the basket. I would watch for this early to see if it holds true.
Believe.......all Im hearing out of Houston is that Mcgrady is fine and they are not changing up the game plan. He said he knows they win and he knows his teammates play better when hes getting to the basket. I would watch for this early to see if it holds true.

Thats fine. It was just a chance I threw out there. The play really has nothing to do with the injury. :cheers:
if u think thug jackson is an all star ur the one who will be crying. i love BD and GS, but i have to say they will not be as on fire as they have been from behind the arc.
Posted this in NHL forum, but no one visits that so:

ML Parlay (Risking 1 unit to win 2.5 Units):

Anaheim Ducks ML -240

Golden State Warriors +130

Quick thoughts on these: Ducks will end this series tonight. Vancuver simply can't score. Bobby Lue is great, but Anaheim just has too much offense. They've only been held under 3 goals once this series, and that was a loss. The -240 isn't worth it IMO alone, so I took GS, too. The NHL game hopefully will be decided by halftime of the NBA game, giving me a middle or hedge opportunity if I don't feel comfortable about the game. This is one of the most valuable parlays I've seen in a while, and I'm considering putting down another unit. I will post if I do so!
I would have taken Jazz 1Q, but it shot up to -2 (-135) at my book, and that's just outrageous. This could be the start of when everyone catches on to these 1Q playoff bets. I'd start getting them early from now on!
Yea, I had to take the Nets 1Q early for tomorrow .. I'm not too afraid of Mitchell's "secret weapon"... otherside of you tonight, GL though
great thread, my 2 cents:

why the heck did dallas allow GS to shoot 46%from 3 on the road, in an elimination game and (for part of the game) when they were in a big hole?

the answer: the way GS plays offense and the way the mavs defend it will lead to open three's every night. i have not seen a team with more time to shoot wide open jumpers (3s) than GS this series against dallas.

golden state will get their looks and they have alot of guys who have been in a groove for like a month and a half now