Thursday MLB Discussion Thread

I’m assuming none of them losing game checks? Pretty sure I can’t stay home from work and still get paid.
Not to mention getting totally fucked yesterday having a pitcher in 1 the late games that got cancelled killing a really good scoring lineup:
Just read. What you studying online?

getting my hvac degree and taking some construction management stuff. I’m getting to point I can see my days of being the wrecking ball are numbered. Time to try and run work instead of do it all!! Lol. Or just do hvac instead, that not manually back breaking!
So cardinals score 2 runs in 15 innings vs pirates, 3 if you wanna count the 1 gifted run in “extra innings”. 1 off a yadi homer in the 14 innings not counting the extra frame! Against the stinking pirates! God our offense is terrible! Maybe even worse is now the defense which was a strength is back to the garbage of matheny days.

No clue why Shildt keeps putting Miller or Carpenter in the 4 hole behind goldy? Dejung belongs there and was raking in the cleanup spot before getting the Rona. Unfortunately dillan Carlson has not been as advertised at all! Seems like kid has guys on base everytime up and does nothing! He sure as hell not doing like all the other highly touted youngsters around the league, very disappointing! He was raking in spring training now he getting a heavy dose of breaking stuff and much like rest of our lineup he seemingly can’t hit the shit!!
If anyone should have cancelled their games it was cardinals! Apparently they protesting on the field by refusing to hit!!