Thursday Discussion Thread

This team royally pisses me off but fact is Taj and getting less talented teams out.

Twins ff tt ov 1.5 -145
Taj u16.5 outs -110

Stros Ff tt ov 2.5/fg ov 4.5
Wasn’t any hitter props out or I’d have hit Yordan.

Kelly ov 17.5 outs -125… another dirt cheap price when we betting into exactly what these snakes pitchers are trying to accomplish. Should be -250 just like gallen.
I’m gonna be pissed if that extra out fucks me, had to bet early but saw before game fucjing Taj outs actually went up an out!! How that possible beyond me but id like to have it! I see Kelly price has dropped a tad on over! wtf going on? Whether he makes it or not 17.5 the over should be like -200 minimum, the result ain’t gonna change that!
Are the Stros ever gonna start hitting consistently? I know Mfers been in and out lineup and I know they need Tucker back but come the fuck on ya’ll should get 5 in this bandbox easy after losing few in a row!
Can’t find much to do with snell, I kinda doubt he goes past 6 but I’m not laying a huge number against that. Kinda lean to his under k’s if you made me bet but I’m not laying any juice vs that, I’d need plus money to even think bout! For as hot snakes have been getting +110 they score 2 in 5 innings is awful damn tempting but with Walker just coming back is he really gonna have any hope vs snell? He hadn’t hit him very well anyways, in fact hardly anyone in snakes lineup has a decent exit velo. Bell but he only seen him a few at bats. Just don’t see any edges other than the feeling +110 to get one walk and then somebody runs into a pitch behind it or snell walks a few and we get an error then blooper? It possible but since snell has come back he only given up 2+ 3 of 10
Starts and none at home.
Grichuk has been murdering lefties as well since coming back.

Forget the number but he has like 4-5 doubles and 15-20 k’s in 35ish vs snell. He be swinging out his shoes but if snell as pinpoint as he been all he hit is air!
Sea/oak Ff u4.5 -140 ..
Estes ov 4.5 k’s/ov17.5 outs
Estes u2.5 earned runs
A’s Ff ml

The juice sucks on the under but this screams pitchers duel. All the number say this is low for both teams, think maybe a,s can steal 1 off woo but he been microscopic. Prices were just better for Estes who been very good at home.

Added Kelly ov 4.5 k’s

They dropped him to less than 5 w way giants swinging? Ok.

Yaz ov 1.5 h,r,rbi

Small on the Ff u3.5 +105 in San Fran,
Think the Mariners line up is back to normal now, and they won't be a bottom 3-5 offense ROS.