Thursday Discussion Thread

He's great at racking up that pitch count

He in pretty good shape w that, he could go 8 at this pace but I don’t think it gonna matter. 2nd game this month he seems not to be hunting k’s like he typically does. He pitched a really good 7 innings vs Red Sox where he didn’t fan many either, might have to adjust on him but he fanned 10 vs laa last time out and A’s have so much swing and miss woulda thought he easily have at least 1 per inning at worst!
He in pretty good shape w that, he could go 8 at this pace but I don’t think it gonna matter. 2nd game this month he seems not to be hunting k’s like he typically does. He pitched a really good 7 innings vs Red Sox where he didn’t fan many either, might have to adjust on him but he fanned 10 vs laa last time out and A’s have so much swing and miss woulda thought he easily have at least 1 per inning at worst!
I'm already hitting the contact rewetting drops
What worse is I was so close with Montas and he mowing these duckers down. Whatever. Cueto goes 6 and I’ll be up on day.
Dammit. This 2 hole guy the one who only has like 2 k’s in 40 abs., he ain’t gonna fan, walk him! Lol
I mean 2 more k’s ain’t crazy at this point. Pitch count getting up there but not terrible, just needs to get thru this inning and reset.
That ok. Knew he wasn’t fanning that guy so just get him out quick and get back to work next inning!! If we can just get him to those bottom 3 guys a 3rd time!! Lol
if he not gonna fan the middle order guys needs to get thru 6th in 10-15 pitches. Then again those dudes all due to fan going by the numbers!
I knew this cocker sucker was gonna end up 1 short. Fuck. Pussy ass manager could have gave him the 7th against bottom the order, he woulda finished at about 110 pitches which fine. I hate the way these pussies baby pitchers, marlins the only team who does it right! But if guy has a no hitter working they will send him back out with 120 fucking pitches. Stupid.
Fucking Cueto went all goofy and fanned a bunch, threw a lot of pitches, and fucked up the out total. Damn, actually missed more than hit today, lost both my props; that don’t happen real often!
Couple 9th inning pen meltdowns by A’s earlier and now houston. Man ya gotta be pissed if ya played Stros w a 6-3 lead in 9th and yanks hadn’t scored since 1st freaking inning!
Yankees come all the way back from being down 6-3 in the 9th. What a team.

I forget who it was saying they were a mirage before this stretch of rays couple times, jays, and Stros, But think they dispelling that notion in fantastic fashion, hope he hasn’t been fading them to much.
Being a huge yanks hater all I can do is hope they getting all the great baseball out their system early and they fall apart in sept! Lol
I’ve just been auto betting the Braves and Yankees. Some have been stressful and some have been easy, but a lot more wins than losses, which feels good.
I’ve just been auto betting the Braves and Yankees. Some have been stressful and some have been easy, but a lot more wins than losses, which feels good.

Fuxk, I guess so. Wish I could keep it that simple! Lol. Yanks prices ain’t even been to bad in most these last 10 against good teams where they 8-2! Few the tampa lines were kinda high but mostly been reasonable.