Thursday Bases

Oriole bullshit again. John Parrish, I fuken hate him and he has ruined more than 1 game for me.. Terrible.. I am most likely done for the night just fuken terrible
man that shit is rough... all HRs practically. just unlucky man.

Its not only that. The Orioles need to clean house. First why bring in Parrish, the guy is terrible. Alright he comes in and gives up 2 straight hits, no outs and its 2nd and 3rd. You get lucky on a line drive out. Now its 2nd and 3rd w/ 1out. Why not put Glaus on to first so you can work a double play and save your 4-3 lead. Instead they pitch to Glaus and let him tie the game, Matt Stairs grounds out to 2nd next at bat. There have been 7 double plays in this game, that thought should have crossed the managers mind because I couldn't believe they were pitching to him. John fuken Parrish is now responsible for about 3 blown games for me. COCKSUCKING PIECE OF SHIT.

I am out for the night. I will be hungover tomorrow.. Fade the hell out of my picks, trust me.

Not to mention this game is gonna land on 9, the fuken number I missed 2minutes earlier.. AHHHH
Fuck it, I am about to leave to head out but pissed off and when that happens its never good..

Zona Under 8.5 $550 to Win $550