Thread for all Head Coaching Changes

Cap it was an odd fit like we said. Man, so wild.

You think Naomi want Freeze and some want Steele? Is it divided? I know Aubbie has the balls to hire Freeze, if anyone

Well in theory Steele is off the table since he inked with Miami. Hard not to think they’ve already met with Freeze in the alley at night at this point in time. But then again if that was the case, why hasn’t it taken place? Maybe because they’re still trying to find dirt on Harsin to fire with cause? Or making up dirt to fire with cause. Hell if I know. Just an embarrassing clusterfuck.
Well in theory Steele is off the table since he inked with Miami. Hard not to think they’ve already met with Freeze in the alley at night at this point in time. But then again if that was the case, why hasn’t it taken place? Maybe because they’re still trying to find dirt on Harsin to fire with cause? Or making up dirt to fire with cause. Hell if I know. Just an embarrassing clusterfuck.
Imagine if banging younger women was a show cause offense...this world would be filled with extremely angry old guys
If AU moves on, I’ve heard Jeff (?) Grimes’ name a few times.

Ironic that new policy about being uncooperative with investigations, since there’s another coach on campus that is known for not cooperating with investigators. Though he wins and recruits at a much better clip than the guy they’re trying desperately to fire with cause. Wonder if they hadn’t just given that contract to Pearl if they’d be more willing to pony up Harsin’s buyout?
If AU moves on, I’ve heard Jeff (?) Grimes’ name a few times.

Ironic that new policy about being uncooperative with investigations, since there’s another coach on campus that is known for not cooperating with investigators. Though he wins and recruits at a much better clip than the guy they’re trying desperately to fire with cause. Wonder if they hadn’t just given that contract to Pearl if they’d be more willing to pony up Harsin’s buyout?
Can't see any way an arbitrator sides with Auburn if they try to fire him with cause, that would be hilarious and ridiculous considering they've employed Pearl and $cam's dad
Being reported that AU will announce soon that they are retaining Harsin. Gonna be a wild next few months
Being reported that AU will announce soon that they are retaining Harsin. Gonna be a wild next few months

Just unfucking believable. Cut his legs out from underneath him, accuse him of whoring, and then keep him? Guess Freeze said “oh hell no “. You couldn’t make this shit up if you tried. If I was Harsin I’d hold a presser and tell them to go fuck themselves. And don’t get me wrong, there’s obviously something up with him with all of the bailing by players and both coordinators, but you can’t keep him after the way they university played it. What an epic embarrassment.
I don't know these assistant coaches as well as I probably should but why are Miami fans so excited about Josh Gattis. The Michigan offense was nothing exciting so what am I missing.
I don't know these assistant coaches as well as I probably should but why are Miami fans so excited about Josh Gattis. The Michigan offense was nothing exciting so what am I missing.
Miami would get excited about a potato calling plays.

Gattis won the broyles award. Last year's offense was directed by a variety of people. He's a "solid" coach and will eventually be a HC at a mid tier P5 or lower. Nothing to get crazy excited about though.
Miami would get excited about a potato calling plays.

Gattis won the broyles award. Last year's offense was directed by a variety of people. He's a "solid" coach and will eventually be a HC at a mid tier P5 or lower. Nothing to get crazy excited about though.
Since I am a Miami fan I should probably feel pretty insulted by that first comment but I will let it go.
Interesting hire by Notre Dame for DC and by interesting I mean awful. Welcome back to college football to the incredibly inept Al Golden.
Mizzou got Blake Baker for DC. That’s a good move I would think. Good LB coach and everyone needs a 1st job
Miami would get excited about a potato calling plays.

Gattis won the broyles award. Last year's offense was directed by a variety of people. He's a "solid" coach and will eventually be a HC at a mid tier P5 or lower. Nothing to get crazy excited about though.
Imagining a potato with a head set on is cracking me up