I just don't really have words for it. How do you f**k up a 10 point cushion in a 20 point game with a minute to go?

Worst beat in a long time.

I saw that Joe.Unreal bro.I feel for yall. Don't worry the Lakers have it coming when playoffs arrive.
i'm pretty glad i didn't watch this game....now i gotta get ready to go to work...time to slit my wrists...

damn, I don't know what would've angered me more in retrospect...i didn't middle...either way, that last minute would have cost me the 1100....

I concentrated on Phoenix's inability to put up the kind of numbers that would have thrown this one over...I never thought this would be a blowout either...my thinking was pretty backwards on this one...it wasn't even a bad beat...the first half says it all for this one...i almost got a good beat actually...

on the season for me personally...i wasn't here for the begining (banned)...and i havent posted every play...I'm personally still down a decent amount of money now and have NEVER had a losing season...

I'm done with the regular season, I'm taking my time...going to watch a lot of ball (as I always do this time of year)...and try and make it back in the playoffs...

BOL to you guys, i'll be around here keepin an eye on reno...lol...

i hate betting unders with a passion...always have...ugh
Oh my god. I had classes all day here and was checking the scores in the two free minutes I have in between classes. Saw like 123-100 with 2 minutes left or so and figured it was in the bag. Went back after the next class to check the final and I about threw up in my mouth when I saw it. I honestly felt physically ill for a moment. It made me never want to place another bet ever again.

I would've taken you out drinking after this game if I was up there and bought you drinks until you were unconscious. I also would've kept you away from any sharp objects. This is as bad as it gets. Hope your sanity is still intact.....

where's Big Al's thread about the Cavs...i wanted to sulk together...wish I could delete this thread
Terrible ending , LAL has done it to me before with their second unit numerous times at home in the past 2-3 seasons , only advice is dont give up . Just take something from the loss. Every day we learn and evolve . First thing is remember what I said about games missing star players they defy logic . Pho was actually the 1st team missing players this week to lose ATS that I recall ( Pacers ++ covered @ NYK , SAS won two games laying 1 or 2 pts at home , ATL covered ++@ Den , etc..) . Probably some of that had to do with most of us expecting them to compete like they did in the 1st meeting @ LAL this year in a similiar spot . Since we had a reference point to rely on might have created alot of similiar opinions. Who knows how JRich really felt yesterday ? They even talked on TNT about how the Lakers were aware of what happened last time out and didnt want that to happen again.

Key lesson beware of games with stars out especially when lines change drastically . I dont think a healthy SUns team even catches 9 in LAL at this point . Which I thought Nash absence was a certainity yesterday.

The last thing is my philosophy is every sort of gambling (sports , stocks , real estate investment , futures , whatever ) boils down to one thing ; DECISION MAKING. It's all about being a good decision maker. Sounds silly . When people go in cold spells they usually say I liked this game alot so only played this one , of course the other 2 games I passed on won. So yesterday Nash is OUT immediately for a gambler the 1st thought should be RED CAUTION FLAG when looking at this game. Tell yourself I know I am playing with fire here . Doesnt mean you decide not bet the under yesterday but maybe you play it for 200 bucks and even try to middle a 100 at 231-232...Little inside INFO (lol) alot of games with injuries tend to fall inbewteen the opening number and the adjusted closing number . Remember that DEN game a month ago...? Opened like -4 closed like -13 when SAS rested everyone and game ended somewhere around 6-8 pts ...happens on totals as well often that move 4,5,6 points ...They way to approach INJURIES is one player no matter how good will dramatically hurt your teams chances of winning the game BUT in all likelyhood one player or even two will probably NOT damage that teams chances of competing that night .

That my novel for the day ..Good luck bill :cheers:

Last thing I always say remember OUTCOMES dont happen specifically to you . You were not UNLUCKY but unfortunate . So dont take it personal.. shit happens to all of us ...
i fucking hate betting on games when public is on the same side, u/o dropped from 237.5 to 232.5 at tip-offs, so i sat out. Ended up playing the Under on the 2H based on a system play, so here it is:

Play the UNDER on the 2H when a team has lead at least 12-15pts or more after the 1H. This system is $$$$ lately...pay attention to this system guys!

Betcrimes can chime in.
i fucking hate betting on games when public is on the same side, u/o dropped from 237.5 to 232.5 at tip-offs, so i sat out. Ended up playing the Under on the 2H based on a system play, so here it is:

Play the UNDER on the 2H when a team has lead at least 12-15pts or more after the 1H. This system is $$$$ lately...pay attention to this system guys!

Betcrimes can chime in.

the total didn't drop b/c of the public money...the total dropped b/c nash was announced out...

the total would have risen to probably 238-239 if nash's announcement coulda held off a little longer!!!
hi billivy...unfortunate last night

don't you think that money moves all lines?...of course nash being announced out helped somewhat but my perception is that books moves lines because money is coming in on 1 side and they don't want to take a stance, therefore they move the line
the total didn't drop b/c of the public money...the total dropped b/c nash was announced out...

the total would have risen to probably 238-239 if nash's announcement coulda held off a little longer!!!

Same thing happened on WED - w/o Tim Duncan the Total was dropped from 180.5 -178 -then we seen the result: 99-84

Maybe we should watch for this TREND ....Play OVER the Total when the number was dropping ...b/c of (news) key player(s) being side line for the game.
where's Big Al's thread about the Cavs...i wanted to sulk together...wish I could delete this thread


I'll say tough loss for everyone else last night but if you ever have an issue with someone, don't hide behind another screename, come right out and say it.


I'll say tough loss for everyone else last night but if you ever have an issue with someone, don't hide behind another screename, come right out and say it.


yah obviously a sick coincidence...however that wasn't me :shake:

next time, maybe hearing the person out would help these matters get resolved quicker? (obviously, both sides can learn something from that)...

btw, I'm an action junkie and that challenge that killa told you about is legitimate...lemme know if your interested...would be a lot of fun for the playoffs
yah obviously a sick coincidence...however that wasn't me :shake:

next time, maybe hearing the person out would help these matters get resolved quicker? (obviously, both sides can learn something from that)...

btw, I'm an action junkie and that challenge that killa told you about is legitimate...lemme know if your interested...would be a lot of fun for the playoffs

It's never been resloved it wasn't you. Trust me. In fact, if most of the mods/partners had their way you would still be gone. You have had multiple names on here and already banned once. For some damn reason, I went to bat for you.

Thin line son.

As far as the playoff matchup. Come up with something realistic as far as betting procedures and I'll think about it. I am not an action junkie so playing 200 plays or whatever in playoffs isn't going to be my style.
I was banned originally b/c you guys gave me a choice and I said "Ban me"...lol
Months later, out of boredom...I made names to post MLB and NBA threads under the radar...I made no mention as to who I was nor did the interest last long...
Everything I did you seemed to be able to track and when you decided to let me post under Billivy...you consolidated my posts from those names....

this jeter2 had other aliases right? but you never put those in my post count b/c those names weren't tied to me either...

I PMed justin/killa and made a post in my thread...it was a stupid post b/c I didnt know how things worked in this forum...I didn't know games got moved to in game forums...

If I wasn't wrong in my presumption, that would have been a very shitty and misleading thing to do so I think you could understand my frustration with what I thought I was pointing out in my PM to Killa/and you guys...I also said that "I wouldn't make a stink about it"...about a minute later...killa pointed out to me that it was in in game and that was the end of it...Jeter2 wasn't me...if you believe it was...you can ban me b/c that's a bad offense and I agree I should be banned for such...

I've logged on from the same two computers for years now, and from your own mods they told me this was another user from another state...I don't know how it's not cleared up...I'm glad if you went to bat for me...I don't get a lot of ways to communicate with Killa/Justin while he's in SK so I thank you for that...but Jeter2 wasn't me...and I'll say it everyday I'm allowed to post here until someone says I didn't make the name
but about the playoff thing...y don't you come up with something you'd be comfortable with...like i said..i'm an action junkie and doubt i'd mind any proposal you'd come up with