This is how we do in Sixburgh


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Staff member
First of all I cant believe some of the shit im reading. Steelers suck? Big Ben is overrated? Did you mother fuckers watch a minute of this season. It doesn't matter that Big Ben gets sacked. He makes stupid plays. Bottom line. This is it. He lead his team to 12-4 record, and then he literally led them down the field for a superbowl ring. How can you say, after watching that game, that he isnt the leader of this team. Without him, we dont win that shit. He led us down the field to win that bitch. He makes throw after throw on that last drive that got it done. You know im not even that huge of a fan of his, and sometimes he really pisses me off. But I'm really not too sure how you watch that game and then say he sucks. I really dont understand that. Then you say you could do the same if you had that defense. Im really not too sure what the fuck you are waiting for. Are you making millions doing what you do?

Then the whole "lucky" thing. Ive noticed people say James Harrison was somehow lucky to make a pick. You know luck is when the ball gets deflected by 5 different players and you somehow make a pick and run it back 100 yards. Im not sure how Harrison picking off a ball, thrown right to him, has anything to do with luck. Was he lucky because he didnt get tackled? No, the Cardinals didn't make the play, how is that lucky? This really confuses me. Im not really too sure how luck wins you 6 superbowl championships either. Really not sure about that one.

Lastly, the refs won us the game. You know to a point, the refs did make some funny ass call. There were 3 personal fouls on one drive. One was a facemask, no doubt about it. Then the other 2 were questionable, but the they only got a FG out of it.


Pictures didnt turn out that well but i was higher then a kite. These are all I got tonight. Ill have some from the parade (if we have one, hopefully we will). There were all taken on the southside on carson street if anyone from Pittsburgh is curious and it was a great fucking time down their
congrats all pittsburgh fans, you guys earned it on that last TD winning drive. go celebrate. :cheers:
Thanks cogenman. Bitch of it all us someone started burning garbage cans on the street I was on. So the police came in with 3 pat buses behind them clearing the street. I didnt feel like making the drive to oakland to continue the celebration but I hear shit got worse there like flipped cars. This is the pathetic thing about Pittsburgh though. I had to get through downtown to get to the southside and it was DEAD.
Did this dude show up ? lol

This thread is useless without CLEAR pictures...

Nice Pitt win. Last TD pass was great.
:tiphat: looks like you had fun dahntown Alex... i stayed away for the craziness, but it sure felt like i was right in the mix...
yea they won. refs helped them out and zona finally got to play their game late. ben played really well and cant take anything away from him. Holmes should pass the MVP trophy over to Cromati (sp?) just as a thanks. Great game though.
Yeah....cromartie had a terrible game i thought

I dont think the officiating was as terrible as least the calls were like 60/40 steelers instead of 90/10

That was definitely a safety though...the dude tackled him

Dont think it mattered though in the big scheme of things becuase (say they ran the ball there instead of going for the pass) i dont think it wouldve been a bad strategy to take the intentional safety there if they woulda had to punt
Man the state of Pennsylvania must be hyped with both the world series and now the super bowl.
yeah i thought they might take the intentional safety. well i don't think they would have, but some coaches would have.

cromartie saved the 1st TD of the game at least when he broke up that Nate Washington bomb and cost me 500 bucks on the first TD prop
ben underthrew that ball...that shoulda been a TD

and Cromartie had a couple balls hit his hands that he couldnt make the play on
everybody in the room watching the game last night hated me when i reminded them all that i had just won $49 on that safety...

what a great prop bet winner!
if it was 4th and 10 from the one or whatever...with Pittsburghs punting game and arizonas returning game...with pitts defense...and given the fact they were up 6...I absolutely think they woulda taken the intentional safety

it was really the perfect situation for it
Steelers won but Cards showed they can play with the "Dynasty" They are a good team but NFL's parity is showing any team can win (at least ATS) which is all that matters to me, nice season Pitts (errrr refs)
keep giving em hell alex.

steeler nation-1st class organization run by 1st class people.

while i'm a diehard steeler fan,i can't deny that pic is freaking hilarious.
i'll be looking out the window of my building watching most of it, but may head down depending on how things are going....
alex where you going to be today....?

i'm going to sneak around lunch to catch some of the action on Fifth & Grant...
Council changes city's name to Sixburgh

Mayor Luke Ravenstahl may have changed his name, but Pittsburgh City Council one-upped him today by ceremonially renaming the entire city.

In a proclamation crafted by Councilman Bruce Kraus, the city's lawmakers commended the "open, practical and efficient management" of the Super Bowl-winning Steelers.

"The council of the City of Pittsburgh does hearby commend the Rooney family for bringing notoriety to the City of Pittsburgh," Mr. Kraus read, with the other members of council arrayed about him, before "officially designating the City of Pittsburgh in 2009 as the City of Sixburgh."

Mr. Ravenstahl ceremonially renamed himself Steelerstahl prior to the AFC Championship game against the Baltimore Ravens.

i'm heading down now.... no camera though, sorry....
A Six-Pack Celebration

Team, city, fans fete Steelers' sixth Super Bowl title

you guys are slacking...

this is pretty funny

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