Third Annual CTG Survivor Pool!


CTG Partner
Staff member
The ownership of Capping The Game are proud to provide the community at Capping The Game with a NFL Survivor Pool.

Deadline to enter Sunday, September 14th 2008


1st Place - $150.00
2nd Place - $100.00
3rd Place - $50.00
  • All entries must be in before first kick Sunday, September 14th
  • The winner at the end of the season will be the member who has lasted the longest of all entrants.
  • Tie breaker will be determined come playoffs
  • Typical Survivor Pool rules apply
  • Games are straight up and not against the spread. If your team loses, you are eliminated
  • Teams may be picked only once
  • All picks will be made on the Contest home page and will automatically be graded at the completion of each game.
  • Not a member? Click here to Join Capping the Game
  • Click here to enter!
Good Luck to All Members
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So if I took baltimore for this week, am I going to get knocked out since they're not playing now?

it says i picked STL

youve gotta be kidding me.

like i would choose the biggest dog on the card in week 2 to win SU in a frikkin survivor contest!!!! :whip:

definitely had the g-men.... hmmmm fishy stuff here
:eyes: steed!!!!!!

this was your work wasnt it

good thing i have backups- time to sign on my marlo stanfield handle:seeya:
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oakland should have knocked out the rest :(

mods, can you give me carolina this week .. can't communicate with site it appears ... thanks
i was having problems with the site so i couldnt post my pick .i posted sunday morning that i wanted carolina but i guess you didnt get it oh well thanks post is 2 above this one
There was more than a few people that couldn't get in. Pay attention to the site and we'll keep you updated with what we're going to do. I received a few pm's from people asking for me to put them on a certain game, but I don't have the ability to go and adjust games for people.
The site and I had a miscommunication. I clicked on the bears but somehow it gave me denver?
Fellas - I'm getting this straightened out right now.

What we are doing is skipping week 4 altogether, since we had the server issues, and if you won in week 3, you will pick up where you left off in week 5.

That's the only thing I can think of that is fair and am currently working on that right now.
The people who won should get a free week or buy week to week 6. the people who lost or did not get their picks in on time should have to do a win and your in pick for week 5 then move to week 6 to be fair to all of us who won in week 4. With Dallas and Denver loseing this last week some of us were looking real good.
The people who won should get a free week or buy week to week 6. the people who lost or did not get their picks in on time should have to do a win and your in pick for week 5 then move to week 6 to be fair to all of us who won in week 4. With Dallas and Denver loseing this last week some of us were looking real good.

What happened to the NFL survivor pool last week

We all made our entries, and we lost over 30 people on Dallas and Denver.

Now it looks like that week wasn't graded.

Am I missing something?
Maybe Im being too competitive but I dont understand the decision...maybe if those that won get a free week, those that didnt get to post get to do it this week but those that posted a loser should be out. JMO :shake:
guys, its a huge database, that grades each game automatically, its not manual fror each person... to go through and give people passes and others not would be way too much and mihgt disrupt things... by just advancing weeks we're avoiding alot of headaches...
The people who won should get a free week or buy week to week 6. the people who lost or did not get their picks in on time should have to do a win and your in pick for week 5 then move to week 6 to be fair to all of us who won in week 4. With Dallas and Denver loseing this last week some of us were looking real good.


If the contest is going to be run on the "up and up" Those that lost should not get a mulligan.

If plays weren't made, I can understand.

If someone entered on play, but got assigned another team, as long as they PM'd a mod, that pick also should not count

Is ACORN running this thing :36_11_6:
Just like Obama stuffing the ballot box:popcorn:
People who were knocked out on Denver and Dallas may not have picked those teams. We do NOT know who picked what team. With how the server was messed up people's "picks" may not have been what they actually picked and other people couldn't log in to make picks. We're doing the best we can for our members, shit happens we can't control, if you don't like the decision -- don't participate in the FREE contest anymore. Christ sake we're going out of our ways to do the best we can for everyone and the whining in PM's and on the board really piss me off.
I think I had Jacksonville this past week. If the past week doesnt count, will I be able to use Jaclsonville again down the stretch if I need?
I think I had Jacksonville this past week. If the past week doesnt count, will I be able to use Jaclsonville again down the stretch if I need?

Yes, anything that happened in week 4 has been completely erased. Assume this is the third week of the contest... you've picked in weeks 2 & 3, now week 5...
No worries here, Fondy. I couldn't get in to make my pick (winner Carolina) to save my life, and couldn't seem to communicate with mods either. Had someone else do it through fantasy football league. I also heard people picked Carolina and other winning teams but were given Denver or Dallas by mistake. Some folks here need to chill. It's free and the system was fucked up by hackers. Just be thankful it wasn't worse for all of us and the site was returned to normal pretty quickly. Thanks for the effort CTG techies.
I see there isn't a Bodog contest up this week but there is a Survivor. Is it safe to put in a Survivor pick? Will there be a Bodog contest this week? Thanks.
I see there isn't a Bodog contest up this week but there is a Survivor. Is it safe to put in a Survivor pick? Will there be a Bodog contest this week? Thanks.

Yes, there will be one... BoDog has offered up 100.00 this week since there was none last week.
People who were knocked out on Denver and Dallas may not have picked those teams. We do NOT know who picked what team. With how the server was messed up people's "picks" may not have been what they actually picked and other people couldn't log in to make picks. We're doing the best we can for our members, shit happens we can't control, if you don't like the decision -- don't participate in the FREE contest anymore. Christ sake we're going out of our ways to do the best we can for everyone and the whining in PM's and on the board really piss me off.

I didnt realize peoples picks got switched....thats not cool