The 'What did we learn' Thread--Week 6 edition

Agree with what your saying Utes. The D is good enough to compete with most, but play calling was stale. May be due to the opponent, but was very predictable. The RB reminds me of the back from UCONN a few years back (drafted by Indy-name escapes me). Brown maybe. The offense runs through him.
Booker is the best RB in CFB after contact, the numbers support that. He has made himself a lot of money over the last year and a half once draft day comes for him. One thing about the Utah OC's is that they will only open it up when necessary. I can't tell you how many times I've seen them just go into clock management mode because they want the other team to have to go through their defense. It all comes down from Whittingham, he wants the offense to be as conservative as possible to win and not tip your hand to future opponents. Trust me, he's knocked 5 years off of my life due to loss of heart muscle and he will continue to do so because he doesn't give a shit about style points.
As far as last night goes, Wilson threw two horrible passes that resulted in INT's and Whittingham wasn't about to let him throw another that cost them the game. That is why they were so vanilla on offense for most of the second half. Let's also give the Cal defense some credit, they were much more physical than I thought they would be. It's Cal and Stanford for the PAC 12 north IMHO.
I can't give cal's d credit. As you mentioned, they went vanilla. That was easy to defend. Wilson got them a couple times, but he had to keep it occasionally. Otherwise, it is not a read, rather a hand-off from shotgun. Would love to see what Booker could do from a power I.
Yeah, Wilson had quite a few he could have kept. I'm not sure why he was so bad with his reads last night, Utah was lucky to get that W.
BC has one of the greatest defenses in football and yet may have the worst offense in the history of college football.

They had first and goal inside the Wake five TWICE in the last five minutes and still couldn't score. And the calls by the staff could kill even an adequate offense.

Rosen may turn out to be the best QB down the line, but the two best freshmen QBS I've seen this year are Rypen at Boise St and Moore at Cincinnati. Mangum at BYU--who goes head to head with Moore this week--is right there with them, but since he is 22 I'm not sure he should be considered a freshman.

Bob Stoops, who fired almost every assistant he had over the last couple of years in order to try and hide the fact he didn't fire his half-wit brother, is paying the price. Mike Stoops explanation to the press for why OU got run over by Texas all day? "Well, it was hard to figure out what they were trying to do."

And the irony is that the assistants Stoops fired are all doing a great job at their new schools.
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Depends on the day with Travis Wilson. If you hurry him he gets happy feet and can't go through his progressions. If he has time, he's all world. Utah is a good QB away from the playoffs.

Agree. Wilson conjures up bad Bo Wallace too many times for me.

Cal impressed. All those turnovers and still took Utah down to the wire in Salt Lake City. Hard not to have a ton of respect for them.
Utah has a favorable schedule

[TABLE="class: lr_tbl ts, width: 100%"]
<tbody>[TR="class: _vh _Q"]
[TD="class: _xh vk_gy _Vi"]Sat, Oct 17[/TD]
[TD="class: _wh vk_gy"]vs[/TD]
[TD="class: lr_etc _Wc"]
gfMgS 9j76c5TBqrQe nfLPymyOki8icE8aub5Sr3xuHPMxO1lqRBgRnFvmv3EkDvEaYxWgr1Mbbmmc7dcPwf0vDw9WK3DH8AAAAASUVORK5CYII=
Arizona State[/TD]
[TD="class: ellip _hZc"][/TD]
[TD="class: ellip _mh _Wi"]7:00 PM[/TD]
[TR="class: lr_sns_ovo_md_5"]
[TD="colspan: 5"]
Saturday, October 17, 7:00 PM
Rice-Eccles Stadium, Salt Lake City, Utah
[TABLE="class: _zD"]
[TD="class: _JX _AZc"]
[TD="class: _JX _WMb _aeb _KYh"]Arizona State
Sun Devils


[TABLE="class: _zD"]
[TD="class: _JX _WMb _beb _KYh"]Utah4
[TD="class: _JX _zZc"]

[TD="colspan: 7"]
[TR="class: _vh _Q"]
[TD="class: _xh vk_gy _Vi"]Sat, Oct 24
[TD="class: _wh vk_gy"]@
[TD="class: lr_etc _Wc"]
[TD="class: ellip _hZc"][/TD]
[TD="class: ellip _mh _Wi"] TBD
[TR="class: lr_sns_ovo_md_6"]
[TD="colspan: 5"]
Saturday, October 24
Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, Los Angeles, California
[TABLE="class: _zD"]
[TD="class: _JX _AZc"]
[TD="class: _JX _WMb _aeb _KYh"]4Utah


[TABLE="class: _zD"]
[TD="class: _JX _WMb _beb _KYh"]USC
[TD="class: _JX _zZc"]

[TD="colspan: 7"]
[TR="class: _vh _Q"]
[TD="class: _xh vk_gy _Vi"]Sat, Oct 31
[TD="class: _wh vk_gy"]vs
[TD="class: lr_etc _Wc"]
Oregon State
[TD="class: ellip _hZc"][/TD]
[TD="class: ellip _mh _Wi"] TBD
[TR="class: lr_sns_ovo_md_7"]
[TD="colspan: 5"]
Saturday, October 31
Rice-Eccles Stadium, Salt Lake City, Utah
[TABLE="class: _zD"]
[TD="class: _JX _AZc"]
[TD="class: _JX _WMb _aeb _KYh"]Oregon State


[TABLE="class: _zD"]
[TD="class: _JX _WMb _beb _KYh"]Utah4
[TD="class: _JX _zZc"]

[TD="colspan: 7"]
[TR="class: _vh _Q"]
[TD="class: _xh vk_gy _Vi"]Sat, Nov 7
[TD="class: _wh vk_gy"]@
[TD="class: lr_etc _Wc"]
[TD="class: ellip _hZc"][/TD]
[TD="class: ellip _mh _Wi"] TBD
[TR="class: lr_sns_ovo_md_8"]
[TD="colspan: 5"]
Saturday, November 7
Alaska Airlines Field at Husky Stadium, Seattle, Washington
[TABLE="class: _zD"]
[TD="class: _JX _AZc"]
[TD="class: _JX _WMb _aeb _KYh"]4Utah


[TABLE="class: _zD"]
[TD="class: _JX _WMb _beb _KYh"]Washington
[TD="class: _JX _zZc"]

[TD="colspan: 7"]
[TR="class: _vh _Q"]
[TD="class: _xh vk_gy _Vi"]Sat, Nov 14
[TD="class: _wh vk_gy"]@
[TD="class: lr_etc _Wc"]
[TD="class: ellip _hZc"][/TD]
[TD="class: ellip _mh _Wi"] TBD
[TR="class: lr_sns_ovo_md_9"]
[TD="colspan: 5"]
Saturday, November 14
Arizona Stadium, Tucson, Arizona
[TABLE="class: _zD"]
[TD="class: _JX _AZc"]
[TD="class: _JX _WMb _aeb _KYh"]4Utah


[TABLE="class: _zD"]
[TD="class: _JX _WMb _beb _KYh"]Arizona
[TD="class: _JX _zZc"]

[TD="colspan: 7"]
[TR="class: _vh _Q"]
[TD="class: _xh vk_gy _Vi"]Sat, Nov 21
[TD="class: _wh vk_gy"]vs
[TD="class: lr_etc _Wc"]
[TD="class: ellip _hZc"][/TD]
[TD="class: ellip _mh _Wi"] TBD
[TR="class: lr_sns_ovo_md_10"]
[TD="colspan: 5"]
Saturday, November 21
Rice-Eccles Stadium, Salt Lake City, Utah
[TABLE="class: _zD"]
[TD="class: _JX _AZc"]
[TD="class: _JX _WMb _aeb _KYh"]18UCLA


[TABLE="class: _zD"]
[TD="class: _JX _WMb _beb _KYh"]Utah4
[TD="class: _JX _zZc"]

[TD="colspan: 7"]
[TR="class: _vh _Q"]
[TD="class: _xh vk_gy _Vi"]Sat, Nov 28
[TD="class: _wh vk_gy"]vs
[TD="class: lr_etc _Wc"]
[TD="class: ellip _hZc"][/TD]
[TD="class: ellip _mh _Wi"] TBD
If teams consistently threw the ball 25+ yards down the middle of the field, we'd have even more scoring in CFB. Teams just refuse to cover people in that area of the field. Even the well coached teams in critical spots (K State, I'm looking at you.)

happens in the NFL also.....Saints come to mind
Booker is the best RB in CFB after contact, the numbers support that. He has made himself a lot of money over the last year and a half once draft day comes for him. One thing about the Utah OC's is that they will only open it up when necessary. I can't tell you how many times I've seen them just go into clock management mode because they want the other team to have to go through their defense. It all comes down from Whittingham, he wants the offense to be as conservative as possible to win and not tip your hand to future opponents. Trust me, he's knocked 5 years off of my life due to loss of heart muscle and he will continue to do so because he doesn't give a shit about style points.

ehhh.....he may be by numbers, but he is not in reality. Not being a homer, just saying
Drew cant get the ball downfield anymore

Drew is done.....sadly, we will have him for his old yeller days

So tired of seeing him throw a ball to a WR that has his man beat, only to see that WR have to stop

He hit Cooks in stride yesterday(haven't seen this from Drew in years) and Cooks couldn't outrun the guys chasing him, sadly

Our number 1 WR is 5 foot 9 inches and he doesn't fight for the is a mess

Saints INT TWO balls in the EZ and still end up -2 on TO ratio......pretty unreal. Bradford wanted to lose that game, the fans wanted to turn on their team, and the Saints just suck. The Jaguars win that one handily with those circumstances

back to CFB, sorry
gotta be honest, I also learned that Oregon is in some trouble. Helfrich, I am just not sure he is the guy. Good QB play has carried those guys(ORE teams) and they have literally lost the big game everytime. Whether it was in the MNC, or against the SEC teams that their brand of football was sure to work against.

Right now, they are little more than cool uniforms every other week or so. I really think the days of dominance are over.....USC is in a free fall which helps, but I really think ORE isn't gonna be what they were.....
Yeah, unbelievable. Much worse than I expected, really, because it was more than one guy. I don't even know which one was the worst.
ehhh.....he may be by numbers, but he is not in reality. Not being a homer, just saying

I figured you would chime in. I actually googled it and can't find it anywhere but ESPN put up the graphic during the Utah/Cal game the other night and said he had more yards after contact than any other player in CFB. I didn't make any other claim, if you want to find the info to prove me wrong, have at it.

Also, if numbers aren't reality what are they?
I figured you would chime in. I actually googled it and can't find it anywhere but ESPN put up the graphic during the Utah/Cal game the other night and said he had more yards after contact than any other player in CFB. I didn't make any other claim, if you want to find the info to prove me wrong, have at it.

Also, if numbers aren't reality what are they?

it isn't all that important. I've watched him play 2 whole games now and he is a nice RB. Great game on Sat too.

I am over the 'google' everything, dude. I just old fashion believe you. :shake:
Pretty sure its already been stated, but i feel even moreso than in past years the gap is closing between the top teams and the bottom teams. Dont get me wrong, there are a few really good teams and quite a few terrible teams. But the parody in college football today is greater than ever, IMHO. There is no elite team this year (the best team, imo, already has one loss). Its gonna be a war of attrition; by years end, the playoff selection committee is going to have their hands full, to say the least. And I can't fuhkin wait, haha!
The topic of Booker is being discussed a lot now, I guess because during the Utah/Cal game Brian Griese said that he'd take Booker over Zeke Elliot. Aside from the total randomness of mentioning an OSU running back during a Utah/Cal telecast, it was laughably stupid. But Griese is well known for saying stupid shit and having a hard-on for OSU.

Booker is a nice player but not in the upper echelon of college RB's.
The interim coach hasn't named his starter for the game vs. WKU.
But said everyone would be happy/surprised/glad, can't remember the exact quote. You have McNulty or Smith. so unless you have JFF come back to burn some eligibilty, it's a coin flip. 66-7 to a , albeit good, fcs team---qb aint the problemo.
But yes, coach, play mind games with the Hilltoppers coaching staff.
Re that B C / Wake ending, both teams lost the ball on fumbles inside the Wake 15 on successive possessions in the final 2 minutes of the game. It was unbelievable.

AND, I have lost my touch in predicting FCS games.
Fortunately, I am having banner year in FBS.
Go figure.