The NBA has one last shot...

Do you think Noah would be a good candidate? I really do not follow the Bulls but he seems to be one to come to mind for setting a message implying screen.

Yeah, he's big enough and kind of dumb enough to be the guy. He'd also sell the whine after getting called for the tech pretty well. For being so young that guy whines like a 10 year vet.

BAR's right, though, ten years ago, you never would have gone down the lane like that without expecting to get drilled. Especially to tie the game at the buzzer? Stop it. It's why I said he should have tried to dunk.
Do you think Noah would be a good candidate? I really do not follow the Bulls but he seems to be one to come to mind for setting a message implying screen.

Yeah, he's big enough and kind of dumb enough to be the guy. He'd also sell the whine after getting called for the tech pretty well. For being so young that guy whines like a 10 year vet.

BAR's right, though, ten years ago, you never would have gone down the lane like that without expecting to get drilled. Especially to tie the game at the buzzer? Stop it. It's why I said he should have tried to dunk.

Miller knew he was gonna get hit and attempted to finger roll it. It was just a soft play all around on his part, no big man should be attempting a finger roll with a wide open lane. I'm not sure how much time they ended up putting back on the clock after the foul, maybe 2 seconds, but I'm pretty sure he had time to dunk it.
I disagree on getting the Celts fired up if anything at this point they probably feel they can do whatever they want to the Bulls. If someone on Chicago steps up it could spark the Bulls and bring them closer together. The Celtics are defending their title what more could get them motivated at this point?

Pierce and Allen have been sleep walking through this first round. They have yet to show up. Best let sleeping dogs lie if I were a Bulls fan.
Yeah, the only reason I cut him slack for that is because he took off from pretty deep in the lane and because of the clock. Nobody wants to hear that buzzer go off with the ball still in their hand. So I can see why he wanted to let it go.

Still, if they're giving you that lane, and you are that big man, I think you try to flush it because you have to assume the foul's coming.
Hell no it wouldnt cheapen anything...ill take the win anyway I can get it...if we were playing Cleveland, id be rooting for LeBron to break his ankle....doesnt matter to me...

Though yeah I would be worried about him in game 7...but hopefully by then Ron Jeremy will have the team too worked up and nervous to even tie their shoes
Why? Who cares? Do you feel cheated because the Spurs only won the 2007 NBA title because the NBA screwed the Suns? Would you have rather the Suns been at full strength and beat the Spurs?

Still my favorite argument. Everyone assumes Suns win that series. IMO, not so much. Once again, poor defensive team.
They win that series...and furthermore the whole landscape of the entire NBA would be different now. If DAntoni's system woulda won a title others woulda jumped on board. The league would have shifted to a more up and down the court game. It would be so much more entertaining. Those suspensions set the league back 10 years.
They win that series...and furthermore the whole landscape of the entire NBA would be different now. If DAntoni's system woulda won a title others woulda jumped on board. The league would have shifted to a more up and down the court game. It would be so much more entertaining. Those suspensions set the league back 10 years.

You are forgetting how terrible that team was defensively. All the Suns teams of the past 20 years but more specifically the past 7-8 years. It wasn't like they had total control of the series. It was tied at 2 games apiece. SA was one of the two best road teams in the league with Detroit. They could win anywhere/anytime. They also had already won Game One in Phoenix. Now, you'll say Game 5 was a close. That's playing to competition. Watch for it of this suspension becomes reality. Look at Knicks Heat back in the day in the suspension series. San Antonio had a 14 point lead at home in Game 6 and won by 8. Pretty easy with teams at full strength. That series was 50/50 at worse entering Game 5 with no suspensions.
As far as setting the league back 10 years. I dunno. Teams have tried a semi phoenix style and it hasn't worked that well. Coaches ego's won't allow them to just let players play.
As far as setting the league back 10 years. I dunno. Teams have tried a semi phoenix style and it hasn't worked that well. Coaches ego's won't allow them to just let players play.

I hear ya, but they didnt have the talent Phoenix had...and dont get me going on Robert Sarver...if that cheap motherfucker woulda spent a few bucks, they coulda had 3 or 4 titles in a row and been absolutely dominant...

Ill have to dig up the post somewhere, but essentially they cheaped out on re-signing Joe Johnson (the PERFECT 2 guard for that system with Nash) and they essentially sold the draft picks that turned into Andre Iguodala AND Rajon Rando!!! And there were like 5 other just totally bonhead moves in there that were purely made because hes a cheap bastard
I dont know if I could keep watching basketball if I was a Phoenix fan

it would just be depressing watching Rando tear up the Bulls...or even Johnson leading the Hawks and Iggy making game winners against the Magic

Id be apoplectic
Pierce and Allen have been sleep walking through this first round. They have yet to show up. Best let sleeping dogs lie if I were a Bulls fan.

I know I have not watched every minute of every game of this series but I have seen the following by these two sleep walkers:

Ray Allen's Game 2 30pt performance in which he singlehandly carried them in 4th quarter

Pierce's Game 3 24pt performance where him and Allen shot over 50% from the field

Game 4 they both put up 25+ and were both knocking down clutch shots in the 4th quarter

Game 5 if it were not for Pierce's play at the end of regulation and in OT the Celts are going back to Chicago down 3-2

If these guys have been sleepwalking Clevand better be worried. I did not think these two could play much better considering they only avg'd 20pts a game in the regular season and how clutch they have been in the 4th quarters right now.
Magic's Dwight Howard suspended for Game 6

Posted Apr 29 2009 3:40PM
NEW YORK -- Orlando Magic center Dwight Howard has been suspended one game without pay for elbowing Philadelphia 76ers center Samuel Dalembert in the head, it was announced today by Stu Jackson, NBA Executive Vice President, Basketball Operations.<script type="text/javascript">pos=160x600_bot&nba_rollup=allstar&nba_section=news&nba_subsection=article&page.allowcompete=yes&params.styles=fs","600","160"); </script>

The incident occurred with 9:15 remaining in the first period of Orlando's 91-78 victory over the 76ers in Game 5 of the Eastern Conference First Round at Amway Arena last night.

Howard will serve his suspension tomorrow night when the Magic faces the 76ers in Game 6 at Wachovia Center.
From the Simmons' column:

The third is the NBA doesn't "fix" games per se; the league just "orchestrates" them a little with referee assignments, and teams are not allowed to complain.

I love how this is finally becoming common knowledge to anybody with a brain.

I feel vindicated, just a little bit, but vindicated.
Magic's Dwight Howard suspended for Game 6

Posted Apr 29 2009 3:40PM
NEW YORK -- Orlando Magic center Dwight Howard has been suspended one game without pay for elbowing Philadelphia 76ers center Samuel Dalembert in the head, it was announced today by Stu Jackson, NBA Executive Vice President, Basketball Operations.<script type="text/javascript">pos=160x600_bot&nba_rollup=allstar&nba_section=news&nba_subsection=article&page.allowcompete=yes&params.styles=fs","600","160"); </script>

The incident occurred with 9:15 remaining in the first period of Orlando's 91-78 victory over the 76ers in Game 5 of the Eastern Conference First Round at Amway Arena last night.

Howard will serve his suspension tomorrow night when the Magic faces the 76ers in Game 6 at Wachovia Center.

Why? Who cares? Do you feel cheated because the Spurs only won the 2007 NBA title because the NBA screwed the Suns? Would you have rather the Suns been at full strength and beat the Spurs?

1) Suns would have not won that series 'for sure', slight edge to SA even with PHX with the full squad. Not saying SA wins it, but you have even less of an argument saying they don't.

2) I was pissed at first, yes, and I am pissed at every injustice in sports, doesn't matter if it's in my team's advantage or disadvantage. It's just how I roll. I hate seeing my team win it on an officiating mistake or any kind of favoritism.

I don't mind they win it on a bloop play, I don't mind lucky or unlucky plays, but I do mind favoritism. Because if you don't mind it when it's in your (team's) favor, then you don't have much credibility calling it when it goes against you, do you?

BAR already explained to you, Suns don't just go and win that series. They have a legit shot with Amare and Diaw, but they don't just go and win it.

Also, I was really pissed at that time and I thought Amare did nothing wrong, he only went to check on Nash, and Horry, well, I've been watching him all his career and he wasn't a dirty player, really wasn't. But that day he was. And I wasn't happy to see that, that was a dirty play against Nash and I would have suspended Horry for 15 games for that. I would also have suspended anyone who got up from the bench to participate in the brawl.

Unfortunately, the league suspends everyone who gets up from the bench, period (during an on-court altercation).

Now that we got that in the way. No, I never wish anyone else harm, let alone for stupid sports purpose, I know you don't want LeBron dead or anything, but the guy is a young balla, he's playing really well and well you'll co-sign for him to break his ankle only to see your team win?

It's one thing not to value your win any less if the opponent is depleted, and I agree with you here, Howard should get the suspension and should be out of the next game, and by no means should you value the win (if you guys get it) any less had Howard, Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson been there. You win, that's that.

But to wish anyone else harm, that's something I disagree with big time, and I had the right to pull the lame card on the bolded sentence.

Then you went on comparing it to SA/PHX, and although it's not in direct correlation, I'll give you something there (since that was a dubious call), so I answered. I also have to tell you that situation ruined my playoffs.

I really wanted to see SA kick PHX ass once again, both teams at full steam, Mr run and gun D'Antoni and Pop. Spurs won anyway, but I didn't celebrate as I would have normally celebrated, feel free to check my posts from back then.

I would have PREFERRED for that not to have happened.
They win that series...and furthermore the whole landscape of the entire NBA would be different now. If DAntoni's system woulda won a title others woulda jumped on board. The league would have shifted to a more up and down the court game. It would be so much more entertaining. Those suspensions set the league back 10 years.

wow. Talking about an unreal post. I don't think I can relate to this, not as a Spurs fan, but as a hoops fan at all. First of all regardless of how these suspensions ruined the series for me personally, I also think that the rules are pretty clear. There was an on going on court altercation.

Players on the bench stand up and step onto the court or even near the court, it's a suspension. Horry was an idiot but that doesn't mean the league just invented those suspensions.

PHX would not have just won that series like nothing. It probably would have been closer than ever before, but I don't think they just go on and win it. Teams with no defense rarely have those "layup" series, even against sub .500 teams, and you're saying they have a layup against SA?

Well it's obviously something you want to believe then, I can't nor won't be trying to change your opinion, I don't care really. I just think you're exaggerating big time.

GL the rest of the way in the playoffs. My boys are done this year. :shake:
I think the one game suspension was warrented. It wasn't an accidental elbow, it was intentional. Wouldn't it be funny if the Magic beat the Sixers in game 6 though w/o him? LOL.
Yo man - I didnt mean to get you all riled up. I wasnt saying anything about the validity of those suspensions (in retrospect, they clearly broke the rule and by the letter of the law, should have been suspended...), or even that it was a lock the suns would have won (i think they probably would have, but no one knows for sure either way obviously) I was trying to bring up a situation you could relate to vis a vis whether or not you valued the win any less due to the opponent being in a weakened state

And I wouldnt actually be rooting for LeBron to break his ankle...that was just what popped into my head...but to miss the team bus or something and get suspended? or i dunno...somehow someway do something that would cause him to miss the games? Im all for that because it would theoretically give my team a better chance to win...

I may be off base here, but after talking to panos in the champions league thread about how he would (almost?) rather his team lose but play an aesthetically pleasing game whereas I wouldnt give a shit if it was the ugliest game in the history of sports as long as my team won, I think you Europeans view sports as more of an artform and relish the entertainment aspect of the game whereas I have more of a win at all costs, you play the game solely to win the game type attitude...
I disagree with Panos, don't worry. Panos is my buddy, we're both Liverpool fans, but I disagree about the aesthetic part, I don't care how they play, all I care about is they win fair, no officiating mistakes, fair play and that's it.

But I couldn't care less if they played a defensive game or whatever. Naturally I love seeing my team play better, in whatever sport, but results and trophies are what counts.

Missing the team bus is ok, with my 'lame' comment I was just referring to the breaking his ankle thing, nothing else. If he shoots 2/25 because he's fucked up mentally about something or misses the team bus or whatever, that's another thing, but messing up his ankle, I wouldn't want that to anyone.

Thanks for clearing this Suns thing up, because you sounded like you knew Suns would have advanced back then and that wasn't something you can just claim if you ask me.

Anyways GL against Magic, you really have a shot against these guys.