The NBA has one last shot...


Eagles Fan
at maintaining the little tiny shred of credibility it has left with me

Suspend that thug Dwight Howard for game 6.

Im not even going to get into how he shouldve been ejected last night and then we woulda won the game and finished them off tomorrow. Im gonna let that slide...

But if hes not suspended for game 6 the entire league is a complete and utter fraud
The NBA Rulebook:
k. A technical foul, unsportsmanlike act or flagrant foul must be called for a participant to be ejected. A player, coach or trainer may be ejected for:
(1) An elbow foul which makes contact shoulder level or below
(2) Any unsportsmanlike conduct where a technical foul is assessed
(3) A flagrant foul where unnecessary and/or excessive contact occurs
EXCEPTION: Rule 12A--Section V--l(5)
l. A player, coach or trainer must be ejected for:
(1) A punching foul
(2) A fighting foul
(3) An elbow foul which makes contact above shoulder level
Obviously I and most peole agree with you. It should happen.

Here is my question. Would this cheapen a game 6 win for you?

Another question as well. Would Howard come out like a man possessed in Game 7 if this occur?
But if hes not suspended for game 6 the entire league is a complete and utter fraud

The league is a complete and utter fraud. But that won't keep him from being suspended for tomorrow night.

Frankly, he should be suspended for the rest of the series.
Another question as well. Would Howard come out like a man possessed in Game 7 if this occur?

That's why I say it should be the series. If he connects with that shot Dalembert may be useless for the rest of the series. Where's the real punishment if you suspend the guy for one road game?
Obviously I and most peole agree with you. It should happen.

Here is my question. Would this cheapen a game 6 win for you?

Another question as well. Would Howard come out like a man possessed in Game 7 if this occur?

Hell no it wouldnt cheapen anything...ill take the win anyway I can get it...if we were playing Cleveland, id be rooting for LeBron to break his ankle....doesnt matter to me...

Though yeah I would be worried about him in game 7...but hopefully by then Ron Jeremy will have the team too worked up and nervous to even tie their shoes
The one thing here. He has a good to great reputation in the league. He hasn't displayed dirty behavior before. He is a very likeable guy. I think it will be the one game with a decent sized fine. I would assume we hear this at about 3 pm est today.
Hell no it wouldnt cheapen anything...ill take the win anyway I can get it...if we were playing Cleveland, id be rooting for LeBron to break his ankle....doesnt matter to me...

Though yeah I would be worried about him in game 7...but hopefully by then Ron Jeremy will have the team too worked up and nervous to even tie their shoes

I love it. A true fan.
Another question as well. Would Howard come out like a man possessed in Game 7 if this occur?

That's why I say it should be the series. If he connects with that shot Dalembert may be useless for the rest of the series. Where's the real punishment if you suspend the guy for one road game?

Yeah...he shoulda been ejected on the spot (disclosure: I didnt see the game - was at the Phillies game) and then they woulda had a better than 50/50 shot to win last night and close it out tomorrow

And I heard them say oh we didnt see it - thats why we didnt eject him? What the fuck is that? They review everything now - but because its Dwight Howard all the sudden the video monitors dont work???
The one thing here. He has a good to great reputation in the league. He hasn't displayed dirty behavior before. He is a very likeable guy. I think it will be the one game with a decent sized fine. I would assume we hear this at about 3 pm est today.

Hes such a douche. Seriously. What a dork. I hate him.
Should have been ejected right away, and should be suspended for game 6.

No question about it, that was a blatant cheap shot.
I think it will be the one game with a decent sized fine.

I think you're right. I don't think it's enough, but I think you're right.
I think it will be the one game with a decent sized fine.

I think you're right. I don't think it's enough, but I think you're right.

And let me tell you this Joe. I have yet to see the incident. I know that night you were looking for it during the late game and so was I. It never got show late at night on the highlight shows either. I am sure some Philly guys haqve it on youtube somewhere. I'll look in a few. I am basing my assumptions off of everything I have read so far etc. I thought it was interesting that this is being downplayed. Almost like Stern put out a gag order on the networks to keep this hush-hush.
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And let me tell you this Joe. I have yet to see the incident. I know that night you were looking for it during the late game and so was I. It never got show late at night on the highlight shows either. I am sure some Philly guys haqve it on youtube somewhere. I'll look in a few. I am basing my assumptions off of everything I have read so far etc. I thought it was interesting that this is being downplayed. Almost like Stern put out a gag order on the networks to keep this hush-hush.

Yeah which probably means he is going to attempt to only fine the guy and let him play in game 6.
Look at when that is...9 minutes left in the FIRST QUARTER!?!

Youre telling me if he gets tossed there, VanGundy doesnt go into full on panic mode and the Sixers dont have a better than 50/50 shot of winning that game??

15-20 years ago that isn't even a technical.

I say One-Game, 7500-10,000 and see ya in Game 7.
Nice find Smoke.

I agree with Legler thats pretty much a punch if anything its a blatant elbow that was meant to hurt someone. He has to be suspended at this point.
Look at when that is...9 minutes left in the FIRST QUARTER!?!

Youre telling me if he gets tossed there, VanGundy doesnt go into full on panic mode and the Sixers dont have a better than 50/50 shot of winning that game??

Obviously that 24-24 woulda been missed.
NBA spokesman Tim Frank confirmed to the Daily News this morning that Dwight Howard's elbow to the head of Samuel Dalembert in the first quarter of Tuesday night's Orlando Magic-76ers playoff game is being formally reviewed.

It remained unclear whether any decision would be forthcoming today.

Howard, the Magic center, hit Dalembert, the Sixers center. Howard was assessed a technial foul, although the rules stipulate that an elbow delivered above the shoulders includes an ejection.

The Orlando Sentinel reported today that ''Howard could be fined or suspended, or both. Replays show Howard's blow to be deliberate.''

The Sixers alerted the league to the situation last night. Commissioner David Stern was in attendance at Amway Arena.

Look at when that is...9 minutes left in the FIRST QUARTER!?!

Youre telling me if he gets tossed there, VanGundy doesnt go into full on panic mode and the Sixers dont have a better than 50/50 shot of winning that game??

Would have changed the entire complexion of the game at minimum. Surprising I did not hear DiLeo mention anything in his press conference about it he did make a plea for the 3 second violations that were not being called though as well.
Yeah, BAR, I finally saw it. And the only thing that makes this anywhere close to not a big deal is that he missed.

Basically he threw one of those, 'you've been f**king with me long enough, I'm pissed, I got the rebound, get off me' elbows--only he didn't have the ball. You really can't justify that.

But since he missed you can kind of brush it off. I'm not saying that's right, but you can.

I don't think his demeanor in the press conference helped him, though, he just sort of blew it off. He didn't laugh it off, just sort of brushed it aside saying he hoped there was no suspension. For a guy who's normally so up front about things, he didn't come off well.

That all said, the reason I don't see any conspiracy here is because as much as the league likes Howard, they could care less if this team plays another playoff game or not. They want Lebron on TV, they want Kobe on TV, and they want DWade highlights on ESPN. Howard's fun at all star time, but nobody's watching Orlando/Philly, the league doesn't care about either of those teams one bit.
If ***** Dalembert wasnt the stupidest player in the NBA (and thats not debatable) he woulda went all Anderson Varejao and went down and stayed down until they had to carry him out on a stretcher
Commissioner David Stern was in attendance at Amway Arena.

Probably was thinking how can I cover this one up with that vintage Stern dumbfounded look on his face.
If ***** Dalembert wasnt the stupidest player in the NBA (and thats not debatable) he woulda went all Anderson Varejao and went down and stayed down until they had to carry him out on a stretcher

A long sentence but three just very funny things in it.

15-20 years ago that isn't even a technical.

I say One-Game, 7500-10,000 and see ya in Game 7.

Speaking of 15-20 years ago, does Vinny del ***** have enough sense in him to send someone out to just hammer Rondo the first time he goes to the hole? I find it hard to believe that doesn't happen, but as soft as the league is these days, who knows.

In the early 90's, Rondo would be in the third row the first time he went to the basket.
he woulda went all Anderson Varejao and went down and stayed down until they had to carry him out on a stretcher

Yeah, Rudy Fernandez saw this highlight and just shook his head.
Yeah, BAR, I finally saw it. And the only thing that makes this anywhere close to not a big deal is that he missed.

Basically he threw one of those, 'you've been f**king with me long enough, I'm pissed, I got the rebound, get off me' elbows--only he didn't have the ball. You really can't justify that.

But since he missed you can kind of brush it off. I'm not saying that's right, but you can.

I don't think his demeanor in the press conference helped him, though, he just sort of blew it off. He didn't laugh it off, just sort of brushed it aside saying he hoped there was no suspension. For a guy who's normally so up front about things, he didn't come off well.

That all said, the reason I don't see any conspiracy here is because as much as the league likes Howard, they could care less if this team plays another playoff game or not. They want Lebron on TV, they want Kobe on TV, and they want DWade highlights on ESPN. Howard's fun at all star time, but nobody's watching Orlando/Philly, the league doesn't care about either of those teams one bit.

Yeah, didn't see the press conference. But, sounds like he acted out of the ordinary for him. I totally understand what your saying from a league standpoint. But, this is the only big guy(maybe Bynum) that Stern has to market right now. I think it is inbetween. Your right, this series has been relegated to NBA TV a time or two. Not the biggest draw despite three great finishes.
And its quite a fucking accomplishment to be the stupidest player in the NBA, but its really not even close

If he took the Wonderlic test, hed make Vince Young look like fucking Einstein

Can you imagine? They should definitely make the NBA players take the wonderlic test just for the comedic value of the scores alone...
If he fully connected Howard would have broken *****'s jaw. The thing is dude is not apologetic at all and finds no fault in his action. Van Gundy just makes joke of it and they are both brushing it off as a part of the game. ***** really could have gotten hurt.

He will be ejected for 1 game because there is more revenue to be had if the series goes to a game 7.
Sucks for Philly fans because he should have been ejected and Philly should be playing to close the series at home.
Speaking of 15-20 years ago, does Vinny del ***** have enough sense in him to send someone out to just hammer Rondo the first time he goes to the hole? I find it hard to believe that doesn't happen, but as soft as the league is these days, who knows.

In the early 90's, Rondo would be in the third row the first time he went to the basket.

Exactly. Put a benchwarmer out there. Not sure who is sitting back there. Maybe Aaron Gray and give him a hard foul or two. It't the playoffs. No layups. It's frustrating man. I am not advocating dirty play but hard fouls.
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If ***** Dalembert wasnt the stupidest player in the NBA (and thats not debatable) he woulda went all Anderson Varejao and went down and stayed down until they had to carry him out on a stretcher

He's Canadian to a fault, we are an honest people:tiphat:
And its quite a fucking accomplishment to be the stupidest player in the NBA, but its really not even close

If he took the Wonderlic test, hed make Vince Young look like fucking Einstein

Can you imagine? They should definitely make the NBA players take the wonderlic test just for the comedic value of the scores alone...

Yeah, thats a whole nother thread but we could make a list of dum-dums in the NBA.
In the early 90's, Rondo would be in the third row the first time he went to the basket.

Jeff Van Gundy would have taken that guy out himself.

For that matter, Jeff would have been clinging to Dwight Howard's leg for the rest of the first quarter or until Stern came down out of the stands and pulled him off.
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In the early 90's, Rondo would be in the third row the first time he went to the basket.

Jeff Van Gundy would have taken that guy out himself.

For that matter, Jeff would have been clinging to Dwight Howard's leg for the rest of the first quarter or until Stern came down out of the stands and pulled him off.
Seriously, in today's league, Charles Oakley and guys like that wouldn't stand a chance. They'd foul out in 5 minutes. Either that or Stern would have them clipped the first time they hit one of his superstars.
Oakley was the man and I do hope someone on Chicago sends a clear message to Rondo tomorrow night............dont f**k with us little man.
Yeah, somebody--somebody who's not Brad Miller because he's like four inches and 200 lbs. bigger than the guy--but somebody needs to set a really, really hard screen right out of the gate on Rondo.

It's like a brushback pitch or a bean ball in baseball. Do it and it's over with and everybody can move on.
Nobody on the Bulls have the balls to do anything. the last thing they need is to get the Celtics motivated.

Best thing for the Bulls to do is win the next 2 games, that does all the talking for them.
Yeah, somebody--somebody who's not Brad Miller because he's like four inches and 200 lbs. bigger than the guy--but somebody needs to set a really, really hard screen right out of the gate on Rondo.

It's like a brushback pitch or a bean ball in baseball. Do it and it's over with and everybody can move on.

Exactly....send the message and play on
Nobody on the Bulls have the balls to do anything. the last thing they need is to get the Celtics motivated.

Best thing for the Bulls to do is win the next 2 games, that does all the talking for them.

I disagree on getting the Celts fired up if anything at this point they probably feel they can do whatever they want to the Bulls. If someone on Chicago steps up it could spark the Bulls and bring them closer together. The Celtics are defending their title what more could get them motivated at this point?

Do you think Noah would be a good candidate? I really do not follow the Bulls but he seems to be one to come to mind for setting a message implying screen.