The Grind Continues Sunday MLB Discussion

fwiw - various Sunday Night spot tidbits...

- no road team has scored in the 1st for 9 games

- no road team has led after the end of the 1st (13 games)

- only 1 road team has led after 5 innings

- no road team has totaled 4-7 runs/no home team has totaled 5-6 runs

- Games in which the loser wasn't shutout have gone 6-2-1 to Over

Took Yanks to win the 1st for a sprinkle.
last 13 starts 1 team has scored less than 2 runs vs a Kuroda start.

My definition of sweet FA run support is 1 run or less (that's sweet fuck all by anyone's definition)

therefore Kuroda getting sweet FA run support over his last 13 starts would've resulted in 1 win

1 win and 12 losses at +1000 every game is a loss of (cuse me, damn decimal conversions) 2 units = no value

make sense now?
But that's not what I was referring to. I'm just talking about this start. If he was to pitch a good game the line on Saturday would be a bit higher on Saturday solely based on public perception. I think it'll be a bit shorter given that the O's have smacked him around for two games now.
Before this game, the 2 highest scoring Sun night innings were the 6th & 7th.

6th saw 1 run scored, 7th has runners on 2 & 3, 0 out.

fwiw - the middle 3 innings have delivered almost as many runs (46) as the 1st 3 & last 3 innings combined (currently 54)