• 2nd Chance Survivor -- Contest Forum for Details!!

The Best Site


Active Member
I am a newbie to the CTG. You guys are running the best site out there with so many info. and many great cappers contributing. Keep up the excellent works!!!
GL buddy, and thanks for the compliments...

We´re looking forward to basketball season as well, hope you can give us some insight to the Big 12 and the new OU coach, etc... (lol)...

GL this week!
one difference is its not congested .........furthermore people dont just post to post.. they post what they really are playing and you can watch them win or jump on board......

i rarely post unless i think a play is worth telling others about..
barmoycm said:
one difference is its not congested .........furthermore people dont just post to post.. they post what they really are playing and you can watch them win or jump on board......

i rarely post unless i think a play is worth telling others about..

i might be the exeption as i post to post!!
KK..I think she has ripped ya a few more times than that..lol

Welcome to the site. Members like yourself make this one of the best, fastest growing sports information sites on the net.
redbearde said:
She wants your teabag, bro...and some of this...

