*** The 2024 NBA Finals -- Boston vs Dallas -- Discussion ***

Biggest finals in a few years to say the least. Pre series perspectives - not how any of them actually played out.

Throw out any finals with the Heat recently. Just a joke. Goodbye 23 and 20.

Goodbye Disney bowl - again 2020.

Bucks Suns was okay.

Celtics Dubz was okay.

Raptors Warriors was blah with the KD and Klay injuries.
Biggest finals in a few years to say the least. Pre series perspectives - not how any of them actually played out.

Throw out any finals with the Heat recently. Just a joke. Goodbye 23 and 20.

Goodbye Disney bowl - again 2020.

Bucks Suns was okay.

Celtics Dubz was okay.

Raptors Warriors was blah with the KD and Klay injuries.

Man, I’m not sure, at least from an interest level. Hell, based on the chatter (or lack there of) on this site about the Finals, among lack of interest I sense from others, it just doesn’t seem like a compelling Finals.
So for game 2 is the approach
1. Take Mavs +7 because there’s no way Celtics can match what they did in game 1, and Mavs and Kyrie will certainly play better…. This is what I am hearing most

Or 2

The above is exactly what Vegas wants you to think. Not falling for that trap, Celtics ARE that good.
So for game 2 is the approach
1. Take Mavs +7 because there’s no way Celtics can match what they did in game 1, and Mavs and Kyrie will certainly play better…. This is what I am hearing most

Or 2

The above is exactly what Vegas wants you to think. Not falling for that trap, Celtics ARE that good.
Gotta be #1

All the sudden the C’s don’t have a shit game? I don’t believe that.
Been drinking the coolaid since the days of Cousy and Russ so I've seen a few championship squads and this one has the look. Pound all the stats you want while I'm just giving you the eye test. They are more talented than Dallas at almost every level. Down low give me KP and Al all day long against the Mavs bigs. Wings are not even a discussion, massive edge to the Celts. Backcourt is an edge to the Mavs but I'll go to war with D White and Jrue any fukn day and feel good about it. Bench edge goes to the Celts. I believe the Celtics are the tougher team, the banging won't phase them in the least and I kind of believe they welcome the rough stuff. Watch Jrue fight over picks out front and even slam into the screener to try and get over, and if he can't then he gets handed off to D White. Watch both guards crash the paint from the corners when a shot goes up creating second chance opportunies on the offensive glass. The Celts team defense is underated if that's even possible with guys seemingly coming from the clouds to block and alter shots. Tatum is the best rebounder on the floor nightly and the rest of the cast is above average. They are extremely well prepared to do battle, with a focus I haven't seen on a regular basis in years. Give Joe M a little bit of credit for having these guys this ready for seemingly anything Dallas will throw at them. I know, low bar with Joe but I firmly believe he is a better coach today than he was 4 months ago. So that's the intangibles rolling around my feable mind. I haven't discussed the Celts offense vs the Mavs D and I see no reason to expound except to say that if the Celtics play up to capabilities on the offensive end there is NOTHING Dallas can do to stop the onslaught. Now, will they play up to their capabilities? Probably not based on their body of work but it's scary to think about if you're backing the Mavs. IMO the Celts didn't play that well in game one. They came out tossing bricks from deep and had their usual unfocused lapses at the end of 2Q and most of 3Q. That's going to happen with this bunch unfortunately. But if they limit the damage during those lulls this series probably won't last long. Also, they're perfectly capable of going 9 for 42 from three point land so there's that to consider. That's my take from behind the green colored glasses.
Luka downgraded to questionable from probable. Likely won’t matter; he’ll play and probably play quite well, regardless
Anyone happen to know the betting #s and $$ breakdown for the game tonight? All I see is people all over Mavs tonight. Curious what the #s show
Celtics and Mavs likely split the next 2. Just gotta figure which is which. Conventional wisdom tells you Mavs take this next one……

Will be a short turnaround Wed to Friday for Luka. You can see him literally wear down come 4th. He has nothing left. But you’d think guns blazing for Game 3.
No one was right and no one was wrong.

Dallas and Over Im with Cavs. Seems too easy for sure.
Dallas needs to make this one frenetic.

Look at games in Indianapolis.

Agreeing on some types of overs as well (obviously great insight in VCs game thread).
Rarely play the NBA but pretty large on Dallas tonight. Heavy ML at 145 but oh well. So many things pointing in that direction, borderline scary.

Sometimes you just ignore the obviousness and run with it. Tonight we do.
I've read the new cba makes it hard to build a super team now. But assuming Boston closes it out the Mouse is off their back now. Their starting 5 is the best around and all All Stars imo. I don't know what White makes but they are all $30m+ guys. Brown is highest paid in league now and Tatum will be. Still all in prime except horford. Coach gets alot of flack but they're performing for him on both ends. None of the genius coaches in the West could figure out the Dallas lob dunks but Boston has. What I'm trying to say is this team could go on title run. They just have more better players than anyone else. Give gm credit. Getting porzingus and especially holiday put them over the top. Who will be any better next few years? And I don't even like them lol
Porzingis has done very little for Boston this postseason.

C's fit the narrative of you have to lose (and lose, and lose, and lose) in the playoffs and then eventually all the chips will fall in your favor and you'll luck out with a 'ship.

If they didn't win it all this season the entire organization would have been burnt down to the ground.

They were gifted a match-up vs a team that matches up against them extremely poorly.

That being said, Boston franchises know how to produce a good choke job...
Porzingis has done very little for Boston this postseason.

C's fit the narrative of you have to lose (and lose, and lose, and lose) in the playoffs and then eventually all the chips will fall in your favor and you'll luck out with a 'ship.

If they didn't win it all this season the entire organization would have been burnt down to the ground.

They were gifted a match-up vs a team that matches up against them extremely poorly.

That being said, Boston franchises know how to produce a good choke job...
Well said
Porzingis has done very little for Boston this postseason.

C's fit the narrative of you have to lose (and lose, and lose, and lose) in the playoffs and then eventually all the chips will fall in your favor and you'll luck out with a 'ship.

If they didn't win it all this season the entire organization would have been burnt down to the ground.

They were gifted a match-up vs a team that matches up against them extremely poorly.

That being said, Boston franchises know how to produce a good choke job...
I'm a little higher on them than you obviously. I think they'll win 2 or 3 more titles in the next 5 years without key injuries. 2 All NBA players in their prime and 3 other All Star caliber players. They'll have to replace Horford and likely replace key bench guys but I don't see any contenders building a better starting 5. Every contender has more big IFs than them. I'm a San Diego guy so always partial to lakers. Don't really like Boston. But they're loaded and pretty young for the most part. Think they dominate here for a few years.
Tatum not forcing shots and moving the ball around finding an open shot is telling me he has been in the lab...hearing tatum is getting surgey on his wrist should be back by xmass...
Kryie making statements is cool he has definitely grown in Dallas but man dont start throwing fuel in the fire bro
..dude burned sage and stomped on lucky ...havent crack 100 in the playoffs...zero ball movement...